Dear Heart
Boulogne is hot and uncomfortable, not a breath of wind to cool us nor drop of rain to lay the dust. I am currently engaged establishing my position as the new town drunkard, this involves lying in a lot of gutters wearing a considerable amount of cheap wine about my person - I draw the line at actually imbibing much of it.
I know it makes our mutual separation no easier to bear to talk of it but I must tell you how very much I have missed you these last few days. Perhaps it is the lack of physical effort involved in my current impersonation, but I find myself with much time to think and much of that thinking revolves about you, my best beloved.
Yesterday, I was slouching in a doorway, near to the Hotel de Ville, eyes half-shut, when I heard a woman laughing in a cart as it drove past. For half a second, nay less, I thought it was you. This happens far too often for my peace of mind. A girl with copper-gilt hair, a voice in a crowded street, a woman turning a corner - I have not words as poets have, I wish I did for then I could describe the longing for it to be you in truth. There are lives in this city that depend on me, there are people in the prison who will die, humbler folk about the town who depend on the League for the means to live but for the rest of the day it took every ounce of strength I have not to let them all go hang and set off home to you.
I sat there until nightfall and it was as though you were but a street away and all I had to do was get to my feet and run and within minutes I could hold you in my arms, feel your head upon my shoulder, your hands at my face as we kiss. I dream about you often, I always have, but where once my dreams bought me little comfort or ease, now I often regret my waking.
This current venture should last no longer than another week. I have a cottage outside Dover, Frank knows where it is, will you meet me there on the evening of the 28th? Unless the winds prove contrary, Frank will explain if this be the case, I shall be there in hopes of seeing your dear face and kissing your dear hands not later than 9pm. You probably have engagements, abandon them my love, feign illness if you have to but please, be there. I have missed you so very much.
On the reverse is a list of the people I shall be bringing back to England. The people in the first list have family and friends to go to, the people in the second do not and I propose accommodating them at the Windsor house until we can find somewhere suitable for them to go. The Dupont boy is a sturdy, handy sort of lad so I am thinking of an apprenticeship for him with my estate cooper who has no sons of his own. If you could make enquiries there for me, I would be most grateful - the usual premium or a little more if necessary. M. and Mme Gavronde are a delightful old couple who are, however, incapable of making their own way in life now their little property has been stolen from them. There is a vacancy in my family almshouses in Norwich where there is a thriving French community, I would be grateful if you would meet them when I return and see if you agree with me that this would be suitable. I am not sure to which order the sisters belong, once we know that, we can make enquiries in England or the Low Countries, thankfully Tony assures me two of them speak excellent English so disposition should be that much the easier. Have you managed to find employment for the Therond girls? I realised how difficult it will be to find somewhere all three of them can be together but we surely cannot part such devoted sisters, especially in a strange country. I am also concerned that we have not had news of young M. Bellier - would you be very good and write to the school and check on his progress. It may be that he is merely unwilling to impose by writing to his supposed benefactor but I would wish to be certain that we have found the right "berth" for him.
I heartily approve of your idea of offering lessons in English to those of our new arrivals who do not already speak it. If M. Betrand is not yet situated, he strikes me as just the man for the job unless you have someone else in mind. He is young enough to engage the children, intelligent enough to engage the adults, and not so top lofty that he would refuse to teach those who must rely on their hands or brains to make a living.
There, a little business and I am calm again - did you know that writing to you makes my hands tremble? See what power you have over me. I shall return to my business of pretence inebriation now and do my level best not to be distracted by thoughts of you - a feat I fear beyond the poor powers of
Your most humble, obedient and loving servant