Disclaimer: Everything in HP belongs to JKR, Warner Bros etc, this is just for fun, no disrespect intended nor any profit being made! except for those two adorable boys (ashton and damien) who are all mine! :)

A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait, but i had a really hard time writing this chapter, i re-wrote it about 3 times, but i didnt like it. now as it stands is completely different than i imagined it would be and i'm still not sure if i like it! hmm...

Muffin-Chan: Thank you so much hun, i am soo happy you liked my story and hope you will enjoy this chapter as well. and dont get sad it's over, the sequel is still to come, the boys will be back very soon :)

Ralaj(at)live(dot)com: Thank you, yes it's certainly is emotional (maybe a teeny bit too much! lol!) but i can't help it! :P this chapter is not too shmoopy so i hope you will enjoy :)

This is beta's by my wonderful friend Suzie, who really did help me a LOT with this chapter; as i said i really struggled with this one!

I want to Dedicate this story to everyone who read, reviewed, or put it on story alarts, favourites, you guys have inspired me and helped me so much that i can not express my gratitude in words. thank you so much guys i love you all :)

Chapter 15:

Six months later:

Harry slumped on the sofa with an 'oomph' they had been unpacking all day, and finally there were some sort of order in the mess they called their possession.

Harry looked around his new living room, and even though he was tired to the bone he couldn't help feeling happy, in the last six month his life had changed so much…for the better.

Harry closed his eyes and let out a relaxed breath, he couldn't believe how excited he was and it was all due to three Malfoy's. Harry laughed at the irony, whoever thought any Malfoy would be responsible for Harry Potter's eternal happiness.

"What are you smiling about?" ah there he was.

Harry opened his eyes as the blonde sat next to him in the exact manner Harry himself did, Harry could see the tiredness in Draco's posture, his usual pristine hair looking frazzled, but the blonde's grey eyes were sparkling with the same excitement Harry felt.

"I'm smiling at my good luck; I still wonder how I've managed to land three Malfoy's in one swoop," Harry replied as he put his arm around the Blonde.

"Well you do seem to have extremely good luck." Draco said his tone completely serious but his eyes dancing with amusement.

Harry just smiled and pulled the blonde even closer to him.

"I'm so happy we finally finished all the unpacking and if I see another cardboard box in my life I'm going to set it on fire," Draco scowled.

Harry just made an agreeable noise, he knew by now when Draco started to rant it was safest to let him get it all out.

"And did you see what Weasley did to my Persian throw? He just put it in a pile in the corner box like it was some sort of cheap rug," Draco sounded offended.

Which Harry reckons Draco probably was, Ron and Neville helped them "move" and the blonde was thoroughly incensed that Harry asked them without asking Draco first. Draco had been throwing digs at them both all day and they (good natured Gryffindors that they are!) took it all in good humour, which seemed to rile the blonde up even more.

"And thank goodness the boys weren't here today, although I worry that they are spending too much time with the Weasleys, though it seems like Granger is a good sort even if she did have the bad taste to marry that weasel," Draco said as he yawned.

Harry wasn't fooled at all by those declarations; he knew Draco had no rancour towards the Weasleys. Harry was really surprised at how good Draco went along with them after the initial shock wore off, him and Mrs. Weasley immediately bonded over cooking of all things, and in no time at all Draco was calling her mum-Molly like Harry and showing her how to make fajitas and pizzas. Arthur and he seemed to be cooped up at Arthur's garage to discuss muggle items whenever he was at the Barrow; Draco also had introduced him to computers and the joys of internet. Draco and Hermione were almost friends sharing baby stories and apparently having "intellectual" conversations that were wasted on their other halves. He goaded and teased Ron who teased him right back but anybody could see there was no nastiness involved, just habit. They weren't best friends and probably never will be but they weren't enemies either and Harry was happy with whatever effort both of them made. No the only Weasley Draco seemed any problem with was Ginny; and Ginny seemed to share the same feeling when it came to Draco.

