You Rock My World
(A/N) in this story, Evanescence does not exist nor does Linkin Park. I am a big fan of this two bands so please don't hate me if you are too. I also do not own the lyrics to the song s in this FanFiction: D I do not own Twilight or any of the amazing characters. They all belong to the amazing and wonderful Stephenie Meyer as she wrote the amazing books and created Edward sighxx
Another school day. Another day of torture. And to make things worse, there are new kids in school. I couldn't bare to think of more jocks and preps to torture me. You know that saying " high school years are the best years of your life" ? Well, you could say I couldn't wait to leave this miserable little town and start to live my life.
As I got dressed into my red skinny jeans, green converse and my favourite cotton Emily the Strange jumper that went to mid thigh, my favourite song came on from one of my favourite bands. Twilight. I smiled slightly. I grabbed my rucksack and put my earphones in and pressed play. I left the house and walked slowly to my Hell.
I was in the school for less than five minutes and already had comments thrown at me. " go cut yourself with a rusty blade "or " emo freak " the usual crap. I was so used to it, that I barely hear them. Its like I'm numb on the inside. Being the only 'emo' in Forks High School is very lonesome and tiring thing. As I went into the girls bathroom to check my make-up , just my usual black eye-liner, I saw the queen bitch and her sidekick , Lauren and Jessica, talking about how hot the new kids were especially the bronze haired boy. When they saw me come in, they stopped gossiping and glared. As I finished applying my eye-liner, Lauren turned to me and asked
" What times the funeral?"
Ok, now she's crossed the line. I don't like people sneering about funerals, especially as I have just lost my mom. And turned to face her.
" I don't know. When do you plan to drop dead?"
I heard someone laugh. I turned my head to see blued eyed pixie with black, spiky hair. She was dressed in black jeans, a plain red top and red ballet shoes. I turned back to Lauren to find her glaring at me.
" You think your soo funny don't you, Emo! Well no one likes you so you should drop dead, like your mom did" she hissed.
The pixie stopped laughing. Her mouth was open slightly in shock. Now she really had crossed the line, by about 10 miles. She fell to the ground as I punched her. As I left the bathroom, I could feel three pairs of eyes on me.
My day got worst as many people thought it would be funny to push me into walls and trip me up in the corridors. As the lunch bell went, I walked down the stairs. When I neared the bottom last step, I felt someone's hands on my back as they pushed. I fell onto my knees and the books and papers in my hands fell to the floor as I reached out to stop myself falling onto my face. People laughed at me. When I started picking my stuff up again, I was shocked when large white hands began to help collect them. I looked up to see a pale skinned boy with emerald green eyes and bronze like hair. He handed me my stuff and offered his hand to help me up. As soon as his skin came into contact with mine an electric shock passed through me. He smiled a crooked smile that took my breath away.
" I'm Edward. "
As I walked down the stairs, ignoring all the girls who were trying to be flirtatious, I noticed a girl a few steps ahead of me, from here I could see she was like me. An emo. Despite the fact I heard everyone call her names about her being emo, people tried to be friends with as If it didn't matter that I was one as well. Confusing, I know.
As I got to the last few steps, one boy pushed her to the ground. Her books scattered and people laughed at her. Stupid jocks. Sometimes my anger got the best of me and I was just about to say something when I imagine what my sister would say. She can be very scary when she wants to be. As well as annoying. So I clamped my mouth shut. I bent down and helped her. That's when I saw her face. She had milky skin, long brown locks that came into her face and big chocolate eyes that you could easily fall into. Her beauty was beyond words. I could stare at her all day. She looked shocked. Things must be really hard for her, having no one. I thought. I held out my hand to help her up when an electric shock passed through me. I smiled and said
" I'm Edward."
she blushed slightly and said
"thanks. I'm Bella."
Bella. It suited it her. I rally wanted to get to know her but I've never really had the guts to ask any girl out. And even then no one caught my eye. Except her. I'll have to ask Alice. She would help me. Bella interrupted me with her beautiful voice
" I... better...go"
she was looking behind me. When I turned I noticed that Lauren – girl staring at her, there was a slight bruise on her jaw. She looked like she was ready to kill. I turned back to Bella to see her run off in the other direction.
