My person's yours, of course,

to see you take your pleasure;

I am obliged, perforce,

to serve you at your leisure."

-Young Lady, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Prologue: Bella

I stared out the window at the murky trees, their green color blending into the black of the night. I sighed and brought my blanket closer. I missed the sun's warm rays caressing my skin and the feel of a warm night against my face. Stupid Forks. Why did I choose this frosted hell to live in? I was suddenly frustrated with myself. I looked around at my blast-from-the-past room and found a stray journal hiding behind my desk.

And thus became how I let out my feelings. Sometimes I would draw furious scribbles, and other times I would write gloomy poems. I found myself lost in its pages hour upon hour, feeling it was the only thing that understood me. Of course I had friends I could share the same secrets with, but it didn't feel the same. I liked knowing no one would know what words were traded between me and the journal. I liked letting everything out and not having to worry about anyone knowing.

I felt so dependent on it, I soon took it everywhere. To school, to work, on a trip to the nearest city. It felt nice to know it was always there. I guess I should have probably realized I would lose it at some point.

And…end scene.

That was kind of a lame prologue, but you get the gist of the story, eh?

I must sleep now. School calls in the morn…well, technically, it already is the morn.

School calls in five hours, hooray! :)