Harry couldn't understand it at all, he knew Draco knew any feelings between Ginny and Harry ended right after the war, now Harry saw her just as a sister, nothing more nothing less and Ginny knew that as well, she was in love with Neville. So what was the big problem?

When he asked Draco about it, Draco was adamant that Harry left it alone, but Harry wasn't a Gryffindor for nothing. He pushed and pushed until Draco gave in and blurted out, "It's just that every time I see her, I realise how close I was to losing you, how I would've never been this happy if only…"

"Exactly Draco, if only! I love you not her. For god's sake Draco I'm gay, and even I was the least bit inclined to date women, it would never be Ginny." Harry reassured the blonde his exasperation clear in his voice.

After that conversation things between Draco and Ginny "improved" a bit, well improved as in they didn't show open hostility towards each other but just seem to avoid each other.

Harry looked down on his lap to see the blonde has fallen asleep, his mouth a little open just like Damien sleeps. Harry missed having the boys around today, the house was unnaturally quite. They seemed to have taken to the magical world like duck to water, Damien excited beyond words always asking Harry or Draco (who finally had his wand back from Harry) to show him how to levitate the pens or make the papers dance which always seemed to send him in fits of giggles. Ashton on the other hand drank everything in like he had been thirsty for years; he asked them so many questions about theories of magic and history of Hogwarts, Harry just introduced him to Hermione who was absolutely delighted by him and his endless questions.

Harry knew Draco had been most apprehensive about seeing his parents again and telling them about the boys.

It took them about two months to come back to magical world, Draco had to sell the flat, leave his job, the boys had to leave school and Harry admitted to using a bit of harmless magic to speed the process. They moved in to Harry's flat near Diagon Alley and after an nerve wrecking afternoon with the Weasleys, Draco decided it was time to stop being a coward and see his parents.

Harry wanted to go with him but Draco insisted that this was something he had to do alone, which is why he was leaving the boys with Harry, "I don't want to shock them too much at one time Harry."


Draco was so nervous he felt like he was going to be sick. He didn't know how to react when he saw his parents; Harry had assured him that they were more mellowed now and he had to laugh that Harry seemed to know his parents better than him! And that was the crux of the problem, the feelings of guilt was overwhelming for Draco. His parent had been devastated when Draco left and he knew that they would be but he still cut them out of his life. They didn't even know they were grandparents, he knew how disappointed his parents will be when they find out the whole truth. He pulled on the neck of his new robes uncomfortably; he was so used to wearing muggle clothes now days that he really didn't feel comfortable wearing wizard robes anymore. But he knew he probably wouldn't be able to get past the manor gates if he looked like a muggle. Draco prayed for some courage as he stood in front of the manor doors and pulled the old fashioned knocker.

The doors opened and he looked down to see Tippy their head house-elf looking more clean then he ever seen them with her big eyes that were now filled with tears.

"Master Draco has returned! Oh my mistress will be so happy" her voice even more squeaky and laced tears.

"Hello Tippy," Draco offered a smile and braced himself for what was about to come.

"Oh master remembers Tippy, Tippy is so unworthy," she was fully sobbing now.

"Tip-tip, why you cry?" said a soft voice from behind the stairs.

Oh, Draco felt like he had been punched in the stomach, it was like looking at a miniature version of himself. That must be Dominic…his brother.

Draco didn't even think about him when he considering coming to see his parents, but now that Draco saw him, standing there like a proper little wizard with his brows farrowed in concentration Draco felt a tug in his heart…this was his brother, his little brother he always wanted when he was growing up, and now that he had one Draco wasn't going to waste his chance, his mind made up Draco took a step forward.

"Hello, you must be Dominic," he said as he kneeled down in front of the little boy.

"Yes, I'm Dominic Scorpios Malfoy," he replied like proper little wizard.

