Just Say Yes.

A Troyella Oneshot. - PART ONE.

Written by HSMisLurve.


We were both young, when I first saw you,

I close my eyes, and the flashbacks start,

I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air…

She felt the grains of what felt like sand ripple under the soft flesh of her fingertips. They ran over the contours and dips, the tips of her nails scraping against the solid, hard surface. A wistful smile covers her delightful face, with her rosy lips parted softly, and her deep brown eyes gazing into the distance. Her back leans against the stone wall in which she touches, and she sighs lightly as the cold air swaps from the stone to the top of her back, making goose bumps crawl gradually up her tanned skin. Her hair, always curly, draped back against her neck, the small pins in her hair digging gently into her scalp, but holding her top of her hair back, neatly in place. A small flower, in the shape of a lily, decorated her head, sliding just behind her ear, which held one of two pearl earring.

Anyone could tell she was a beauty.

She was waiting, waiting for something. She didn't know what, but she could feel it in the air. That something spectacular was going to happen. Eventually. She'd been waiting most of the day, refusing to come to lunch just in case she missed… whatever was going to happen. It infuriated her that she wasn't sure what 'it' was. If she knew something - a sign even - then she'd have a clue. She'd be able to look carefully for what 'it' was. But she didn't; she didn't have any clues or hints. She just knew something was going to happen. So she continued to wait.

Lifting her leg higher, she slid herself onto the ridge in the wall, creating herself a little, elegant seat. Fixing her long, patterned dress, making sure it covered most of her legs, and draped nicely down over the sand stone, she lay her head back against the wall, and her eyes continued to look in the direction of the road.

Her home, was a stately home, in the middle of Albuquerque. They lived at the highest point in Albuquerque, and were also highest in status. Her father, the Earl, was a very respected lawyer, with her mother the supposed beauty of the land. Their house, looked down upon the other houses, as they lived on a sort of hill. When Gabriella had been little, while her mother had read her fairytales, and stories of muted romance, she had dreamt many a dream of her meeting her prince, and them living in her grand house. She used to pretend her home, of which she was currently sitting outside of, was the Palace of Albuquerque. But she was older now, and knew more of society. She didn't live in a palace; just the stately home of their village. But still, she knew she'd meet her prince, eventually.

A strange buzzing made her eyes drag away from the approaching road. She followed the sound with her curious eyes, and soon they landed on a bee. It flew endlessly, swooping down to collect the pollen on a daffodil patch, resting in the ground by her dangling feet. She watched it for a few moment, and briefly wondered how something so small could live in such a large world. They were so insignificant, yet they were still there, in the shadows, coming out for their 'food' whenever they saw fit. They flew around looking for food for the Queen Bee; their leader. And they stung people, only to die after one sting. In a way, she pondered, they were similar to humans. Just like us humans, they wanted to please the leader of their group, and once in a fight, there was the possibility of being killed. Something so small, was just like someone who could make such a difference. And this thought made her grin.

After a few moments, the bee began to rise into the sky, zooming away with another buzzing sound shouting goodbye. Her eyes remained on the delicate flower, and she reached down - carefully as not to fall - and caught the soft stem in her hand. Rising back up, and adjusting her posture so she was comfortable, her brought the flower gently up to her nose, and inhaled. The sweet aroma of the flower, made her close her eyes. The flower remained at her nose, and as the breeze brushed over her, the large but delicate petals stroked her skin, and she felt instantly relaxed.

"Gabriella, what are you doing?" A deep voice she'd heard a thousand times before brought her eyes open, and the contented smile on her face remained, slightly.

She dropped the daffodil to her lap. "Just sitting, Father."

Her father, tall and lean with dark curly hair on his head, and bright green eyes shining brightly, moved towards the daughter whom he loved dearly and wanted the best for. He took her hand and in a fatherly gesture, he brought it to his lips and pecked it gently. "The ball will begin soon. You'll have to get ready."

Gabriella sighed; balls weren't her favourite past-time. She toyed with the flower in her other hand as her father dropped her other back to the wall she was sitting on. She shifted upwards. "Yes, I will. Just a few more minutes."

He patted her hand gently, before saying, "Don't wait too long, Gabriella.", and disappearing back into the house, through he other entrance which led to his study.

Gabriella sighed, bringing the hair that had fallen into her face, and sweeping it away. She let the daffodil fall to the floor as she sat up and edged her way from the wall, dropping neatly to the floor. She stayed for a few minutes more, until she knew she had to go and get ready for the ball, and then she moved slowly away.

And that's when it happened.

A carriage, quite large but not as large as the ones she was used to riding in, trudged along the path nearing the house. The horses pulling the carriage along looked tired and thirsty, and she felt sorry for them. They suddenly halted, in front of where she was standing beside the entrance arch, and she waited patiently to see who was arriving. The man dropped down to the ground from the driving seats and proceeded to open the carriage door, letting the person come out.

First she saw his shoes, then his legs, then his torso, and lastly his head. He shook his hair from side to side to get it out of his eyes, and Gabriella looked on in awe. He was tall, with caramel hair locked to his head, but with the tendency to fall into his eyes. He turned, and then stopped once he saw her. She couldn't helped but gasp. His eyes bore into hers with a softness she'd never seen before. His eyes, an impossibly blue colour, shone brightly, and dragged down her body. When he again reached her face, a magnificent smile spread across it, and he walked forward to greet her. The muscles in his legs could be seen through the fabric of his trousers as he moved. He was beyond a doubt, gorgeous.

