Disclaimer: I don't own Grey's Anatomy or any character thereof. But I do claim the rights to Jacob and Emma Shepherd. Also, the following is complete and total MerDer fluff.
I wake up early, not because I want to, but because I can feel someone looking at me…watching me as I sleep. It's kind of a weird feeling, and it would have scared me in the past. But now? Now it's a normal, everyday occurrence. I feel the blue eyes boring a hole in the back of my head and I turn my face to meet them. "Good morning, Big Guy," I say as I smile at the blue-eyed boy grinning back at me.
"Hi, Mommy," he says as he climbs next to me in the bed and pulls the covers over himself. He places his hands on my face and squeezes my cheeks. I smile.
"Jacob, why are you up so early?" I ask through my squished up face.
He giggles. "Daddy cooked breakfast for you. I'm s'posed to wake you up," he says as he now climbs on top of me.
"Daddy told you to wake me up?" I ask as I brush the dark hair off of his forehead.
"Yup, he said you were being a lazy bones this morning," Jacob says as he pushes my hand away from his hair.
I smile. "He did, huh?" I put my hands on his waist and tickle his stomach. He giggles and falls off of me and lays back down next to me on the bed.
"Stop, Mommy!" he shouts as he tries to squirm out of my grasp. I stop tickling him and touch his face.
"Hey Jake, guess what?" I say seriously.
He puts his head on the pillow next to me and smiles. "What?" he asks with a curious grin.
"You have a new freckle," I say as I press my forefinger lightly on his nose. "Right here. It's really cute."
He gasps. "What should we name it?" he asks as he rubs his finger over his nose.
I pause momentarily and look thoughtful as I try to come up with a good name. I smile. "Spiderman," I say seriously.
He giggles. " I already have one named Spiderman right here," he says smartly as he points to his chin. "How 'bout the Hulk?" he asks as he scrunches up his little freckled nose.
"Hmm…the Hulk it is then," I say as I pull him into me and hug him tight. "You're getting too big, you know that?"
He smiles. "I know, Mommy. Look how big my muscles are today," he says proudly as he stands up on the bed and flexes his arms for me.
"Wow, they're huge!" I say with a smile. "Almost as big as Daddy's."
He drops his jaw and then smiles. "Really?"
"Really," I say as I watch him jump off of the bed.
He runs to the door and yells back at me, "I have to go show Daddy!"
I laugh as I listen to his feet running down the stairs to the kitchen.
"You're doing it wrong, Mommy," Jacob says as he takes the fishing pole out of my hands. I laugh as I apologize for my lack of fishing skills.
"Sorry, Jake. I'm not very good at the whole fishing thing," I say as I smile down at the top of his head. He shrugs and walks away from me.
"Give me Emma," I say to Derek as I reach over to take the baby out of his arms. "Apparently I suck at fishing," I whisper to him as he places her against my chest. He smiles at me and kisses my lips quickly.
"It's ok," he says back to me. "We love you anyway." He kisses me again and walks over to the water where Jacob is standing.
I place Emma on my shoulder and walk over to the hammock under the big maple tree. I lay down with her on top of my stomach, her head resting on my chest. I can see she has put her thumb in her mouth and it makes me smile. I watch as the motion from the swinging hammock starts to put her to sleep. I rub circles lightly on her back with my palm. Her blue eyes begin to get droopy, and finally they stop opening all together. I sigh and close my eyes, too.
"Ouch!" Jacob shouts as I press the washcloth on his knee. He tries to push my hand away, but I don't relinquish my grip on the rag.
"Sorry, Jake, but I have to clean the dirt out before I can put on your Band-Aid," I say as I wipe the last of the blood off of his knee.
He wipes the tears off his dirt-stained face. "Can I have Batman?" he asks as he tries to stop crying.
I look in the medicine cabinet and pick out the bandage he asked for. "Hold still," I say as I spray some Neosporin on his cut. I place the Band-Aid on his leg and ask, "Do you want one of my magic kisses?"
He smiles. "Yes, right here," he replies as he points to his knee. I kiss his knee and suddenly he's not feeling anymore pain.
"Thanks, Mommy. You're a good doctor," he says with a smile before he puckers his lips up to kiss me.
I giggle at the way his face looks like a fish, and I give him a quick kiss before setting him back down on the floor.
He runs out of the bathroom and down the hall to the kitchen to get a juice box out of the fridge.
Derek walks in the bathroom and smiles. "Is he ok?" he asks with playful concern in his voice.
"Yep. It's amazing how a Batman Band-Aid and a magic kiss can make pain go away," I say with a grin. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. He presses his lips to mine and kisses me softly. "Emma sleeping?" I whisper into his ear.
He smiles. "Yes, finally. I had to rock her for thirty minutes before she would give it up," he says as he shakes his head. "You've really got her spoiled, you know." He kisses me on the lips again.
I giggle. "Sorry, can't help myself," I say as I pull out of his embrace.
He grabs my hand and makes me stop walking. "Where are you going?" he asks as he wraps his arms around my waist again.
