A/N: I own nothing except Livinia, Helen, Caeli, and the idea. I've only seen New Who, so I'm sorry if this does not match with Old Who.
Spoilers: Doctor Who- up to 3x13, Eureka- 3x01 (but she said no), Psych- up to 3x08, SGA- all of it, and Torchwood- up to but not including 2x06.


Livinia, daughter of Theta and Koschei (more commonly known as the Doctor and Master), along with her lover Janus stood in front of a joint council of Timelords and Lanteans. Their crime was falling in love and acting upon it. The members of the council looked down on them with disappointment and in some cases outright disdain. While these looks made Janus stand, not in shame, but like a man walking to his execution, Livinia stood straighter, refusing to be cowed by them.

"Do you understand why you've been brought in front of this council?" the sternest Lantean on the council asked.

The question was meant to be rhetorical, Livinia and Janus had been told several times what they'd done wrong once their affair had been discovered, but Livinia couldn't resist answering, "No, I don't. Timelords and Lanteans can become friends, they can work together, fight together, and even die together but they can't love each other or become intimate with one another. And this is a restriction solely on Timelords; the rest of Gallifrey doesn't have these constraints. In fact, non-Timelord Gallifreyans are encouraged to marry Lanteans. I love Janus he loves me, why should you have any say in what we do?"

"It is not up to you to question that which you do not understand. You are still too young to fully comprehend the ramifications of your actions," the eldest Timelord told her. Livinia wanted to protest, but the Timelord held his hand up and continued, "As punishment Janus, you are banned from ever stepping foot on Gallifrey again and Livinia, you are forbidden from going to Atlantis or any other Lantean outpost in the Pegasus Galaxy for the rest of time; past, present, and future."

Once he had finished, he and the rest of the council stood up and left the chamber. Livinia saw her parents approach her in one direction and in another, a group of Lanteans heading for Janus. Knowing that this would be the last time she would see Janus, she threw herself into his arms. Janus held her tight, whispering over and over again "I love you." They had just started to kiss when she felt two hands gently grab her arms and pull her away from Janus.

Looking over her shoulder Livinia saw it was the Doctor who held her while the Master stood off to the side with a sad look on his face. She glanced back to Janus, only to see him being dragged in the opposite direction. Tears started streaming down her face as she began to plead, "Please, Daddy, Papa, don't let them do this. Please, I love him...." she kept sobbing and pleading, yet within minutes she was out of the council room and on her way back home.

A couple days passed. Livinia felt numb as the realization of what happened and what could never come to be hit her. Those days were spent in her room where she contemplated how her life had come to this, she was barely 100 and she felt like her life would never be whole again. She thought over her last moments with Janus and everything that the council said when she realized something, she wanted to understand what the eldest Timelord meant when he said that she hadn't understood the "ramifications of [her] actions."

With this thought in mind she sought out her fathers to explain it to her. She found them both in the study and immediately asked, "What are the consequences of Janus and me being together?" seeing the confused looks on their faces, she continued, "a council member said I didn't understand the 'ramifications' of my actions. What ramifications could my being with Janus have?"

The Doctor and Master shared a look, as if deciding who should answer her question. Sighing, the Doctor turned from his husband to his daughter, "It's a matter of genetics Livinia, the council fears what would happen if a Timelord and Lantean have a child together."

"Dad, I'm a temporal engineer, not a geneticist. In fact, I failed genetics."

"Not all Gallifreyans are Timelords; in fact children of Timelords aren't necessarily Timelords. We are able to feel the flow of time, among other things, but we don't consciously feel it until after we look into the Untempered Schism..."

"Right, so how would introducing Lantean genes affect all that?" Livinia interrupted.

This time it was the Master who answered, "Lanteans are attempting to evolve to a state of being where they wouldn't need their physical bodies. And in the process, they have managed to gain many different types of powers, they're individualized but the ability to say walk through walls or talk to animals is passed through DNA."

"What the council fears," the Doctor interjected, "is that a child of a Timelord and Lantean wouldn't need to look into the Untempered Schism to feel the passage of time. That everything that makes a Timelord a Timelord will be automatically activated because of the Lantean genes and that the child might still possess some other ability. That the child might be too powerful to control, with everything that it could do it wouldn't need to fear repercussions for breaking our laws."

Livinia took in everything she was told before answering, "That's ridiculous! You make it sound like any child born of a Timelord and Lantean would be a power-hungry dictator or something. Don't the morals that parents teach their children mean anything? Do both of you fear that?" When neither responded, Livinia threw her hands up in disgust and stormed out of the study.

For a week she avoided both her parents; still upset that they had sided with the council instead of her, their only daughter. Despite only seeing them in passing, Livinia heard them arguing almost constantly, arguing over her, the council, and some things that Livinia had no idea about. Their voices carried all throughout the house and she couldn't escape their fighting and begin by herself just brought feeling of loneliness and a great sense of loss.

She was sitting in her room when the idea came to her and without thought she leapt from her bed and snuck to her TARDIS. She was going to leave Gallifrey, leave the council and their rules, leave the memories of Janus behind. Livinia thought of traveling, but doing it alone would be just as bad as sitting alone in her room, so instead she settled on visiting Earth to stay only for a year maybe more.

She arrived in Manchester in 1951, a month later she found out she was pregnant. Nine months later as she held her daughter, Helen, Livinia realized she'd never be able to go home again and decided that no one (Timelord, Lantean, or otherwise) could find out about Helen. She made a ring for herself and a necklace for Helen that would disguise their alien traits and allow them to age like a human. Livinia was resigned to living out the rest of her life pretending to be human, if only to protect her daughter.