Tsubasa manga Spoilers. Chapter 180.




She doesn't believe in the monster, the clone. She believes in skin and whispering and moments-she-knows-in-her-heart-he-and-she-shared-once-upon-a-time. She doesn't believe in them, or herself, really, when they say otherwise because she knows; she feels.

She believes there's good in his heart, even if He said he couldn't copy it. She knows it's her conning herself but can't make any of it (the feeling, the beating, the lov—) less real to her mind. Memories-that-aren't-her's keep playing on repeat – cold breeze, three silent moments, touching hands, "I love y—" – and they still feel the same with her copied heart.

Beneath breaths, she dares King of the Hill to take this from her — to take this happiness, to take this belief, to take this—(ignorance). She cries because she knows there's, really, only one way for this tale to move to the end. She keeps hope in the idea that if those two, Real Boy and Girl, keep living, then, maybe, a part of her and her boy is living to.

She sees the real boy, opposed to her Pinocchio and hates him because he doesn't deserve to be the beginning and the end while she and the other are stuck-in-the-middle-dead. He touches her, thinking of Real Girl, His Girl, and sings, "Princess! Princess! My princess!" to the wind, and begs her NOT TO DIE.

A part of her knows that, if he knew the truth, he wouldn't scream for her. He'd let the fake creation die, knowing that the better version lives on. She smiles to him, anyway, and spills all her secrets knowing that they don't matter anyway, "Your Sakura isn't me. Your Sakura is waiting!" and she touch the Real True Savior Boy's face and tells of the miles to go to save his princess.

She looks to (her) Pinocchio and her mouth goes dry with a million different words she needs to say.

(Only three actually matter.)

She—can't—quite—spit—it—out—though. "I love y—"





1. – I've been writing TRC and xxxHOLiC fanfiction like crazy. I liked this one most.
2. – I tried to stay close-ish to canon. Shorten C!Sakura's speech to R!Syaoran down.
