
Hello. Here is my story. Please review if you read. I don't mind mean or rude comments; all I ask is that you don't swear at me. Sorry if the characters are weird. Enjoy.

Disclaimer- I do not own the Teen Titans. I only own the idea for this story. No suing please.

The moon shone palely thru the windows of Teen Titan's tower. In this famous giant T every thing was still and peaceful. Suddenly a shadow cut thru the pale light coming thru the windows. This shadow moved slowly and surely as it wove its way thru the upper hallways of the Titan's home. No sensor triggered, no alarm rang, and no camera moved. Suddenly the shadow sped up as it reached the hallway of its destination. Soon it came to the door it wanted and without hesitation it pressed itself into and thru the door. Now the shadow was hit fully with the silver moonlight. A tall and shapely woman was reveled in the bright light of the moon. Her coffee colored hair hung around her face obscuring everything but her mouth, chin, and neck.

For a moment the women just stood by the door, but soon she began to move sedately towards the bed in the corner. Slow, even breathing announced that the bed was occupied. The woman's lips parted in a horrible grin, revealing long sharp canine teeth. A long black tongue delicately licked those white fangs as the women reached the edge of the bed and looked down at its occupant. Slowly she lowered herself down on top of the sleeping boy's chest. Taking his face in her hands, the women slowly ran her fingers down the side of the boy's face till her fingers reached the collar of his uniform. Sighing softly the women threw back her hair revealing an angelic face that was only marred by her eyes. Like her teeth and her tongue, those white empty eyes did not seem to fit the beautiful vision that was currently lying on the teen's chest. The women's hands once again found the collar of the uniform. Tearing it away from the boy's throat, the women rammed her face into the crook of his neck. Suddenly a different noise rose over the boy's steady breathing. The sound was like a giant beast frantically lapping at water as thou it would die of thirst before the water reached its mouth.

With a moan of longing, the women pulled away from the teen's throat. Her black tongue once again snaked out slowly to lick the thin trickle of blood leaking from the corners of her crimson lips. "Slowly now, don't rush. You will have him forever but not if you are not careful. Don't spill too much," the women murmured to herself. Laughing softly the women once again began to run her fingers down the boy's emerald face. "Soon my dear love, soon you will be mine. Mine forever." And in a room down the hall, a girl began to scream.

Ha, I finally did it. This is my first fan fiction so I can use all the help I can get. Please tell me how I can improve. Also I promise that this will not be a one shot thing and that it will have an ending…eventually. Anyway thanks for reading my story. Hope you liked it.