"I'm boooored!"
"Then go do something and stop bothering me! I'm trying to get some work done here, Mikey."
The orange turtles huffed and crossed his arms. "There isn't anything to do."
Don sighed and sat down his screwdriver. "There is plenty of things to do. You could clean your room." he said with a pointed look.
Grimacing Mikey stood and sighed dramatically. "Well, your no fun."
Don rolled his eyes and turned back to his thingamajig. "Go play one of your video games then."
When Don didn't hear his door open or close his browed creased curiously. He turned around to find Mikey standing with a wide grin, staring at him in a very disconcerting way.
"Mikey? What are you…?"
"I lost the game!" the orange one said as if that alone gave the answer.
"I lost the game!"
"So you've said." Don said wryly.
"You know, "The Game"?"
"What game?"
"The game where the whole point of the game is to not think about the game and when you do think about the game you say 'I lost the game' out loud and everyone who plays the game looses the game!"
Mikey's face could of blinded the sun. "Dude, you should totally play!"
"Uh, no. I think I'll pass."
"Dooonniiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!" Mikey's big blue eyes doubled in size and misted over. He stuck out his lower lip and made a sound remarkably close to a kicked puppy. Don's firm resolve lasted all of 5 seconds before he crumbled.
"Alright alright!"
The turtles were huddled, tense under a tarp in the back of a ship heading to New York. A young Security Officer walked past and they held their breath until he passed.
Suddenly Mikey gasped. The other three looked over and were a bit surprised to see Mikey grinning wildly, staring at Don.
Warily, "Mikey?"
"I lost the game."
Don's groan compiled with Leo and Raph's blank looks set Mikey into a fit of muffled laughter.
AN: Uh, yeah. This game amuses me to no end and just thought I'd write a little shot about it. Escalate's 17th chapter is coming along…slowly. Sorry for the wait but I need a bit more time to fix it up.