Double trouble

Double trouble


Special agent Profile:


Cassie James




5 foot 10


Tall, relatively thin but strong. Dress size 10

Hair/eye/skin colour:

Blonde, blue green eyes quite tanned all year round (Mediterranean blonde)


Actress, very good at gaining trust. Uses her body to win over her targets. Skilled martial artist. Fluent in French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese and German.


16 years and 6 months (slight legal problems with her mission plans has now been lifted as she is now of age.)


Several missions involving targets such as drugs, human trafficking, and contract killers.

Family history:

Both her parents worked for MI6. Little over a year ago they were killed in a car accident with a drunk lorry driver. Cassie was in the back seat with her then 17-year-old brother (died in a coma 2 and a half weeks later, she had to make the decision on her own as she has no surviving family) at the time. It was her birthday and late at night. Ever since she has been chlostrophobic and has a fear of being blind. (See psychological condition)

Psychological condition:

A normal, happy childhood, but after her parents death she became incredibly depressed and suicidal. She has several scars on her body from this period. She was trapped in the back seat of her car for over 3 hours on her birthday (See above) and this has resulted in minor claustrophobia. She hates not being able to see and will not travel by car in the dark with out night vision goggles.

Weapons training: Advanced knife handling/defense. Skilled in range of weapons used in martial arts as well.

Progress at school:

Excellent. Despite emotional breakdown at 15 she is incredibly bright and popular. She wants to leave MI6 and study medicine.

Current status:


Chapter one


" Alex!" The agitated voice brought Alex sharply back from his biology homework, " Alex will you come down? I've been calling for ages!" Glad of the excuse to leave the desk Alex got up and pushed his fair hair back from his thoughtful dark eyes. Quickly he crossed the room and stepped out onto the landing. He did a double take as he nearly always did now at the sight of himself in the mirror across the hall. Despite everyone telling him so, he couldn't get over how much he looked like the father he'd never known.

Alex was 16 now nearly 17, after years of karate and various other sports he was strong and well built. He also had the dark eyes of his parents, very unusual in one so fair. Just in time he realized he hadn't put a shirt on after the shower, and doubled back into his room. Just as Jack called again, he pulled on a heavy metal T-shirt and sprinted down the stairs and into the kitchen. Here he stopped short once again. For instead of just Jack at the table, there was the unwelcome figure of Mrs. Jones.

Mrs. Jones was not an unusual or striking women, she had the sort of face you forgot as soon as you looked away, this teamed with the nondescript dark bob of hair and tweed suit made you want to scream "banker" at her. In fact this was her cover story. Despite the boring appearance, Mrs. Jones worked for M16.

" Hello Alex" she said smiling, " How lovely to see you again."

" What do you want with me now?" he snapped, skipping to the obvious point of the meeting. This wasn't a cheerful get-together. They needed him again!

"Mr. Crawley will be down in a minute." The blonde secretary said with a smile in Alex's direction.

"Great", he thought as he slumped back in one of the leather armchairs situated in the foyer of the Royal and General. " They drag me away from everything, and when I get here they're not even ready for me!" Just as he thought this the lift doors oppersite him slid open to reveal a tall man in a polyester suit. Mr. Crawley.

" Alex" the man said, as he walked towards him extending his hand. " How good to see you again."

Crawley led Alex into the lift and up to the new penthouse section. Alex had heard about all the plans for this state of the art mission planning room but had never actually seen it. It was worth the wait.

The open plan area was gigantic! There was state of the art computing equipment everywhere! Along the furthest wall was the largest plasma screen T.V he had ever seen. In front where several comfy chairs and a coffee table set with drinks and snacks. Every available space was full of monitors, hard drives and goodness knows what else.

Alan Blunt appeared from the shadows and walked towards him, talking softly to Mrs. Jones. Alex got the impression, they where unsure about something. However as soon as they come within earshot, they changed the subject.

Alan Blunt was a pale, thin man, with graying hair and a voice like dry paper. He followed the dress code of everyone else in the room and was in an ordinary business suit. The only vaguely interesting features about him were his large cold grey eyes.

After the pleasantries, they sat down and Mrs. Jones passed Alan a folder. While he opened it and examined the contents, she turned the T.V on with a small remote. They seemed to be waiting for something. Finally Mrs. Jones began to speak,

" Right then Alex." She begun. " I'm sure you are wondering why we have brought you here yet again." She paused, but Alex knew well enough that she didn't want an answer. " As you have proberly realized, we need your help again." Alex stifled a groan. " However this time you will not be on your own." Alex's head shot up, and Mrs. Jones started speaking faster." You will be working under cover with an agent your own age, Jack and one of our top agents that will pose as Jack's new boyfriend and the father of your younger sister Cassie."

" Did someone say my name?" said a laughing voice from the lifts. " Sorry I'm late, the traffic is awful!"