Final chapter! Huge thank you to those who still care about this work, I appreciate that anyone would read this at all.
The characters in this story are derived from Hilari Bell's Goblin Wood, and are not mine.
Chapter 19
The Hedgewitch:
"It is good to see you all." Makenna said, her voice resounding through the council hall.
Her goblins advisors were gathered around the table, with her knight seated adjacent from her. Not long after her arrival to the city, she'd called a meeting to discuss recent events and explain her illness. The goblins watched her, expectantly. She had chosen to stand as she spoke, and her tone held all the weight of her authority in it. After they'd apprised her of the most recent affairs in the city, she offered them a count of her and Tobin's journey.
"The priest Agna banished the wraith that was cursed on me by the Sorcerer. I will likely be forever marked, but as for the creature itself, it is gone back to the Dark One. Although his powers were considerable, Agna insisted that it was Tobin who saved my life. I'd say that much is true, though I'd ass that all of you who did in your own way, the ambassador included. Although it was the centuar who dragged us into this conflict and put us in danger with their civil unrest, we owe him a debt of gratitude." She said. A few of the goblins nodded in agreement, but most remained poised on the edge of their seats, eager for more.
"With regard to the centuar internal conflicts, it is my view that attempting to involve us in any shape would be in violation of our terms of alliance. Master Erebus, I asked you to review the document and search for the relevant articles. Does anyone here disagree?" She asked, sliding a button across the table to the Bookie.
Only one goblin spoke up. Commander Binmal.
"I don't disagree, but I would like to remind everyone here that our alliance was only with the Ferkai tribe. The other tribes might not hold the same regard for the document." He said. Makenna nodded.
"A prudent reminder, thank you. I do not think we should sit back idly while this conflict unfolds, in fact, I think we should begin defensive preparations in the city." She said this but did not slide a button to Binmal over the table. This did not go unnoticed, and he considered that she had not commanded him to do so. He sensed something was amiss.
"As for the cities affairs, Miggy." She said, getting his attention. Miggy's gaze sharpened on her.
"Yes, Gen'ral?" He asked.
"You've done a fine job of keeping the city in order while I was away. I ask that you continue your duties." She said. The goblins murmured. Miggy protested.
"But why?" He asked, alarmed. Makenna smiled, mischievously.
"Something has occurred to me. There is no longer a human threat. Without that, I don't believe it's right for me to lead the goblins." She said. A few goblins stood up in protest, their chairs knocking the floor as they fell. Miggy's voice was loudest of them.
"No, Gen'ral, that's not true!" He said. Even Tobin seemed alarmed by her words. Makenna rested her eyes on the table for a moment to collect herself. When she looked back up, she was resolute.
"I don't intend on leaving you. It is my intention to step down and let another take the reins. Think about it, this is what's best for you all. Gone are the days when your foremost need was my expertise of the hierarchy and the ways of humans. My proposal is this, I will remain an advisor on the council, but only with regard to human affairs in Otherworld." She said.
The room had fallen silent as the goblins starred at one another in shock. Many of them seemed to look at Tobin for a response. Seeing their gazes, he shifted. Uncomfortably.
"I cannot say I am in complete disagreement." He said, albeit a bit unwillingly.
"You too?" Mourry said, exasperated. Next to him, Commander Binmal sat quietly, his hand raised to his chin in thought.
"You know, it's not such a bad idea. Many of those who are in the city were refugees from the south. They never knew Makenna as their leader before coming here. Sure, they respect her as any goblin would, seeing she's a crafty and determined, but they might feel more at ease with a goblin leader." He said, thoughtfully.
"What do you all say?" Makenna asked, speaking up. It wouldn't do to drag this decision out, lest she tempt their refusal.
"Very well." Binmal said.
"Aye." Tobin said, voice distant.
"Aye." Erebus said, in a sage tone.
"I'm not happy about this, but I would not stand against it." Miggy grumbled.
At this, Makenna nodded curtly, and sat down. She remained silent until Commander Binmal spoke up, posing a vote for how they would elect a new leader. As the hours went by, and their heads became fuzzy with so many words spoken, Makenna found herself looking more frequently towards her knight, thinking of the kiss he'd given her. He had been right, she would not soon forget it. His expression told her his mind was leagues away, much like her own. When the council meeting was adjourned, Makenna had to dodge a very persistent Master Erebus in pursuit of Tobin, who seemed to want to leave without saying anything to anyone. She made a quick promise to the Bookie to exchanged tales with him and hurried along outside. Along the outer battlement wall, Tobin stared over the city, backlit by the yellowing afternoon sun. Makenna joined him, leaning out over the wall to inspect the new structures along the perimeter.
"You should have told me." He said. His tone was hurt.
"I wanted to, but you might've tried to stop me." She said. He faced her now, his expression saddened.
"Of course, I would. These are your Goblins. I would have reasoned with you." He said in protest.
"Tobin, I told you how I see things differently now, right? I saw something clearly for the first time. That I needed my goblins more than they needed me. They don't need me anymore." She said, turning towards him. At this his mouth parted, his eyes falling low in thought.
"That's not true."
"It is and you know it. And you know what else I've realized?" She said, shaking with nervousness. He looked up.
"I need you. I'm ready to be human again." She said, hoping it didn't sound too selfish.
At this, Tobin's expression twisted, whether in anger or relief, she didn't know until he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. He held her there for as long as he dared, long enough that she worried that she had been too selfish after all and had hurt him. She pulled away to regard his expression.
"Damn sorceress." He said, cursing. Yet, he held her tighter still. Makenna smiled against his chest.
"Don't go getting any ideas." She warned, playfully. He let her go, just enough for her to pull back and kiss her. Before he could make a reply, they were interrupted by a goblin voicing repulsion.
"Eeeeeew. Did you see that? Did you see what he did to her?" The young goblin cried from below the wall. A few other goblins look up, but having missed it, seemed unconcerned.
Makenna looked down and made a sour face at the boy. He scurried away, crying foul. Makenna and Tobin laughed together at this, heartily. She remained there in his arms, smiling and content, uncertain and excited. She thought of all the new runes and spells she could learn in her free time, all the magic inside of her yet to be refined. More than that, Otherworld still held so many mysteries, together they would explore them, the knight and the sorceress, ever at odds with one another, but fast friends, and at long last, in love.