Here is the next chapter in Like The Rain. I know this has been forever since I've updated last. But I finally managed to write another chapter after getting it back (laptop crashed and i just got a new one and got all the stuff off the old one). So epic thanks for being patient with me. I will try to have another chapter up within the next few months haha don't hold me to that.
Disclaimer: As always I don't own any of these characters.
Reviews and comments are always welcome.
I hear it falling in the night
And filling up my mind
All the heaven's rivers come to light
And I see it all unwind.
Naruto rushed into his room and slammed the door shut. Leaning against it he sighed. He banged his head against the door a few times. What was he thinking?! How could he have been so stupid as to think it would be okay to walk around without pants on in front of his sensei?
"Baka" he muttered. "Just find some pants and go finish with the clothes" he mumbled to himself. Naruto pulled away from the door and searched on the floor for some semi-clean pants. He really needed to wash his other clothes! Or else he would have to go naked, and Naruto knew how that ended up the last time...He finally found a pair under his desk. He pulled them on then turned back toward the door. "You can do this Naruto" he felt the need to give himself a pep talk just so he could survive the night.
Kakashi wasn't anywhere to be seen when Naruto emerged from his room. He slid the door closed and walked toward the kitchen where he left him last. Peeking into the kitchen he found him looking out the window lost in thought. The rain was still coming down hard; it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon. Naruto briefly wondered what sensei was thinking but he quickly dismissed it and left the kitchen.
He turned back to the hall and walked to the laundry room. The light was still on and the clothes were scattered on the floor. He bent down and picked them up. Pulling them apart he threw them into the wash one at a time. He poured in some soap and then closed the lid. It would take maybe twenty minutes for the washer to run and then at least another forty for the dryer, it looked like Sensei will be staying here for a while.
Naruto grinned as a plan formed in his mind; maybe, just maybe he could get Kakashi- Sensei to sleep over. If the clothes took a while and the rain was not going to let up anytime soon, maybe, just maybe he could get Kakashi to sleep over. He would have to try and be as convincing as possible. He slowly walked back to the kitchen to see Kakashi-Sensei still lost in thought looking out the window.
Naruto wished he could paint; Sensei standing there in his kitchen would have made a great painting; broad shoulders going down to a strong pale muscled back tapered down to dark pants against the window frame; Naruto and he drank in the sight cursing himself for not learning to paint let alone draw. But Naruto couldn't paint. He couldn't even draw stick figures. He sighed softly, but Kakashi didn't notice. Naruto poured some more hot milk into his mug since he spilled most of it on the counter before grabbing the mug with both hands off the counter and went to go stand next to his sensei.
Kakashi heard Naruto walk over before he saw him. "What's wrong?" he asked softly glancing down at the teen. Naruto looked up in surprise.
"Nothing's wrong, why do you ask Sensei?" Kakashi shrugged,
"You looked really down for a moment there. You weren't acting like the Naruto I know" he said smiling. His smile showed off perfect white teeth with a strong jaw line. Naruto glanced away hiding the blush that was threatening to show.
"And how do I normally act that would be very different from now?" Naruto asked glancing shyly back at his sensei. He took a quick sip of the scalding milk and almost choked because it was too hot. Kakashi-Sensei chuckled and gave Naruto a half smirk before he took a small sip of his own warmed milk.
"Normally Naruto is very talkative and I have yet to see him blush before." Kakashi said as Naruto looked up. He noticed the thoughtful look on Kakashi-Sensei's face was back and cocked his head.
"What are you thinking?" Naruto asked his fingers gripping the mug a bit tighter, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know the answer or not. Kakashi shook his head before taking a sip of his milk. The longer he was silent the more Naruto didn't want to know the answer. It made him nervous just thinking about what could possibly be going through his head.
"That's not a conversation that I normally have with my students." Kakashi said staring out the window into the night. The rain was still coming down and it didn't look like it would be stopping any time soon, but Kakashi didn't seem to notice it. He was lost in thought. It wasn't that he didn't trust Naruto enough to tell him what he was thinking about, actually he didn't trust Naruto that much. The kid had a loud mouth and never stop to think before he spoke.
But there was something about tonight that had Kakashi thinking he could trust him. Maybe it was the rain, or maybe it was the warm milk that Naruto had so carefully made for him. Heck it could be that cute little smile that didn't quite reach his eyes that had Kakashi leaning towards trusting Naruto. But whatever it was Kakashi knew that by the end of the night Naruto would know everything there was to know about why he was so aloof and sometimes out of touch with the world. Before he could say anything there was a loud ding from the other room.
"Oh, the washer must be done already." Naruto said. "Stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes." he added placing his mug back on the counter and holding his hands out like he could control his sensei to stay put. Kakashi had no desire to move, other than to sit down. He sat down in a chair and went back to staring out the window while waiting for Naruto to get back. He would figure out a way to gather his thoughts while he waited, he just hoped it would be enough time.
Whistling, Naruto started down the short hallway to the laundry room. The washer was in fact done, twenty minutes had certainly passed faster than ever before. Maybe it was because Naruto was actually enjoying the down time that he was spending with his sensei. Kakashi was a tough nut to crack and Naruto didn't usually get to spend alone time with him so he was going to make the best of it whether Kakashi liked it or not.