Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha


A lone man walked down the worst part of town. By his intimidating appearance, everybody around him stayed well enough away. He was brooding as he walked, having just come from an experimental appointment. The gathering he had attended had piqued his curiosity as much as could be said for him. His thoughts were rudely interrupted, however, by a loud and boisterous group of "gangsters" gathered across the street.

They were all circled around something, what, he didn't know. He stretched his ears and listened past the obnoxious cheers and hollers and heard a small, feminine whimpering. How low would these humans sink? Entrapping a female of their own species for their own twisted purposes. He needed to put an end to this disgusting folly. He slowly crossed the street and inconspicuously made his way to stand beside the circle. The men noticed him and looked up momentarily. One of them was bold enough to rudely holler, "Keep movin, bozo, there ain't nothin to see here!" which brought forth roars of laughter from the other men. He looked at the back of the girls head, which he could now see. She tried to turn her head to see if this was help that had stopped them, but one of the men's harsh grip on her prevented her from doing that.

"Let her go." he commanded the man that held her. This brought another bout of hysterical laughter, "And what if we don't?" said the man.

"Would you really like to find out?" the loner asked in a low voice. The group of men slowly started to back away and break up in fear as they watched some horror unkown to the girl in their clutches.

The man immediately let go of her arms and held his hands up defensively, backing away.

The girl quickly turned and started walking down the street toward a busy intersection where there would be people; witnesses. He watched as she disappeared around the corner.

He threw one last glare after the delinquents that had started it all and smoothly put his hands in his pockets, walking into the nearest alley. He wanted to beat the lot of them to a bloody pulp for interrupting his thoughts, but his situation didn't recommend it. He would control his temper.

What he didn't know, was that the girl had gone around the corner and stopped at the mouth of one of the many alleys that his led into.

As the girl walked, all she could think about was the events that had just taken place. She was never taking this shortcut again. It was funny actually, she had just gotten back from church. Church wasn't downtown, but the restaraunt where her family ate afterwards was. She wanted to leave early, ended up getting lost, and somehow got herself in the middle of a gangfight all in a half-hour. A pretty exciting evening for a christian goody two-shoes, don't you think?

Her name is Kagome Higurashi and she's the biggest goody two-shoes you will ever meet.

The man that saved her walked slowly into the alley, letting the darkness envelope him. He stopped once or twice to enjoy the wonderful darkness that lifted his spirits. He didn't have the time to stop for long, though. He walked farther into the alley and was about to turn left and head home. He turned to the right, though, when he heard the girl crying in the direction opposite the one he was going.

This man's name is Sesshoumaru Taisho. He's a vampire with an intense coldness about him. He doesn't seem to care about anything, but is very dangerous nonetheless.

At first, he couldn't believe his eyes. He thought this girl would go straight home. I guess she's not very intelligent, he thought. Even if she wasn't too smart, she was definitely easy on the eyes. Despite the sobs that racked her body, her head was held high and her tear-stained cheeks were rosy. Her long, wavy, dark brown hair cascaded down her back and curled gracefully over her shoulders. Her taste in clothes was tolerable. Her leaking eyes were the bluest he had ever seen in his many years and he found himself quite enthralled by them. She was petite to say the least, but still pleasantly figured.

In a word, she was beautiful. A traditional, ladylike face. He almost wished he was a normal man, almost.

The girl had caught sight of him walking up and was gathering his appearance at the same time he was taking in hers. He had long, white hair pulled back in a low ponytail that fell past his back. His eye color was the most unfeeling shade of gold as could be found, but his facial features looked like they had been sculpted by an artist. He was very pale, that she could tell even with the lack of light. The little of his body she could see was very toned and muscular but not intimidating and overblown like most guys.

Yeah. He was a good looking guy, truly handsome. She vaguely remembered seeing him in the back of her church that day.

She had never given much thought to vampires before that night. The best-selling books out at the moment were all about vampires, but they were all fiction. The only thing that could have persuaded her to believe was the glimpse of fangs that glinted off the streetlights as he looked at her. Come to think of it, he was exactly how she pictured Edward Cullen to look like, only with long, white hair instead of red. She couldn't stand him staring at her like that from the shadows, so she gathered up every ounce of courage she had. It wasn't like she could run away, so why not bring the danger closer?

"You can come out now." she said. The dark figure straightened his shoulders and walked over to where she stood.


Was an original story, but I wanted to try it out here and see the response it got. So how is it? I was going to make it an Inukag but I'm on a Sesskag craze right now, hehe :D

Please review, criticism welcome!