"Well Dominic, I'm Draco," Draco offered his hand to Dominic who quickly took it, his tiny hands seemed to be engulfed by Draco's just like it did with Damien or Ashton and Draco felt a lump in his throat.

"Draco? I have a brother whose name is Draco as well, but he doesn't come to visit me, my mummy cries whenever I ask about my brother. Do you know my brother?" Draco felt like someone stabbed him in the heart at his brother proclamation.

"Dominic, who are you talking to over there?" Draco's heart twisted, he knew that voice. He hadn't heard that gentle tone since the night of the final battle. Draco got up whatever courage he had left and turned around to face his mother for the first time in seven years.

"Dominic, how many times have I to…" her chiding tone disappeared as she saw the stranger turn, her face betraying every emotion she felt, shock, anger, sadness and the love…oh the love shined in her eyes and finally the tears came.

With half chocked half laughing cry she threw herself at Draco, who now had tears running down his face as well and caught her in his arms just in times.

She buried her face and sobbed, all Draco could hear was, "Oh my Draco, my baby…I knew it…oh my Draco," over and over again.

Noise of another sobbing made Draco looked down; his brother was crying as well, looking scared and not understanding what was happening. Draco adjusted his hold on his mother and dragged his brother closer to him with his other hand, all three of them crying like there was no tomorrow.

"Well now isn't this a touching scene?" sarcasm clear in the voice.

Draco looked up to see his father standing in the hallway, looking cool, suspicion clear in his grey eyes.

His father's voice seemed to jar his mother from her crying daze; she moved away from him enough to look up in to his eyes as if she still couldn't believe Draco was in front of her eyes.

She seemed to be stuck to her place and didn't even seem to notice when Lucius came around her to pick Dominic up! To say Draco was shocked would be an understatement, he knew Harry said his father had mellowed but he didn't think he would ever see the day when Lucius Malfoy picks up any child like a "plebeian" as his father was so fond of referring anyone who showed any sign of affection to their child.

"Who are you?" oh boy, his father didn't sound happy…not happy at all.

"Well father, I had hoped even though it has been nearly a decade you would still recognise your own flesh and blood," Draco said with a bravado he really didn't feel.

Lucius didn't say anything to that just kept looking at Draco with such intense scrutiny that made Draco feel like he was eleven again; when he broke into his father's study without permission.

Then suddenly he grabbed Draco's hand almost violently and pulled the sleeve of his robes staring intently at his pale arm. It was so sudden that it took Draco a minute to get his bearing, when he collected himself he realised his father was staring at his un-marked arm where everyone (including Harry) had assumed that Draco had the dark mark, what they didn't know was Voldemort never branded Draco as a Death Eater; apparently a "snivelling cowardly little Malfoy" wasn't worthy enough to be part of The Dark Lord's inner circle, Draco had never been more happy to be unworthy of anything in his life.

Suddenly Lucius gasped and grabbing Draco's wrist pulled him into a hug, it was certainly awkward, as Dominic was still hanging on his other side looking at Draco with his wide grey eyes. But Draco didn't care, to be honest his father had never been physically affectionate with him, this was the first hug he received from his dad since he was seven years old and he enjoyed this one to the fullest.

As suddenly as Lucius grabbed him, that suddenly he let go of Draco as if it dawned on him that Draco really was here. He righted his hold on Dominic and took a step back, making him stand next to Narcissa, without realising they stood like they were posing for a family portrait. Draco had to bite his lips from saying something stupid or hurtful like 'don't you guys look like the perfect family' but he knew that would be selfish, he was the one who left, but god he was jealous!

"Hello father, mother," he nodded to them in turn; it was going to be a long day.

