Disclaimer: You know I don't own Naruto. Uchiha Itachi is dead. Therefore, I do not own Naruto.




Why did you let me believe you were the evil one in all this?

Why did you let me go on hating you, only to realize the truth after you had died and I could no longer say "I'm sorry"?

Why didn't you tell me before-that you were innocent, that you were sick, that you cared-so that maybe, maybe we could have had the brotherhood we were supposed to have?

…Why am I even bothering to think this?

There's no point. You're gone, Itachi. You're dead. And I wish I could have you back.

I'm so sorry. I hated you when it wasn't your fault. I essentially killed you when all you ever did was protect me.

You cared. You loved me. You were my brother, the only true family I had. You were my aniki, the one I wanted to be, the one I wanted to surpass.

And it shouldn't have ended this way.

But there's nothing to be gained by going down that path of thought.

I'm going to avenge you. You and Mother and Father and our entire clan. Their deaths weren't your fault. They were never really your fault. You were just a pawn of the elders of Konoha.

The elders. They tore us apart when we should have stayed together. They slit our parent's throats-theirs and every other Uchiha's.

Because they feared us.

They have a reason to, now.

I'm going to kill them.

Myself and Hawk, we're going to avenge you all. That's what you want, isn't it? You want to be avenged. You want those god-cursed stinking elders to die in their own blood.

That's what you and Mother and Father want, right?

Right, aniki….?


I can't afford to let myself doubt. I can't! I need to focus on this mission. I am far more powerful than those filthy elders. I can take them down.

You could have taken them, aniki. Why didn't you?

It doesn't matter. Hawk and I, we're almost to Konoha. That place that used to be my home…

What if I face Naruto? Or Sakura? Or Kakashi? Or…

I have to stop doubting! I-if they get in my way, they're as good as dead.

I'll do anything to have my revenge.

But where will I go from there?...

There, I see the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

It's almost time for you and our family to be avenged.

I hope you're watching, big brother.


A/N: The only explanation I can offer is, the muse was dancing around in my head…

Hope you liked it. Reviews are greatly appreciated, but feel no obligation. -SS