
                Q, his son, and Goku, now back to normal, were at the same section of space Q had taken the others before. 

                "Now what, Q?" Goku asked.

                "I'll try to fix the damage Cell did to this universe.  Now, you can go back to your earth and take pride that you saved the cosmos."

                "Q!  I lost my friends and sons to that monster and that's all you can say?!"

                "Oh you mortals take life so statically."  Q snapped his fingers and Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Vegeta appeared. 


                "Dad?" Gohan asked.  "What happened?"

                "You father," Q interrupted, "has defeated Cell and I have brought you back to life."

                "So you mean it's over?" Trunks asked.

                "I guess so," Goten answered.  Q snapped his fingers and the gang disappeared leaving Goku.

                "Son," Q said to Q jr., "I need to talk with Goku alone now."

                "Oh all right." Junior disappeared in a flash of white light as Goku looked at Q.

                "Where are my friends?"

                "Safe and sound on earth.  What I need to talk to you about is your reward."


                "While looking at you from above, I thought you would surly lose that fight, but then you discovered the weakness in Cell's power.  I haven't seen that kind of thinking since I tested Jean-Luc in the other dimension, so I'm going to give you something very special when I send you home."

                "What is it?"

                "Believe me.  You'll like it."  Q snapped his fingers.

                Goku looked around to find himself in a mountain range close to his house.  After he started flying in that direction, he though about what Q gave him.  About seven miles from his house, he found out what it was.  Right beside the lake was a mountain of assorted food:  rice, chicken, ham, and others.  When he reached his home, he saw Gohan, ChiChi, and Goten puzzled over the mountain of food. 

                "Goku, Gohan, Goten!" ChiChi yelled, "If you have an explanation for this, I want to hear it, NOW!"  The three looked at each other, smiled, and sweat dropped. 

                In unison, the three Son males simply said "Q" and dig into the food.

                "Vegeta, dinner will be ready in a minute."

                "Ok woman."

                It was a week after the Q entity adventure, and Vegeta was back in the gravity room training to the maximum. 

                "Ok.  Dinner's ready."  Upon hearing those words, Vegeta powered down the gravity machine and made his way to the dinning room.  After he sat down, he waited for a couple of minutes.

                "Well woman.  Where is the food?  How come that Q didn't give me a mountain of food?"

                "All right, all right," Bulma complained coming in with some spare ribs. 

Trunks sat down at the table after his mom served the food.  Vegeta picked up the ribs and started to bit into them when a white flash of light tuned them into a bowl of salad. 

"Uggghh.  I'm not hungry."