
Just a brief note:

I must confess I love SayaxHagi. They're my fav pairing in Blood+. And don't get me wrong, I wouldn't like Saya to choose Solomon over Hagi, because I simply ADORE Hagi. Yet, I was wondering what would have happened if Hagi really died. What if Solomon had survived?

Remember Episode 47, when Solomon meets Amshel in that alley and actually tried to kill him but didn't succeed because he was already breaking apart? What if Amshel helped him out the way they did with James?


This is my first post on this sub-category. Plz no flames! I'm not using my native language, so I'll welcome all of your reviews.


Disclaimer: I do not own Blood plus. I just felt like writing this for my own recreation.


Thirty years had already gone by.

If the truth be told, he was so confused.

His Chevalier's heart soared with joy. He just could not believe that he was about to see her again!

His Crimson Queen, his beloved…

He commenced to climb up the steps to the family tomb so lightly, yet so thoughtful.

They both had so many things to talk about, to discuss and agree upon…

But above all, there were these feelings. The feelings that he had confessed to her shortly before she entered her thirty year slumber…

"Saya… I love you so very much…" -he whispered. The swirling September breeze swiftly took his words away.

Would she say the words? Would she say that she loved him as well? Oh, he would cling to this idea; he would nurture this fantasy…

Eventually there would be their out of this world lovemaking, their splendid life together, immortal lovers cruising the world, liberated from Diva's menace.

There would be … their children.

He shook his head, calling out for all of his sensibility.

Could it be that he was as nervous as a teenager before his first date? He could not think of a more inappropriate behavior for an over hundred-year old.

Yet, he could not stand just keep climbing. Summoning his chiropteran powers, he morphed his arms into winged limps and hastily took off.

He hesitantly shoved the heavy door open. How many times had he done that during the last thirty years? He could not count them. He recalled spending numerous nights in contemplation of her soft and warm cocoon, attentive to any minor alteration of its shape, of her breathing, heartbeats. He was all the time insanely expecting a signal, a connection, yet embracing the mere observation of his beloved slumbering Crimson Queen. For her sound sleep allowed him to spend time with her, with no intrusions. And that was his raison d'être, being by her side for all times.

Inside he went, and just then he gasped, for he found himself facing an awe-inspiring picture, to say the least.

His adored Sovereign lied on the chilly rough ground, her exquisite body veiled by lengthy locks of raven-like hair.

And he, who had lived for over a century, who had so fearlessly fought for his convictions, and savored the honey taste of power, money and comfort; he who was looked up by both mortals and immortals could not help but falling on his knees… and weeping.

As soon as his tears were less copious, he managed to approach her. He shed his jacket, got rid of his tie and unfastened the buttons of his shirt. Then the Chevalier reached out to her ever so smoothly and cradled her onto his lap.

He plunged himself into his fully awaken maroon pupils. Why was it that recently awaken chiropteran Queens would smell like human newly born babies?

"Saya…"- he whispered-. "I cannot help this, please forgive me".

He bit his tongue with his prickly fangs, causing blood to ooze into his mouth.

The Queen's eyes grew wider and morphed into shining red. He unnecessarily leaned towards her, since she hastily pressed her lips into his, her tongue diving into his mouth, motioned by her starving of blood.

The kiss was brief, for she hurriedly broke it to search for the smooth skin of his neck, all her instincts awaken.

The Chevalier gasped and almost immobilized. Never, not even in his wildest dreams he had readied himself for what was about to happen. The warmest tongue licked all over his neck, exploring it, intuitively seeking his blood bursting veins. He was suddenly so contented he had well fed just before. His most cherished desire was to bestow his Queen with all he had to give, to satisfy her vital requests, at least for once.

Sheer pain intertwined overwhelming pleasure.

Her piercing fangs embedded into his veins.

Her palpitating body grew even closer to his.

All this confabulated to drive him beyond madness.

What a sweet death it would be, if he departed his life just at that moment. However, he knew he would live. He would live to probably experience these moments again and again. This mere thought made his spirits soar.

After a few moments, or an eternity, the Queen released him. The Chevalier compelled himself to open his eyes. Saya was staring at him, her maroon eyes questioned him. The Chevalier knew what she wanted to know, whom she was missing. He felt the urge to answer, but just did not know how.

-Saya, I am so sorry…

The Chevalier hugged her tightly and whispered against her smooth cheeks:

-Hagi is gone.

Her eyes pooled with tears and a heartfelt scream escaped her lips:


Solomon held her firmly against his chest, her pain deeply wounding his own heart. However, he shall be strong, for both of them.

Eventually, her sobs halted. The Chevalier kept on holding her, gently caressing her back in an attempt to soothe her.

Solomon realized he had to move her. He would take her to his place. Ever so gently, he lifted her bridal style through the threshold of the tomb gates. Saya's silent tears still ran out her shut eyes.


Note: Well, that's my prologue. Hope you like it. Please review it, I could use your remarks ;-)!!