Despite sleeping on a make-shift bed on Sakura's floor, Kiyoki awoke refreshed and surprisingly lively for the first time in days. After a swift shower, they dressed and headed out into the village in the direction of the Hokage Mansion.
"So what kind of mission will we get?" Kiyoki asked inquisitively as they passed the BBQ shop. "I mean, is it gonna be like cheap slave labour, or a full blown A-rank escort duty?" Sakura lokoed at her and said
"We have no idea what your abilities are, and technically you haven't even graduated from the academy. Before we even get you a mission you need to be assessed." Kiyoki's expression changed slightly, curious, yet perplexed
"What do you mean by 'assessed'?"
"Don't worry, we're not gonna probe you or anything like that, we just need a good enough idea of your abilities so you're not sent on a mission that's too difficult or likely to get you killed."
Sakura made to turn left at the small ramen stall, a different direction to the mansion, and the scenery quickly changed from residential, becoming more forest and wild growing plants. Shortly afterwords they arrived at a large open plain, with three wooden stumps stuck in the ground to the left, whilst an oddly shaped, large, shiney stone sat to the right.
"This place is beautiful" Kiyoki said in awe
"This is where we had our first test with Kakashi-Sensei. The three of us had to try and get one of two bells off of him, and Naruto ended up being tied to that middle log" Sakura giggled.
"So you and Sasuke both passed? That's awesome" Kiyoki smiled. Sakura's expression changed slightly
"Actually, getting the bells wasn't the real test at all. Naruto's punishment was watching the two of us eat lunch while he starved, we were givin express orders not to give him any, but we did anyway. That was the test, to prove we were a team."
"I've never had a team..." Kiyoki said, her previous enthusiasm seemingly darined away.
"Haha, do not get so down. It is a fine day today, let our youthful souls ignite!"
Kiyoki turned on her heel and found a familiar figure facing her.
"Lee!" she exclaimed, and walked over to him, throwing her arms around his neck and swinging from him, before quickly releasing him and looking down, blushing pinker than Sakura's hair.
"I....I did not realise I was worth such a welcome" Lee stuttered, also blushing slightly. Sakura cleared her throat loudly and said
"IF you're done, then we can start" She nodded at Lee, in a signalling sort of way, and at once, Lee assumed the same stance that he had in the hospital. His expression had turned rather serious.
"Kiyoki! Prepare yourself, for I am your first test" Kiyoki grinned broadly and took an offensive stance
"Well well, looks like we get to have another round. Atleast this time that wierdo with the big eyebrows won't stop you from getting your ass handed to you"
"DO NOT INSULT GAI-SENSEI!" Lee screamed, and in the split second that followed, he had dassapeared from Kiyoki's view.
The power flowed through her just in time to react to Lee first barrage of attacks. His movements were fluid, relentless, yet all to predictable.
'He fights like a textbook Tai-Jutsu fighter' She thought. She aimed a kick towards his stomach between his strikes, which he avoided by leaping backwards, creating about a 15 feet distance between them. Kiyoki did not give him a chance to breath, she made her hand signs and channelled her chakra,
*Katon: Gokakyu No Jutsu*
The Fireball sped towards were Lee was standing and he narrowly avoided being swallowed by it. Kiyoki's Sharingan allowed her to predict his movements almost before he made them. She threw several Shuriken towards him, and lept in the opposite direction.
Lee countered the Shuriken with his own and ran towards her, leaping into the air to meet her before she reached the ground.
*Konoha Sempuu*
His kicik made contact with Kiyoki's stomach, only for her stomach to disappear in smoke. The small wooden log was split in two by the force of Lee attack, and both halfs began to smoke violently before exploding. Lee managed to shield his head from the blast, but hurdled to the ground, landing hard on his left side. Kiyoki appeared beside him a few moments later
"Told you so"
"HA! Do not underestimate my ability!" Lee exclaimed before pushing himself up with his right hand, foot outstreched towards her chin. She gasped and jumped backover, but Lee's heel managed to graze her chin, knocking her slightly dizzy.
Kiyoki shook her head and tried to re-focus her vision, only to see a fist coming towards her face. She ducked just in time, and made a sweep at Lee's legs. Lee jumped and kicked her in the back, sending her flaying forward several feet. She put her arms forward and used them to right herself, before running back towards Lee.
"STOP!" Sakura shouted suddenly, and Kiyoki skidded to a halt only a few inches infront of Lee. Sakura walked over to them and said
"Wow, you've got some real talent. I can't think of many people who got back up after a kick like that"
"No..." Somoone said from behind them "...Niether can I" Kiyoki turned to see someone she had not met before. He was much taller than they were; with long black hair and deathly pale white skin. He was giving of a tremendous aura, and just the slightest hint of it chilled Kiyoki to her very soul.
She looked back to the others. They were both on their knees, breathing heavily and arms shaking.
"Come now my dear. Why waste your time with these ingrates? Come with me..." he held out a hand "...and see your brother"
Kiyoki gasped in shock and her heart almost stopped.
"Who are you? How do you know about Sasuke?" she screamed. The stranger laughed, but it sounded like it came from a madman. the very sound of it made her whole body freeze up.
"Come with me and you'll find out"
"TELL ME!" she screamed, and ran towards him, a Kunai drawn in each hand, but before she could reach him, everything went dark, and she was standing on nothing but darkness.