The rest of the week's rehearsals went forth without consequence. Sarah finally accepted, albeit begrudgingly, her role in the play as a mindless, Jareth-worshipping plaything. By the time Sarah had reached Scene Six her character had thanked the Goblin King profusely for saving her from The Cleaners, the oubliette and various other Labyrinth endangerments, had begged numerous times for Jareth's affections and had already traveled through most of the maze (the details of her traveling were however, conspicuously missing.) In fact, Sarah finally understood just how different this play was from her actual experience. To her, it was quite quickly becoming the most sickeningly romantic bit of dribble she had ever had the misfortune of reading. Sarah wondered how the neighboring kingdoms would react to this rather obsene story, but then again, maybe she was taking too many things for granted. Perhaps everyone in the Underground enjoyed the same sort of twisted humor that Jareth apparantly enjoyed. Things were not always what they seemed in this place, as Sarah had been pointed out before. But frankly, Sarah thought the whole thing was getting a bit carried away. In fact, Sarah had the distinct impression that Jareth had written this play simply to aggravate her more than anything else. Each night after rehearsal a new scene would appear in the scipt. Sarah would lay on her bed, open her script, and read what new, asenine thing her character would be doing. She didn't like how she was being portrayed, but she no longer actively tried to make things difficult. She finally came to a sort of understanding that if she did, she was only hindering herself.
Yet, that was not the only reason she was being so accommodating. There was another, more complicated reason for her actions, or lack thereof. Ever since the first rehearsal, the Goblin King had been strangely... quiet. He had not threatened her or embarrassed her in any way. In fact, other than reciting his lines he hardly spoke to her at all. And not only that, he seemed... absent, as if he was removed from his body. She'd had to repeat a line numerous times the other day before Jareth finally continued with the scene, blinking as if awaking from a dream, yet still sounding distant. Sarah found this very disconcerting. It wasn't like Jareth to shut down like this. At first, she had been ecstatic at the Goblin King's changes. She had finally felt like she could relax around him a bit. But as the days went by Sarah began to wonder what was wrong with him and would have gladly engaged in an argument if only to relieve her utter boredom. Unfortunately there was nothing for her to argue about. Yet she was becoming increasingly annoyed by his behavior.
And not only had they stopped arguing, but the moment they had shared during that first rehearsal had never been repeated. She could have sworn there had been a sort of... exchange of understanding. But now, Sarah began to think that maybe it had been her imagination. Maybe there hadn't really been anything there after all.
There was one upside to Jareth's mental absence, despite the obvious. Now that the Goblin King no longer seemed to take enjoyment out of Sarah's temper and embarrassment she was taking full advantage of his non-presence. Sarah had not so easily forgotten the arguments they had had not a week ago and she still wanted to find out just exactly how Jareth had been spying on her all this time even if she was too afraid to ask him about it outright. Of course, Sarah's immediate idea was that his crystals were somehow behind it. Although Jareth had always hinted around the fact that they were simply her dreams made manifest Sarah somehow thought that this could not be entirely so. She remembered with stunning clarity the first moment she had set eyes on the Goblin King.
"I've brought you a gift," the Goblin King held out an elegant hand as a crystal materialized from seemingly nowhere. "What is it?" Sarah questioned hesitantly.
"It's a crystal, nothing more." Sarah watched in a fascination bordering on horror as the Goblin King weaved the crystal around and around in his hands, creating a sort of dance, "But if you turn it this way, it will show you your dreams"
Jareth regarded Sarah with a hint of amusement and challenge in his eyes. The crystal continued its magical dance within the Goblin King's hands.
"But this is not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of a screaming baby"
The dancing stopped, and Jareth offered her the crystal, holding the beautiful object before her.
"Do you want it"
Sarah silently communicated her answer.
Jareth withdrew the crystal with perhaps a bit of disappointment reflected on his features.
"Then forget the baby."
Jareth had said that if she turned the crystal a certain way it would show her her dreams. But... what if she turned it a different way? Sarah had to believe that the orbs were more than simply crystals. In fact, something about them seemed extraordinarily familiar to her.
Finally, Sarah realized why she felt they were more than what Jareth let on and remembered what they reminded her of.
His "crystals" were, literally, balls made of crystal. Crystal balls. Didn't gypsies and fortune tellers use crystal balls as a way of seeing things they normally wouldn't be able to? Sarah thought with increasing excitement, certain she had discovered something important. But wait, Sarah thought, thinking further. Crystal balls could not be quite it. When Jareth had confronted her about leaving, Sarah was sure he was referring to when she had been in the oubliette. Therefore what he had witnessed had been instantaneous. Crystal balls only tended to display the future, from what little Sarah knew of the subject. Sarah wasn't exactly an expert on divination. Yet, although they might not be her answer, she was sure they yielded some sort of magical prowess other than her dreams. But what WAS Jareth using to spy on her? There had to be something else Jareth was using to discover things about her. Wasn't there something else that was used to view things exactly as they happened? She knew she was forgetting something...
