Theodore Nott

Theodore has always preferred his own company far more than other people's; He supposes it's what comes of living with his grandmother. He is perfectly content that way.

However, Theodore is fiercely loyal to the few he does consider to be proper friends and will quite happily maim in the name of friendship with no qualms whatsoever.

Theodore is without tact. Not one to offer his opinion generally, when asked he can be depended on to be utterly and brutally honest. This can both work in his favour and get him into serious trouble, depending on the situation.

Theodore has always felt the rivalry between Draco and Potter to be completely childish and categorically refuses to get involved no matter how many times Draco comes moaning to him.

The only thing Theodore wants to do upon graduating from Hogwarts is to become an academic of some sort. People infuriate him and he cannot think of anything worse than having to deal with people day in day out.

His grandmother wants him to go into finance. His father doesn't much care.

Theodore misses his mother more than he will ever let anyone know. He doesn't appreciate sympathy, which always makes it awkward when people try to give it. It's just easier if he never gives them reason to.

Theodore's solitary and somewhat mysterious nature makes him extremely attractive to female students of all houses. Theodore himself is completely oblivious to this and has absolutely no idea how many hearts he has broken, despite Pansy's constant teasing.

On the subject of Pansy, Theodore thinks of her as a sister and has a tendency towards quietly threatening any boy that looks at her with interest. This is irrelevant of the fact that Pansy brings most of it on herself.

Theodore only let Draco have a go on the understanding that 'all hell would be unleashed' if he messed up in anyway. Thankfully, the breakup was amicable.

One of Theodore's most proud moments was when Draco asked him to be Scorpius' godfather.