I smile and say, "I'm going to make dinner." I giggle as I watch his face fill with concern. "What?" I ask sarcastically. "I can cook," I say as I wiggle out of his grip.
"Right," he mocks. "You're ordering pizza, aren't you?" He shakes his head and watches me leave the bathroom.
"Em, you have to stop wiggling," I say as I readjust her position once again in the baby bath. She smiles and splashes her closed fist in the water by her side. I giggle as I watch her reaction to the noise, and I lather the baby shampoo on top of her head. I cover her eyes as I pour water over her dark hair to rinse the suds out.
She cries when the liquid gets on her face.
"Sorry, sweetie," I say as I dry her face off with the bottom of my shirt. "You're too wiggly today." I quickly wash her body and rinse her off as her crying gets louder.
"What happened?" Jacob asks as he comes into the bathroom. I smile at how protective he is of her.
"Her face got wet," I say as I pick Emma up and place her on the hooded towel on the changing table.
"Oh," Jacob says as he touches Emma on her cheek. "She hates that," he says knowledgably. He makes a silly face at her and she stops crying. He runs out of the bathroom, and Emma starts crying again.
I giggle and dry her off as fast as I can. "Here, sweetie. This always makes it better," I say as I begin rubbing some lavender scented baby lotion on her chest. She stops crying and sticks her thumb in her mouth.
I smile as I feel Derek wrap his arms around my waist from behind me.
"You girls, ok?" he whispers into my ear.
I smile as I fasten the diaper on Emma and begin putting her pink pajamas on her. "We're great, right Em?" I say softly as I watch her shift her gaze from me to Derek. I zip her pajamas to the top and Derek reaches down to lift her up. He kisses her on her cheeks and smells her hair. I smile as he says, "Mmm…Em. Mommy used the good stuff tonight."
He carries her out of the bathroom and across the hall to her bedroom. I follow them and I kiss her on her head as Derek sits down to rock her to sleep for the night. "Night, Em," I say as I stroke her hair gently. I look at Derek and kiss him softly on the lips. My heart starts to ache as I watch him rock her to sleep.
"Bedtime," I say as I turn off the television in the living room. I roll my eyes as Jacob yells at me to turn the television back on.
I bite my lip as Derek says, "Jake, don't talk to your mommy that way. Bedtime, mister." I bend down as Jacob walks over to me and says, "Sorry, Mommy." I wrap my arms around his body and hug him tight.
"It's ok," I say into his ear. "Want a pony ride?" I ask. He smiles and climbs onto my back and wraps his arms around my neck.
I stop in front of Derek and he gives Jacob a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight, Big Guy," he says.
Jacob removes one of his hands from my neck and wipes away the kiss. "Daddy!" he shouts. "My kisses are for Mommy, not you," he says with a pouty lip.
I giggle as I see Derek's face get all pouty just like Jacob's. "Tell Daddy goodnight, Jake," I say as I try to hide my smile.
"Goodnight, Daddy," he says as he wraps his arms around my neck again.
"Night, Jake," Derek says as he winks at me with a grin.
I carry Jacob upstairs to his bedroom and toss him gently over my shoulder onto his bed. He laughs as he flops his head onto his pillow. I pull his comforter up over his chest and tuck it snugly under his armpits.
"Mommy," Jacob starts to say as I brush the hair out of his eyes.
"What?" I ask as I kneel down beside his bed.
He smiles and says, "Will you marry me?"
I giggle and say, "Yes, but don't tell Daddy, ok?"
Jacob squishes my cheeks between his hands and smiles. "Ok," he says as he starts to giggle.
"Night, Jake," I say as I give him kiss on the forehead.
"Night, Mommy," he says before turning over onto his side and closing his eyes. I stand up and I say "I love you," and I turn the lamp off before leaving the room.
I let out a loud sigh as I flop down on the bed next to Derek. "Having kids is exhausting," I say as I turn my body to face his. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tightly.
He smiles at me and says, "Tell me about it. Emma was up three times last night." He sighs and puts his chin on top of my head.
I moan. "Crap. It's my turn tonight?" I ask as I suddenly remember that it's my night to get up with Emma.
He laughs softly. "Sorry," he says as he rubs up and down my back with his hands. I look up at him and smile. "What?" he asks as my smile grows.
I giggle. "I'll give you sex if you get up with her tonight," I whisper into his ear. I giggle again as his eyes start to twinkle.
He smiles and presses his lips hard onto mine. "Deal," he says as he breaks off the kiss and rolls on top of me.
I laugh at how easily he gives in to my request, and I start to kiss him softly on his neck. I laugh again as he tries to stifle a yawn but fails.
"Are you sure you're up to this?" I tease as he starts to kiss my neck.
He laughs and says," No, but I'm doing it anyway."
I moan at the way his kisses make my skin tingle, and I say, "How about we take shifts with her tonight?"
He pulls his face away from my neck and looks into my eyes. He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back when he says, "Thank you."
He presses his lips onto mine and kisses me firmly. I close my eyes and run my hands down his chest. He stops kissing me long enough to say, "I love you."
I smile and say, "I love you, too."
A/N: Please read and review. Thanks!