Hey everyone
Well this is my first story on this account, i have others on my friends MissLadyLaura's account who was so kind in letting me do so. Thanks Laura, anywayz i hope you like it, soo this chapter is so short, my normal chapters are about 3,000 words but this is just so you get to know Sakura all little. I promise my other chapters will be longer.
Also I'd like to point out that me and Nami-lass have different stories. No one is copying of one another. And i hope none of you guys think differently.
As you all should know i don't own Naruto..but my plan to take over it should be on the news any minute now...
She would never show her emotions, well not the bad ones. She would never tell anyone of what happened at home; she would do anything for people not to find out. Lying; it was simple, so simple to her now. She did it all the time and today was just like normal. One goal, and that was to not let anyone find out her secret. So here she was sitting outside the principal's office, waiting to start at her new school.
She was happy, school was better than home. Home, well it wasn't really home. It was the place she slept. It wasn't her home, it would never be her home. No the only reason she was there was because she had to be. If she had a choice she wouldn't have come here. She wouldn't have been adopted by him, her supposed father. The one that made her life hell. She would never call him father, never. He did nothing good for her, nothing at all. He took her away, from her friends. The only thing she had left after her family died. So now they lived in Suna.
"Sakura…Sakura Haruno" a voice called snapping her out of her thoughts.
"Hai" Sakura replied.
"The principal will see you now"
"Thank you Shizune" Sakura smiled and made her way over to her principal's office. When she walked in the first thing he noticed was the large sake bottle sitting on the desk. 'Looks like a drinker' Sakura thought and made her way over to the chair opposite the desk. 'She must be a medic' she thought eyes wondering over to the different medical text books.
"I see you like my type of books" said a voice from behind Sakura. Startled a little by the voice she turned to face her. "You must be Sakura Haruno, our new student. Well Miss Haruno I am Tsunade your new principal, it's nice to meet you" Tsunade said with an out stretched hand. "You to" Sakura replied while shaking her hand.
"As you can see our school isn't that big, but some of the subjects are different to your normal schools"
"Different?" Sakura asked.
"It will be explained tomorrow morning. Here is you're locker number, combination and class schedule." The principal said and passed her a piece off paper.
"Thanks" Sakura said and walked out of the room.
'Damn it' Sakura thought as she tried to find her way around the school. 'Maybe if I go that way' she thought.
'Face it your lost' Inner Sakura said.
'For once your right' Sakura told her inner.
'I'm always right' Inner Sakura exclaimed and Sakura mentally rolled her eyes. 'Well I think that might-' Sakura never got to finish because she collided with someone.
Well i hope you liked it
Reviews are always nice :P