End Flashback

Draco didn't tell Harry exactly what he told his parents, but next thing Harry knew Draco came through Harry's floo with his Parents in tow. Narcissa had been so overwhelmed by seeing her grand sons she hugged them both and cried for a good ten minutes, while Lucius stood in the corner looking at the scene with a stoic look on his face. Draco wasn't untouched by the scene either, Harry saw him wipe his eyes couple of times. That night they went to bed and Harry could tell Draco was both emotionally and physically exhausted but Harry was happy that Draco wasn't pushing him away and allowing Harry to be there for him just like he would be there for Harry; if needed. As Harry was falling asleep that night he thought about the day they spent and knew without a doubt he would spend the rest of his life making his Draco happy.

A glint on his peripheral vision caught Harry out of his day-dreaming, Draco was fully asleep now and the glint was coming from the light that reflected on his left hand. Harry smiled and picked up the hand that was as lovely as the rest of Draco and his eyes found what he was a looking for, it was a medium width almost plain platinum band except for the embedded little diamonds that Harry was scared at first was going to look feminine and Draco would kick his ass for thinking he was a girl or something. Harry could almost hear Draco's voice as he was buying the ring, "Just because I cried just a little when you told me you loved me Potter, doesn't mean I'm the freaking girl in this relationship. Actually you're the girl if you could come up with such sappy lines." But Harry had fallen in love when he saw the ring, it was simple yet elegant, and Harry thought Draco might just like it.

Harry was wrong, Draco didn't like it…he loved it, his exact words were, "Well Potter, how can I say no when you bought me such a lovely ring. But mind you I'm only saying yes because I want that ring," but the tears and love in his eyes told Harry what he needed to know and the rest of the night was spent in sweet oblivion.

Harry smiled when he thought back at the proposal; Harry spent an entire week trying to think of the most romantic way to propose but it all seemed wrong for them. When Harry finally asked they were in Harry's old living room watching a movie, the kids fast asleep on one side of him and Draco had his head on his lap much like he has now and Harry just blurted it out, "Draco?"

"Hmm?" he sounded half-asleep himself.

"Will you marry me?" that made Draco shot out of the sofa like someone hexed him, he was wide awake now.

"I'm sorry but I thought I heard you say you wanted to marry me or something," he said shaking his head as if ready to laugh it off as a joke.

But Harry didn't give him the chance, he stood in front of Draco and took his scowling face in his hands and gently kissed him on the lips, "Would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me. Please?" he offered a weak smile.

Draco looked so stunned he didn't speak for a minute and then smirked, "Well Potter, it seems you finally lost it. So have you bought a ring or is this another one of your Gryffindor foolishness," even though he sounded like he couldn't care less Harry could see the emotions storming in those grey eyes, Draco was scared…he was scared of hoping.

Harry took the ring that he literally took with him everywhere he went, out of the pockets of his sweatpants and gave it to Draco; he was still feeling too nervous to say anything that might change Draco's mind.

Draco took the ring from his hands stared at it for a long time and the rest as they say was history.

That was three months ago and since then their life had been crazy, their family had been very happy upon hearing about their engagement, even Lucius seemed nice as he even cracked a pained smile at Arthur at Harry and Draco's engagement party (courtesy of Hermione, Molly and Narcissa), Harry knew he was only being so agreeable because Narcissa threatened him, who seemed to get along famously with Molly and Hermione.

If their family was happy for them the rest of the magical world hadn't been so welcoming about the news. The media went into frenzy, the Daily Prophet claiming that Draco had been in hiding, secretly working towards resurrecting Voldemort and Harry was now under some sort of a spell or potion.

They received everything from howlers to how to throw of imperious or love spells instructions leaflets.

After a week of hounding, Harry sued the Prophet for both libel and slander (successfully, he still was the boy-who-lived and was Slytherin enough to know how to use it to his advantage!) and gave an exclusive interview to the Quibbler that smoothed a couple of ruffled feathers.

The change wasn't instant but it has been nearly two months after that interview and they haven't received a howler since, there were still a few angry publics but the majority of the magical world seemed to have backed off.

Harry looked around his living room again, they had fallen in love with the house as soon as they saw it, and the boys have loved the huge garden they never had in New York. The house was a small mansion; it had ten bedrooms, a huge kitchen that Draco instantly worshipped, five bathrooms, the master bedroom was magnificent with its big windows and an en-suite and a walk-in closet.

