I woke the following morning with the unpleasantness of dried sweat and come, not to mention an aching ass. The bastard had certainly been thorough. Groaning I got to my feet, the hisses of water alerting me as to where the boss had got to. Like hell I was waiting around for a shower, besides it'd mean seeing him again. I pulled on my clothes, grabbing at my head in an attempt to stop the throbbing headache. Fucking hangovers.

Limping towards the door my hand was on the catch before I realised there was something I wanted to do, something I wanted to know. I went into the kitchen and sure enough it still lay there on the counter top, the gun. Tentatively I picked it up, hefting the weight of it in my hand, the metal gleaming dully under the lighting as it reflected off its deadly lines, the worn wood of its handle fitting my hand comfortably.

Rufus' shotgun. I remember the first time I saw him shoot this one handed, years ago. We were both young and he was so slight and had the attitude of a spoilt brat who'd never done a days work in his life, but he fired it with just one hand, the recoil barely moving him. I smiled a little, I never liked guns.

There was a reason I'd picked it up though. I snapped it open, smirking in satisfaction as I saw it was empty of cartridges. So despite it all even he had limits. Hearing a noise behind me I spun, a guilty look on my face like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Shinra stood behind me, a towel hanging low on his lips, arms folded across his chest. Finally removing my eyes from his enticing body I observed the smirk on his face.

"Looking for these?" His tone was bemused, hand extended and palm out flat to reveal the ammunition missing from his weapon. Of course I had no way of knowing when he'd removed them. Could have got them fresh from the box when he heard me in the kitchen, the gun never loaded in the first place or he could have detoured on his way to the bathroom that morning, removing a very real threat.

I might be from the slums and I might not be the sharpest knife in the draw but I had cunning and I knew damn well what the golden haired bastard was doing. This gesture simply told me not to presume I knew the first thing about him just because we'd slept together. That his secrets were staying that way. The scowl on my face melted into a smirk as I shook my head. I had to admire him, he might be a demon but he was a figure I couldn't help but respect.

"Lesson learnt boss". Throwing my usual sloppy excuse for a salute I brushed past him, trying not to get too close to his near naked body. I was at the door, hand on the lock when I heard him speak again. "Reno when we're alone like this there's really no cause for you to call me boss." Freezing I stared at the lock, the look on my face incredulous. Was this first name terms?

"...Okay". Opening the door I slipped out, eager to escape the surreal nature of his private life. As the heavy door shut I just caught his words, delivered with impeccable timing.

"'Master' will do just fine."