A Scene That Never Happened

Imagine "Nothing Else Matters," by Metallica then progressing into, "Of Wolf and Man."

During the song, Roxas had sighed in content and rested his head on Demyx's shoulder. While the last sounds started to fade, Demyx looked to the comfortable Roxas in thought; consideration. In the small silence before the next song, Demyx gently kissed the top of the younger's head, causing him to look up questioningly. He shrugged in response, kissing him again on the forehead. Roxas rolled his eyes at such a meaningless gesture.

"You're cute when you roll your eyes," Demyx whispered, resting an arm across Roxas' shoulders.

"Yeah, right," he responded, looking away, trying to avoid the odd situation.

Demyx lifted Roxas' chin to face him before adding, "Actually, you're cute all the time, but the action just heightens your ability to be adorable."

He cupped Roxas' cheek, stroking it lightly with his thumb as Roxas brought his own hand to Demyx's, letting his head lean into his touch.

Roxas sighed, saying, "Your hand is warm."

"Roxas?" Demyx asked softly after a moment.

"Yeah?" Roxas' breathing hitched as Demyx brought his face closer, just barely apart. The closed their eyes.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Axel called mockingly over the music from the open doorway. The two sprang apart, leaving a good foot between each other, Roxas with his hand behind his neck, "Do you think you could turn the music down? Other people live here too, got it memorized?"

Muttering an apology, Demyx turned the dial so that the music was lowered enough to allow people to think and Roxas stood, saying his hastened goodbyes before quickly leaving the room.