The boys were adamant about sharing a room, and Draco decorated their rooms in a magical castle theme, which they instantly adored. Draco also allocated rooms for Teddy, Mark, Dominic and Rosie for whenever they would come to visit, which he quipped knowing Harry and his boys would be a lot. When Harry enquired who rest of the rooms were for Draco just blushed and changed the subject. Harry let go of the topic because he had a feeling he might know what Draco was blushing about.

Harry looked down at his fiancé (he still shivered whenever he thought fiancé) and smiled he still couldn't believe how his life changed so much in such a short amount of time. He brushed the hair off Draco's face, poor baby was completely worn out, they finished all the un-packing today, they were officially moved in.

Harry couldn't get wait till they would get married, they both wanted a small intimate ceremony with just their family and close friends and put it on hold till they were finally moved in. Lucius offered them the manor gardens and after seeing the extensive grounds Harry could definitely see himself getting married there and readily agreed, and things have gotten slowly organised. In About two weeks time Draco finally would be his husband. Harry shivered again the thought.

Harry was just day-dreaming about being Draco's husband, and spending the rest of his life with him when the little knocks on their kitchen window got his attention. Harry got up from the sofa and made his way to the kitchen. A ministry owl with an official looking letter was perched on the window. At first Harry was confused, it couldn't be from his work because Harry took a leave of absence, because he realised even though he loved his job he couldn't afford to travel like a nomad anymore, nor did he want to. He had a family now and he wanted to come back to them after the end of the day, he was actually in the process of negotiating a new contract with the department that allowed him to still do what he loved to do but still kept him in the country.

Harry fed the owl some treats and took the letter; he watched the bird fly away and tore open the letter. He couldn't help the big grin that settled over his face as he read the letter; he didn't think he had been ever so happy to receive a letter from anyone, even his Hogwarts letter didn't come close to this one.

"What is it?" Draco's voice was husky from sleep.

Harry just grinned and pulled Draco into his arms with a hard kiss, Draco slowly put his arms around Harry's neck and they made out like teenagers for a full minute or so. After which air became an issue and they both reluctantly let go.

"I love you," came a whispered declaration.

Harry didn't reply just pulled Draco in for another kiss, much slowly this time; they spent a couple of minutes just slowly kissing like they were making love. When finally Draco's curiosity got the better of him and he asked again what the letter was about to which Harry just grinned like a lunatic.

"Ok Potter, you're scaring me with your happiness, what's happened? You win the lottery or something?" his eyes dancing with amusement.

"I've won something bigger and better then a lottery! I've won my family. The adoption is official, the boys are now legally my sons and heirs" Harry said with a big grin on his face.

"Damien Malfoy-Potter and Ashton Malfoy-Potter. No wonder you have a goofy grin on your face," Draco just chuckled and shook his head. He knew how important this was to Harry but to him what mattered is that he knew Harry already thought of them as his sons in his heart and for Draco that was enough.

He turned around and put his arms around Harry "Thank you for making me so happy," he said his throat constricting, damn it he wasn't crying again.

"No Baby thank you," Harry said completely sincere.

"Don't call me Baby outside the bedroom Potter," Draco knew he sounded whiny but didn't care, "How many times do I have to tell you?" a lot by the mischievous grin on Harry's face.

"Aw, don't be like that my poochie-pooh," Harry said and knew it was time to run for his life as Draco was silently mouthing poochie-pooh, his laughter resounding through the stairs.

Oh he was heading for the bedroom was he? Draco smirked and made his way to the bedroom more slowly. 'Being married to Potter? Well my life would certainly be never boring', thought Draco and smiled as he made his way to the bedroom, oh yes, never boring.

Thanks fo reading guys, please review just one more time :)
This was my first foray into fanfiction so i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. Thank you again :)