

She whirled round wildly, and saw Fred Weasley staring at her, his mouth slightly agape. Shit! She mentally cursed herself and she straightened up.


He looked at her, his eyes boring into hers as he moved closer.

"What are you doing up so late, miss?"

"I could ask you the same thing, sir!"

"I asked first, so you answer me first."

She scowled and turned away from him.

"If you really must know, I forgot about some homework that is due tomorrow and I came down here to do it. Potions essay, you know how Snape gets."

"Miss Hermione Granger! I am astonished! Forgetting your homework? What is the world coming to!?"

"Fine then! What are you doing up so early then?"

"I got thirsty," he said simply. "Am I not allowed to go and get a glass of water?"

Ugh… She rolled her eyes and turned back to her work. She dipped her quill into the inkpot next to her paper and began to rewrite her essay again on another piece of paper. It was silent for a while until…


"Damn it, Fred!" She clutched a hand to her chest with she surveyed her essay in dismay. She picked up the piece of parchment and attempted to clean up the mess. She pointed her wand at the piece, now soaking in ink, and said, "Reparo!"

Nothing happened. She tried again. "Reparo!"


She rounded on Fred who was standing behind her with a slight smile upon his face. But when he saw her expression, his eyes widened in shock.

"Oh, sorry 'Mione! I swear, I didn't mean for that to happen! Really, please…" He trailed off, his hands held up.

He backed away as Hermione edged closer, her eyes narrowed. "Do you have any idea how long it took me to write this?"

When he shook his head, she continued. "Three hours, Fred, three bloody long hours! And now it's all gone to waste! Ugh, you giant prat, you insufferable jerk, you absolute git…" Hermione trailed off, trying to think of more insults.

She moved ever closer to him until Fred was pressed up against the wall. His hands fell to his sides and he surveyed her with a mixed expression. He really couldn't believe that this was happening. The tables had finally turned on him!

Hermione put a hand on his chest and glared up at him. "So how are you going to make this up to me, Fred? Will you write it all out for me again?" As an afterthought, she added mostly to herself, "That's probably not very wise, you'll probably just screw it up more…"

Fred's eyes widened indignantly and he opened his mouth to say something back she covered his mouth with her hand. "Shush! You are not to speak at all! Now, when I move my hand, will you promise not to say anything?" His eyes still wide, he nodded.


Hermione moved her hand away from his mouth and walked back to her table and sat down again, and sighed. Then she got out another piece of parchment and began writing again.

"…Hermione?" His voice was cautious, hesitant. It sent flutters through her stomach.

"Yes, Fred?"

He walked around the chair and went to sit next to her. He gazed her, his eyes filled with something she couldn't quite make out.

"I really am sorry…" Her features softened slightly as she took in his remorse.

"S'-okay." Fred watched her write, her soft chestnut coloured hair curling gracefully around her face and neck, the arm of her robes falling off her right shoulder, exposing a purple strap. He saw her full pink lips pucker up slightly and her forehead crease as she thought of what to write. He gazed as she ran a hand through her hair, making the arm of her black robes fall down, off her shoulder, to her elbow. Without thinking, he reached over and pulled it back up.

She turned to stare at him, her eyes shocked, and he withdrew his hand quickly.


Hermione smiled and returned to her work, yawning. They went back to their respective positions and Fred proceeded to watch her work again. Soon, the only sound to be heard was the scratching of Hermione's quill and the soft pitter-patter of rain, outside. After a little bit, Hermione stretched, her back arched and her hair falling off her shoulders and slipping down her back. She started to gather up her things and slipped them into a black bag beside the table, embroidered in silver, with the initials H.G.

She turned around and jumped at the sight of Fred sitting behind her somewhat.

"Goodness, Fred! You're still here?"

He nodded and grinned, his hair flopping over his eyes. Her heart gave a jump as she stared up into his shining blue orbs. As they regarded her in silence, she blushed and looked down, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Blimey! You still have that old thing?" Fred exclaimed, gesturing at her bag.

She smiled and nodded, "I love it. Just because you don't like some of the things that your mother makes you, doesn't mean that I don't!" Hermione caressed the bag lovingly, saying, "it was very nice of her to make it for me."

"Hermione, the only reason why I am opposed to my mothers creations is because they are usually something with ruffles and sometimes …pink!" He shuddered. "And as you know, pink so doesn't go with my hair colour!"

She giggled, her chocolate coloured eyes, staring up at him through her long lashes. His breath caught in his throat and he cleared it loudly, clapping his hands together.

"Well, this has been a pleasure, my dear. I hope we can do this again sometime!"

He bowed low and then, without warning, grabbed her hand and pressed his lips to it, softly. She gazed up at her, his eyes filled with some emotion she could not quite make out.

Hermione blushed prettily and slowly withdrew her hand from his grasp.

"You have been most gracious, kind sir, for accompanying me tonight."

"May I escort you to your dormitory, my lady?" He enquired, grinning broadly.

She smiled and slipped her hand through his proffered arm. They walked up the stairs arm in arm, before they reached the intersection separating the girls and boys dormitories.

"Well, thank you, Frederick." She said, using his full name, curtseying elegantly.

He bowed back and smirked up at her. "Shall I see you tomorrow at breakfast?"

She giggled again and nodded in her assent, turning and beginning to walk back towards the door to her dormitory. He watched her walk for a couple of steps, hypnotised by her long swishing hair and elegant limbs.

"Hermione?" For the fourth time of the night, she turned around to face him. "Yes Fred? She asked softly. They gazed at each other for a moment before he replied. "Goodnight."