I just thought up this fluff while I sat in front of the fan. It's so hot in Hong Kong at the moment. It's suppose to be going into autumn for goodness sake! I also have a scab on my knee, but I didn't get it in PE. I got it in Social Studies since I fell to the ground, pretending to have died of a DeathNote caused heart attack. Yes. lol
Ownership of characters goes to Masashi Kishimoto, but the story and concept are mine!
His blonde hair swirled around his face. Naruto was sitting hunched over in front of a fan, scratching a scab off his knee. He had gotten it yesterday during PE at school. Luckliy it had been the last day and now he was on holiday. At one point, Naruto had tried to leave the cool reprive the fan gave and go to the kitchen to get a cool drink, but the heat had prevented him. He now opened his mouth, letting the wind blow into it, hoping it would cure his thirst. It made him thirstier.
The blonde finally gave up on ridding himself of the scab. It had gone all red and puffy and Naruto didn't want Sasuke to go fussing over it. Sasuke. Where the hell is that guy? Naruto thought as he stretched himself out on the wooden floor. He immediately regretted it.
In the short seconds he had been lying on the ground, a freezing bag had plonked onto his head, startling him.
"Tadaima," a voice said above Naruto. The blonde grabbed the cold bag off his head to find Sasuke standing over him, another cold bag in his hand. Naruto looked at the bag in his hand and realized it was once of those lemonade ice sticks.
"Sankyu," Naruto said as he sat, ripping the bag open. When open, cold air rushed out and he put his face against it. It was so cool.
"Hn. Scoot." Naruto did, sticking the stick into his mouth. It tasted so good. Sasuke sat next to the blonde, sticking his own ice stick in his mouth. The two sat there for a few minutes, busily sucking on the ice sticks, enjoying the cool wind from the fan.
Eventually, Sasuke finished his, lay back on the ground, closing his eyes. Now that his eyes were closed, Naruto observed the raven in great detail. Even in front of the fan, it was still too hot. A few more minutes passed, and Sasuke didn't move. Naruto wondered whether he was sleeping.
"Oy," Naruto said, his speak not too clear as his mouth was still full of ice. "Oy, teme." 'Teme' didn't stir. Curious, Naruto quickly finished his ice stick and bent over the other boy. "Oy." Still Sasuke did not stir. Naruto lent closer so that he was barely two inches from the raven's face. "Saaa-Suuu-Keee." Still no response. Naruto was thinking of some sort of prank that he could pull, now that Sasuke was asleep, when the door creaked open. Through the opening a head clad with pink hair poked in.
"Sasuke, are you-" Sakura started to say when she saw Sasuke lying on the ground, Naruto over him. "Oh my..."
Suddenly realizing what it looked like Naruto blushed furiously.
"This isn't what it looks like!" he yelled, but Sakura had already slammed the door shut and Naruto could hear her footsteps running away.
"Then what is it?" a voice under Naruto asked. Naruto looked down to find Sasuke smirking up at him.
"You-" Naruto began to say but a cool pair of lips enveloped his. Startled, it took Naruto a few seconds to figure out what was happening. After realizing what it was, he cautiously pressed back. A few minutes passed before they broke apart.
Okay, Naruto thought as be bent to kiss the raven below him again, maybe it is what it looks like.
So how was that piece of fluff? I really want once of those ice stick things now. They're like the ones in Kingdom Hearts. The salty ones Roxas has all the time. TAT I'm almost done the outline for Legal Guardian: Blood Angel, so I should be able to start writing soon. Cheers!