With a jolt Sarah thought of the mirror in the classic fairy tale Snow White. In most retellings of the story the mirror had served that precise purpose. Immediately Sarah glanced at her mirror with a feeling of trepidation. Could it be possible Jareth was viewing her through her mirror? After all, his bedchambers WERE directly behind it, though there was a bit of a gap. Was Jareth using it to spy on her?
Sarah looked at the glass again, hoping her movements weren't too obvious. What if he was watching her at this very moment?
Sarah thought quickly. Her immediate inclination was to grab a blanket and throw it over the mirror. That'd teach the bastard. But she knew she couldn't act out on any rash decisions. With that thought in mind Sarah forced herself to think through the possible consequences of doing such a thing. After she took the time to think it through, Sarah realized that acting on such a whim would definitely get her into trouble with Jareth. If she simply covered it with a blanket he would no doubt come bursting in her room in an instant and easily remove it. Though she was sure he wished to keep his viewing of her secret, she didn't doubt that he would do such a thing. He would probably just restore the mirror back to its original condition and discover some other way of spying on her. Sarah had the sense to realize that she needed to keep this notion of Jareth somehow watching her a secret. She hoped that after her initial query towards Jareth on the subject he had forgotten all about it.
No, she would not cover her mirror. She would just have to avoid it at all costs. She would change solely in her water closet from now on. Jareth surely couldn't confront her about something like that.
But what of her beloved oubliette? Sarah wondered. What if Jareth saw her enter it?
Well, she didn't really have an answer for that. She would just have to cross that bridge if and when she came to it. Sarah knew she had no other choice. Her oubliette was the only place where she knew, somehow deep in her gut, that she was safe from Jareth's prying eyes. She would use the chamber for all her personal affairs and would just have to take the chance that Jareth wouldn't discover when she was gone. Sarah realized she had been extremely lucky that the first time Jareth had thought she was missing she had come back up to her bedroom in the nick of time. Sarah knew that if he hadn't found her, the entire kingdom would be in an uproar by now. But Jareth's intrusion was yet another topic of concern for Sarah.
She couldn't quite understand why Jareth had even bothered to come into her room. Why hadn't Jareth simply used his magic to discover her whereabouts? She knew that Jareth had to have some way of knowing where she was. That had been extremely apparant during her traversing of the Labyrinth and even more obvious when she had been duped into thinking he was her beloved friend, Hoggle. Jareth had appeared quite panic-stricken when he first burst into Sarah's room, as if he had thought she had somehow left for good.
Sarah knew she must have been in the oubliette during the time Jareth had tried to seek her out. But how he hadn't discovered her right then confused her. Perhaps what she had originally felt about the oubliette was true. Perhaps she truly was secure in the dwelling. She didn't know how that could be possible, but it was the only explanation Sarah could come up with. At this intriguing thought, Sarah again thought of the odd coincidence of her discovering the oubliette's existence precisely one day after she had wished with all her heart for such a secluded place. Sarah felt an uneasiness in her stomach. What was she suggesting? That... that she possibly...?
Sarah dared not contemplate the enormity of the situation.
Why, if what Sarah was thinking was true then she certainly was implying that she had somehow conjured up the place herself, which she knew was impossible. Unless...
Sarah thought back to the little red book she owned of the play the Labyrinth. If the book had any merit whatsoever it implied that the Goblin King had given her certain powers.
Sarah found this very difficult to believe however, so she considered it as food for thought, and did not linger on the idea. She would need a considerable amount of evidence before she could even start to believe something so farfetched.
And as for those crystals... Sarah truly desired to uncover their secrets. She knew that in doing so she would undoubtedly gain a huge advantage over Jareth. If she could find a way to overcome him perhaps she wouldn't even have to perform the ridiculous play. Though she felt some misgivings for deserting the Goblin King while he was acting so strangely, and especially after what she had thought had been a moment of understanding, Sarah reminded herself of all she had been through with the man. And maybe if Sarah broached the subject just right, she would be able to coax Curlique into helping her. Sarah couldn't do very much on her own right now, given her room situation. She wouldn't ask the goblin much, Sarah didn't want to scare her and certainly didn't want her put in danger, but perhaps Sarah could just let it be known to Curlique that if she ever saw anything suspicious or came upon an opportunity to learn more about the crystals that she take it. After all, the goblin was exceedingly clever.
And if that wasn't enough to preoccupy Sarah's thoughts, she had one more plan she wished to set into motion a.s.a.p.
Sarah was sick and tired of being cooped up in her room day after day. She didn't know how she could ever accomplish such a feat, but somehow she needed to find a way out of her room.
A/N Hmm... Sarah is beginning to get an inkling that she may have magical powers... or is at least trying to better her situation with the possible usage of Jareth's magic. And what could be up with Jareth?
Sorry it's taken so long to update... grr... stupid new job ):
Thanks for reading -TheArtist