Hello everyone! This is the Last chapter. How sad :-(. Anways I will only do a sequel if wanted. Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom, The Suite Life Of Zack and Cody, or CSI: NY! By the way I would like to think everyone who reviewd!
"What happened?" asked Danny as he came back to consiousness.
"Danny I'm Stella and this is Linsday and we work for the police department," stated Stella. "Do you mind if we ask some questions?"
"If its about that fight or about Paulina fuck that," he spat.
"Danny look it says you had an to many pills. What is that all about were you tring to commit suiside?" asked Linsday.
"Is that why I'm tied up? Look I never took those pills," he stated stubbornly.
"Were you raped by this Paulina?" asked Stella. Danny went in pure panic. I'm screwed soon the whole world will know I'm Danny Phantom and that I raped Paulina which is a lie she raped me, but she is to damn popular shit shit shit he thought.
"Danny are you ok?" asked Linsday.
"Who told you?" he asked.
"You just did," stated Stella.
"No I didn't," he denied.
"It was written all over your face," said Stella.
"There is no way out of this is there?" he asked knowing where this was going.
"Nope," responded Stella.
"Look she was black mailing me with helping Danny Phantom, who has a bad rap, by skipping school. I know its wrong because my parnents are ghost hunters, but I like helping people. I had no way out, but then I came to Boston to start over. Then I found out about the custody arrangements, and then I was sad, but happy I was away from Paulina. Then she found me here and raped me and gave me that medicine which caused me to pass out," he finished.
"Wow that whole fight she made you do?" asked Linsday completely shocked.
"Yeah and by the way how did you know it was rape and not suiside?"
"There was a case like this once," said Stella. "And don't worry Danny I'll get her."
"Thanks, but please don't tell them I'll tell them when I'm ready."
"Of course," said Stella as she and Linsday left.
Three weeks later Paulina was sent to jail. She tried to prove that Danny was Phantom and that he raped her. London and Maddie covered him and as soon as he was back at the Tipton he explained the whole thing about him being Phantom. He did a web show for London, signed one of Maddie's campains, and showed Zack and Cody some of his ghostly abilities. Things were back to normal almost.
"Hey Danny are you sure this is a good idea to go home? Vlad and Mr. Tipton still have the spa thing to build?" asked Maddie.
"Yeah you do better here," said Cody.
"Please stay!" said London.
"Please dude!" said Zack.
"Look I'm needed by my parents and Amity Park who else is gonna protect them?" asked Danny. He knew leaving would be hard. "You guys are really good friends and I promise to vist even bring my friends if they don't hate me."
"They will understan I know Vlad explained the whole thing and that the custody rights were changed," said Maddie. Truth was Vlad told them about the whole thing because he felt guilty about the whole anger increaser thing just so he would make his parents mad casuing them to disown Danny.
The gav pulled in front off the hotel. Here it goes. He looked at the time and it read 7:30 a.m. and saw that it was pouring outside.
Well, I know that it's early
And it's too hard to think
He remebered that stupid needle that put him in the hospital that saved him even though it helped Paulina have sex with him.
And the broken empty bottles
Are reminder in the sink
"Guys I know this is hard, but I have to get things right again" he said.
But I thought that I should tell you
If it's not to late to say
I could put back all the pieces,
They just might not fit the same
Nothing's worth losing
Especially the chance to make it right
And I know that we're gonna be fine
And the tattooed mistakes
Are gonna fade over time
As long as we live, time passes by
And we won't get it back when we die
His parents just walked in and look at him. It had been years since he was close to them and then her started to part from them.
Well, I know it's been years now,
And I don't look the same
And the hopes and dreams you had for me
You thought went down the drain.
And the room feels so empty
where my pictures used to be
And I can't say that I blame you,
But you can't blame me
Cuz nothing's worth losing
Especially the chance to make it right
And I know that we're gonna be fine
And the tattooed mistakes are gonna fade over time
As long as we live, time passes by
And we won't get it back when we die
Come over
Come over
Cause I gotta know,
If I am doing this all on my own
Come over
Come over
How can I show you if you're not here
He walked up to them and said, "I'm sorry." They hugged him in return.
And I know that we're gonna be fine
And the tattooed mistakes
Are gonna fade over time
As long as we live, time passes by
And we won't get it back when we die
And I know that we're gonna be fine
And the tattooed mistakes
are gonna fade over time
As long as we live, time passes by
And we won't get it back when we die
Come over
Come over
Danny said his good bye's and got into the Gav. About half way there the car stopped. "Whats wrong guys?" he asked.
"Danny it just that going home is going to be hard since you put Paulina in jail and you have been doing so well...." Maddie started.
"Mom you want me to stay don't you?"
"Yeah I kinda do."
"Man now things are goning to get boring," whinned Zack. Everyone else looked down. Just then the door opened showing Danny at the door.
"Hey guys I left something here," he stated. The hope in all their faces went away. "Just kidding I'm staying!"
They ran up to him and hugged him. "Why did you change your mind?" Maddie asked.
"My mom told me that other kids would give me crap about the whole Paulina thing so they said to stay and I love you guys to much to leave."
"Well not to be selfish, but we wanted you to stay," London said as Maddie and London kissed the sides of Danny's cheeks. His face went bright red.
"Lets go bowling," stated Danny so they all left.