I opened the door quickly and shut it behind me. As I tried to catch my breath I couldn't help but think how dead I was going to be. I had bruised the perfect face of the amazing Lauren ( note sarcasm) I had also caught the attention of the new boy that she had taking like too. Oh man I'm so dead.
I walked towards the piano that was in the room. Ever since I started at Forks High, I would come in the music room during break and lunch. I loved music. It was part of me and something I wanted to do, for as long as I can remember. I sat down on the bench and pulled out my notebook from my rucksack. I opened it up and began to play and sing.
don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how
it feels without...
Lithium, I want to stay in love with my
Oh, but God, I want to let it go.
to bed, don't make me sleep alone.
Couldn't hide the emptiness,
you let it show.
Never wanted it to be so cold.
Just didn't
drink enough to say you love me.
can't hold on to me,
Wonder what's wrong with me.
don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how
it feels without...
Lithium, I want to stay in love with my
don't want to let it lay me down this time.
Drown my will to
Here in the darkness I know myself.
Can't break free until
I let it go.
Let me go.
I forgive you after all.
Anything is better than to be alone.
in the end I guess I had to fall.
Always find my place among the
can't hold on to me,
Wonder what's wrong with me.
don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how
it feels without...
Lithium, ...stay in love with you.
gonna let it go.
When I entered the cafeteria I saw my family in the back corner eating their lunch. As I sat down on the chair next Alice she looked up at me. She smiled.
"have you seen that emo girl yet?? she's soooo pretty. I met her in the bathroom. She was having a small fight in the bathroom with that bitch Lauren."
Alice told me what Lauren had said to Bella. Anger and hatred spread through me like a wild fire. How could you say that to someone. It was ... wrong. I looked over at Lauren. She was inspecting the bruise on her jaw that I now knew was put there by Bella.
I looked around the cafeteria looking for Bella. When I voice interrupted my scanning.
"hey Edward. Are you looking for me?"
I winced slightly. I knew that voice. I turned round to look at Lauren. She was batting her eyelashes. The sight of her made want to barf.
" no not really I was looking for Bella" I looked at my family to see they were glaring at Lauren. I turned back to see she was no longer flirting.
" that freak is probably in the same place where she hides since she started this school. In the music room. She thinks she can sing and play the piano. She's just as bad as that music she listens to. Stupid bands with stupid names. I mean, who calls their band Twilight." and with that she stormed off.
Me and my family froze. She liked Twilight?? Alice broke out into a large smile.
" well at least we know she like us"
We burst out laughing. Twenty minutes before the bell, I got up and went to look for the music room.
I had no trouble finding as I followed a beautiful tune playing. Then I a voice joined in. The voice was beautiful. I didn't recognize the tune or the lyrics so I guessed it was her own creation. As I came to the door. I saw an angel sitting on the bench with her fingers gliding gently across the ivory keys. I opened the door and walked in, trying not to disturb her.
can't hold on to me,
Wonder what's wrong with me.
don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how
it feels without...
Lithium, ...stay in love with you.
gonna let it go.
" You sing beautifully. Did you make the song up yourself.??"
I spun round at the velvet voice that came from behind. I faced Edward and blushed furiously. I didn't know what to say. I just stare at him. And he stared back hungrily.
At that moment I recognized him. I was shocked to see him there.
"thank you. And yes I did. I would appreciate it if you didn't take it as your own, Edward." I smiled when when he looked shocked.
He then smiled back " so you do recognize me. I suppose people with good taste of music will be the only ones that recognize me."
I laughed . God he was cocky. And handsome. And amazing. And... ok the list could go on.
I just stared at her. She was so beautiful. An angel. My angel. Right there in there in front of the piano I wanted to kiss her. Don't be stupid I said to myself. You hardly know anything about her. When she laughed, its sounded like bells. So beautiful. And her voice. She sang with such emotion. You could believe every word she sang.
"Bella? Would you like to come to my band practise after school?"
(a/n) ok. So what do you think?? I didn't know where to finish this first chapter sooo I just finished it. :D I love Evanescence and this song. She is soooo amazing. If you are going to review please do and tell me if you like Amy as well. Omg I'm really nosy
If you don't like this story then I'm sorry. But I do so I'm going to update anyways :D
love ya's