AUTHORS NOTE: This is a short very little detailed chapter, i promise great things for the next.

Chained Love

Chapter 1: First kiss

Tenten leaned her body closer to mine in the eye of the darkening creepy night, doing so made me enlightened of the darkness that surrounded us. I got closer to her as well, waiting for the silence to break in a quick easy simple fashion. Tenten looked up at the sky in awe, it was a starlit night which had reflected on the lake below us showing every detailed shining light in the heavens above us. Finally the silence had broken Tenten's voice was ringing throughout my ears like a bell, "Perfect." A word every one in the universe enjoyed to hear nothing better then perfection, and Tenten just mentioned the best word ever.

I grinned at Tenten because she just admitted I gave her the best present ever. Tenten's face never left the sky for some time it seemed like she was counting every speck of light that showed in the beautiful night. I kept my grin on my face until Tenten's face moved to face mine. At first, I thought that she was about to say perfect again, but instead another word came out "Neji." It was my simple plain name, not better then perfect, but I knew that I had to reply back, "What's wrong Tenten?" Tenten waited for a moment of silence to past before she spoke in almost what seemed like a whisper, "Will you……" I didn't catch the rest of her comment so I asked again, "Come again?" "Will you go to the dance with me tomorrow it is the last day of our senior year you know!?" Tentens voice was weak, very weak in such a tone it had me confused. I just had to ask, "Tenten please tell me what's wrong."

Tenten's face had something stream down her face, then it hit me. Tenten yelled at me, "Yes or no!!" I already was quick to realize the obvious answer, yet I understood why she was sad, She didn't want me to leave her. I grabbed Tenten's shoulders and spoke, "Tenten I will go anywhere with you even to this dance." Tenten's face was still streaming with tears, I haven't diagnosed her problem yet apparently. Tenten looked up at me as I wrapped my arms around her neck. I felt the cold tears that still cascaded from her face, but even as she cried I knew she needed to be comforted in some way. So I spoke, "Tenten." She looked up at me, and I immediately put my lips on hers. Tenten closed her eyes as I pressed my lips tighter towards hers, and I knew my 'charm' was working.

Tenten wrapped her arms around my body at that moment, and I knew she just wanted love in the end of this situation. I wrapped my arms around her body to, and she pressed her lips even harder towards mine. Her lips still wet from her tears, and she was still breathing through her nose and into my eyes it was all warm and wet – a strange way to kiss indeed. I opened my eyes, to see if she was still crying and obviously she still was, and she was going to continue to for a while.

Five minutes later, Tenten's arms released from my body, and I let go as well our lips broke free, I felt like my lips were frozen in place immobilized from the kiss, and Tenten was just sitting in place smiling and crying at the same time. "Tenten why are you crying, why are you upset?" I asked. Tenten wiped her tears off of her face verry quickly and stuttered out, "These are tears of Happiness Neji, I am crying because this place is so romantic it's all too much to take in my tears are like our love, eternal until death."

I stared in shock at her as she spoke all this information, it meant so much to see her care for me this much. Tenten embraced me once more, and I leaned closer to her to kiss her again under this beautiful lit night.

Another ten minutes later we stopped the kiss, we stumbled when we attempted to stand up, Tenten fell down on the ground again, and I offered my hand to help her up. She grasped my hand, and was lifted off the ground. Tenten nodded. She was ready to go home, and get ready for the dance tomorrow. Tenten and I began to walk to her house, and silence over took us both as we headed to her home. The only sound made was a cough by me and a sneeze from Tenten, and as we approached her home We didn't see any lights on around her home "Perfect," I thought. Her parents wouldn't ground her for life now at least no trouble meant she could attend the school dance with me.

Tenten and I tiptoed across her yard until we came to a halt at her bedroom window. Tenten smiled one last time and jumped up inside her room faster then the wind that traveled behind her. Tenten shut her window a sign to tell me goodnight. I rushed home at a quick pace hoping I didn't get caught after dark. My uncle would kill me if he found out I was with Tenten. I quickened my pace and finally got close to home, I spoke silently, "Byokugon!" My eyes traveled the short distance to my house to show me the window to my room was opened. I final approached my window, and climmed in. My body hit my bed immediately. I fell asleep quickly.