Disclaimer: Twilight does not belong to us.

Written by imma vampire and Child-Of-God13


It was a typical rainy day in the small town of Forks, Washington on our first day of school. Too wet and cold to go outside and eat lunch. I hurried through the light downfall of rain to the cafeteria building. I stepped inside and shook my hair out, shivering when a drop of water slid down my back. My eyes roamed over the cafeteria and I spotted Alice sitting at a table with Rosalie. I moved to the lunch line, purchasing only a lemonade and small turkey sandwich. I wasn't all too hungry today.

I wove my way through the tables till I approached Alice and Rose. They both looked up and grinned identically stunning smiles. I felt my own lips pull up as I sat down. "Hello Alice, Rose." I said nodding to them. Rose nodded back and took a sip of her water. Alice was practically jumping up and down in her seat. I smirked. "Alice, would you like to tell me now? You look like you're about to explode." I said sipping my drink. Rosalie chuckled and Alice grinned.

"Bella! Oscar De La Renta just came out with the most adorable jacket and I want to get one for you because it would look absolutely perfect on you!" she cried excitedly. I rolled my eyes and bit into my sandwich. I knew that no matter what I said, I would end up with a new jacket by the end of the week. I opened my mouth to respond when an ear piercing screech filled the cafeteria. We all looked over to see a thin blond girl throw herself at a tall well built muscled man. He was fit, but not too bulky and had perfect smooth skin that looked like marble. His hair was a bright bronze color and his eyes were a striking green. Those eyes had haunted my dreams for as long as I could remember. They belonged to none other than Edward Cullen. Edward Cullen was the most handsome man at Forks high, possibly in the world. He was so smooth and graceful, but powerful when he walked. He had the perfect looks, the perfect grades, the perfect everything.

My attention snapped back to the present when Edward started making out with the blond who had flown at him. Lauren Mallory was her name. I glared angrily, turning away disgusted. Edward was a major playboy, he had a different girl almost every hour of the day. I turned back to see Alice and Rose watching me. "What?" I asked, a blush creeping up my neck. They smirked.

"You have a thing for Edward Cullen." Alice accused. I gaped in shock.

"What? No!" I practically screamed. Rosalie and Alice exchanged a glance.

"Yes you do. It's really obvious Bella." Rose said leaning in closer to the table. I shook my head.

"Edward Cullen is a conceded jerk who holds no regards to the feelings of women. He is a user and rude." I said angrily, folding my arms across my chest. I also knew that I was most likely the only junior in the school that he hadn't made out with at least once, and I knew why. I was just, well, plain to put it simply. I was nothing compared to Lauren or Jessica nor did I have anything on Rosalie or Alice. There was no way Edward would ever take an interest in me, not even for a one-day fling. I was a nerd, a geeky nerd that would never get a date, and the truth was, I'd never even been asked out before, never. And I truly did not like him, not one bit.

Alice and Rosalie looked surprised and glanced at each other, silently conversing. Finally they turned back to me.

"So how has your day been so far?" Alice asked, back to her normal chipper mood. I rolled my eyes and smiled before telling them the classes I had that morning, and what I was expecting after lunch.

The rest of lunch passed easily, and before I knew it, the bell rang, signaling me to go to biology. I picked up my bag, hugged Alice and Rose before dumping my trash and walking back outside to head to my biology class. I got there and sat down in the back of the class. I watched as the class filled slowly and no one approached me, thankfully. I was gazing out the window when the stool next to me moved. I jumped, startled and looked next to me. My mouth dropped in shock. Edward sent me a crooked smile and I felt my heart flutter.

"Hello, I'm Edward Cullen." He said in a sinfully beautiful voice.

"Bella Swan." I said calmly. Though my voice sounded indifferent, inside I was screaming. He smiled again and I turned away, sighing heavily.

"Hello class. I am Mr. Banner. Please turn to the person next to you and say hello to your lab partner for the rest of the year." He instructed happily. I let out a frustrated sigh. This was going to be a horribly long year.


I heard the bell ring and silently thanked God. I wanted to escape the crowd that had surrounded me in admiration. I made my way to my next class, stopping at my locker to exchange my books. When I walked into the room, I looked around for empty seats. Almost every female perked up, most of them had obviously been trying to save a seat for me. I looked in the back and noticed Bella Swan sitting at an empty table, staring out the window. I smiled and made my way for her desk. Never had I been able to be so close to her before. She was so beautiful and unapproachable. No male in this school would dare to ask her out, for fear of being humiliated when rejected. She seemed to be a goddess, looking down at us mere mortals. She was also the smartest girl in the school, another reason why no one dared ask her on a date. Her beauty even surpassed that of my best friend, Emmett's girlfriend Rosalie. I had heard a rumor that Mike was going to ask her out for prom, but I wasn't sure if it was true or not.

I pulled out the stool and she jumped, looking over at me. I smiled at her and watched her expression flash from surprise to neutral. "Hello, I'm Edward Cullen." I said smiling. She nodded.

"Bella Swan." Her voice was delicate, like lace though it showed none of her emotions. She turned away and sighed heavily. I frowned. I wasn't used to women not jumping all over me. It was strange and slightly refreshing.

"Hello Class. I am Mr. Banner. Please turn to the person next to you and say hello to your lab partner for the rest of the year." He said with a grin. I felt my heart beat erratically and I was silently rejoicing. An entire year to get to know the beautiful mystery that was Bella. And maybe, just maybe she would consider going out with me sometime. After all, then I would have a gorgeous girl to make out with as well as something over Mike Newton. I watched as her shoulders slumped and she let out a frustrated sigh. I frowned.

"Bella?" I asked hesitantly. What was wrong with her? Did she not want to be my lab partner? I knew either way I would get her to go out with me sometime. She looked up at me, her expression carefully neutral again.

"Yes?" I hesitated. Her eyes bore into mine and I was suddenly intimidated by this tiny woman.

"Is it alright with you that we are lab partners?" I asked cautiously. She studied my face a moment before giving a delicate shrug and looking back to the desk.

"It's fine." She whispered. I smiled slowly, unsure.

"Are you sure?" I asked. "I could ask to be someone else's." My heart and ego protested loudly at the suggestion but I ignored it. Bella looked up at me and I watched as a small smile spread on her perfect, kissable lips.

"No, don't be silly. It's fine." She said smoothly. I nodded and smiled. I couldn't help but feel enchanted by her beauty.