Courtney Let's Go


Disclaimer: I do NOT own TDI, but I do have an obsession. x3 C'mon guys, this is my first story, so go easy.. on second thought, go harsh! 3


"Pig, get away from me!" Courtney snarled, pushing Duncan's hand away. Seconds earlier he had put his hand around her waist. And she certainly didn't like it.

Courtney had taken a walk, and settled on the dock. It was a nice moment for her, until Duncan showed up.

Duncan smirked, like usual and put his hands in his pocket. "You sooo want me!"

Courtney raised her eyebrow, turned away, and crossed her arms. "I sooo don't! Like I said, you're not my type. Also, being a C.I.T, I don't want to be the known as 'the girl who went out with a rule-breaker'."

"Pssh," Duncan chuckled. "You'd be lucky to go out with a guy like me."

"Oh, yesss, I would be so lucky to be seen with someone like you!" she said with sarcasm.

"Ad-mit-it! You've had a thing for me since the first day of camp!" Duncan put his hand and Courtney's shoulder. She urged him away. "Look, Delinquent, I don't like you. Never have, never will!" Courtney stood up and walked away from him, entering the forest.

Right behind was Duncan. She coughed, "Stop following me!" She turned on her heel and walked away. The sounds of footsteps. Duncan! she thought, and turned back around. "Dun-" no one was there. "Duncan?" She continued walking, with a worried expression on her face. More footsteps. Courtney turned back around again, yet no one was there. "Okay, Duncan, you can come out now!" she said, in a scared voice. "Please?"

She kept walking. "Get a grip, Courtney! You're a C.I.T! So stop being paranoid! No one is there!" She told herself, and continued walking.

"Oh, so I'm a no one, now?" the voice startled Courtney so much, she jumped up and landed in someones arm. "Well, Princess, you're finally in my arms!" Duncan said, pretty much praising himself. Too bad Geoff wasn't here to give him a thumbs up. He noticed Courtney was shaking in fear. "Wow, Princess, you sure are jumpy!"

"Oh, shut up and put me down!" she complained. To her surprise he put her down, gently. "So.." Courtney said, rubbing her arm. "I better get back to my cabin. Bridgette probably wondering where I am and stuff-"

She stopped when Duncan had suddenly leaned in to kiss her. Courtney pushed him away when he was a centimeter away from her lips. "Jeez, orge, just when I thought you were a decent person!" she yelled and walked off, leaving him behind.


Once in her cabin, Bridgette walked over to her. "Hey, Court," she smiled. "Here's a letter for you. Maybe it's from you know whoo!"

Courtney snatched it away and read the front. "From the C.I.T Society!" Courtney ripped it open, not like her usual take-your-time self. After opening it up, you took the paper out. Reading it carefully, she began to grow a very sad frown. "I can't believe this.."


A/N: How was it? xD Bad, good? Want me to update? Probably not, but if so, review!