The Forbidden Fruit Series
By TwilightPrinc3ss666
Summery: The Forbidden Fruit always tastes the sweetest.
Note: This series was inspired by BlackButterfly-RedRose's The Forbidden Fruit: The Raven and The Blossom. It will be centered around Sakura, but the one shots will have different pairings each chapter. If you would like a specific pairing, please tell me in your review. Thank you.
-Warning for this chapter: This chapter is written in Madara's POV, who is thinking about Sakura.
Oneshot #4
The Forbidden Fruit: The Yin and The Yang.
Sakura Sakura Sakura. Little Sakura. The young daughter of Pein. He remembered a time where the young girl was attatched to 'Unkie Tobi' like a dog on a leash. Now, standing before her in battle formation, he found it quite laughable that the girl actually wanted to kill him. Sure, he wasn't about to harm the girl, but it didn't exactly mean he couldn't teach her a lesson, now could it?
"Now, little one, there isn't any need for you to go through all this trouble over that boy, is it?" he asked her. He smiled uncharacteristically, but this girl brought out a side of him he honestly didn't know. He wasn't sure if he wanted to or not, but he would deal with that later. It was a good thing that he was wearing his mask today.
"Dammit Tobi! He was my boyfriend!! You don't kill them!" she screeched.
He laughed, then said, "Saku-chan, he was weak, not worthy of your time."
"Ugh! You are so stubborn! Weak or not, I liked him! You had no right to kill him!" she yelled once more, almost to her boiling point.
"Sakura, you know your father left me in charge of you while he was gone."
"One problem, he was in his office at the time!"
Madara sighed. There was no getting out of it. The Rinnegan wirling, and temper rising, he knew he was about to get a good beating. It was a wonder who she actually got the temper from, since Pein wouldn't actually say. He also wondered how she inheritted pink hair.
Coming back to his senses, he swirved slightly to dodge a speeding kunai that would have stabbed him right through his orange mask and into his left eye. Sometimes he wondered if he taught her too well. With his sharingan, he watched as she focused chakra into her right hand, growling and scowling at him. He backed up slowly.
This was not good. If a Fourteen year old girl can send him running, what couldn't?
I might make a sequal to this, but Im not sure. So sorry it was so short.