He bowed in front of her. "Ms Gabriella Montez."

She was too shocked to move, and her eyes seemed the size of plates. Then she mentally shook her head, and remembered to curtsey in front of this handsome stranger. "How nice to meet you, Mr…"

"Bolton, Troy Bolton." He filled in for her.

She nodded, and let him see her smile. He seemed to approve.

"Ah, Mr Bolton, you have arrived!" Her father's booming voice broke through their own worlds in which their eyes were connected. He dragged his eyes away first, smiling at her father, and greeting him. She watched on, until she knew she had to leave.

She looked at her father, and then at Troy Bolton, then she curtseyed. "I'm sorry, I have to get ready for the ball. Please excuse me."

With one final glance at the boy who made her heart, for the first time, melt, she made her way into the house, in search of her room.

She couldn't keep the smile from her face.

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns,

See you make your way through the crowd,

And say hello, little did I know…

She tugged on her dress, trying to right the fold. It fitted her perfectly. It was snug at the chest, giving just enough cleavage a 18 year old girl should have, and went right down, following her delicious curves to her hips, and then the material jutted out, flowing over, and melted into the floor, hiding all her legs and silver flats. Her hair was unravelled, with her luscious curls going down her back, nearly touching her waist for she had refused to cut it. Little pearl clips drew attention to her hair, and they were placed lovingly over her head. She stoked the way down the dress carefully, taking in her reflection through the mirror. Yes, this would do.

Turning to her maids, she gave them a thankful smile, and then they left the room. Going to her jewellery stand, she clutched her favourite necklace in her petite hands, and lifted it to her neck, letting the clasp click in place, before letting it fall down her neck. It was a long necklace, drifting down almost to her chest. A gold chain connected the clasp all the way to the tiny heart that dangled off at the end. It was gold also, and filled with jewels. If you opened it, it had a pace for a tiny object, although she had nothing in it yet. She patted it down nicely, before attaching the matching bracelet to her little wrist. Standing up, and taking one last look at herself, she opened her parlour door, and walked into the hall.

The noise from the ball was already apparent. People's happy voices, now probably filled with punch and wine, drifted up the grand staircase and into the hall in which she stood. From the hall, she could just see a few people on the outer circle of the hall dancing to the music being played. She glanced down at her hidden feet. She hoped not too many men would want a dance.

She walked into the hall, her feet tapping with every step she took on the wooden flooring. At the top of the staircase stood two men, in matching suits, who were to call out her name when she arrived. She thought this was silly, as she'd prefer not to have her name thrown to the audience before she descended down the stairs, but according to her father, it was a must. With an affirming nod to the men employed by her father, they turned to fully face the crowd below, and one stamped a large gold stick. She refrained from rolling her eyes.

Everyone below her quietened down, and began to whisper about what she would be wearing. She looked down at her dress; a new import from France. It would not only please her, but her friends and the rest of society gathered there today.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Ms Gabriella Montez."

She took a deep breath, before coming towards the staircase, and waiting for a few seconds at the top. She watched the people below as they watched her. Their eyes lit up with amazement, all looking intently at her, and she wished they would deflect their eyes. She blushed, as she always did at the attention she received; however much she wished she didn't receive it. She just wanted to be… normal. They all looked her up and down, some whispering, other pointing at her clothing choice. They didn't see her as a person, just a coat hanger, who happened to always wear the best dresses. She wondered how many of them thought of her as a friend, and not a person they used to bring up their status.

Pressing one hand to the staircase, she looked down at the feet, careful not to trip up as she walked slowly down the stairs. The music that had been playing in the background had grounded to almost a halt, with only a single violin playing quietly to the beat of her footsteps. She smiled lightly at the player, who returned it, even though he was caught up in playing. When she reached the bottom, she looked around, smiling nicely to everyone, and eventually they resumed whatever they had been doing. She then turned to her parents who were standing at the bottom of the staircase, waiting patiently for her.

Whenever she saw her parents, and looked directly in their eyes, she knew she wasn't just a trophy to them. She could look at see clearly the admiration and love they felt for her. It was all over their features, and every time she noticed, she had to smile. She loved them truly.

"You look beautiful, darling." Her mother announced quietly, aware of the many men and woman eavesdropping.

Gabriella blushed, and looked down, before muttering, "Thank you."

Her father bent down and kissed her cheek, making her look up at him. He had never seen her look so happy, and even though he knew balls weren't her favourite thing to go to, she did it for them. He knew that he and her mother were both equally proud of their daughter.

"Truly magnificent, my Gabriella." He said, the emotion in his voice apparent.

Gabriella smiled up at her father. "Thank you, Father."

Her mother patted her gently on the shoulder. "We will let you go now, be careful when you dance. Try not to trip."

Gabriella nodded, very aware that if she were to trip the whole room would be trying - probably unsuccessfully - to repress their laughter at her. It would in the next town by early morning. Big news, and as she thought about this, she wanted to roll her eyes. Instead, she smiled heartily at her parents, before turning and scanning the room for her friends. Upon finding them, she bowed in goodbye to her parents, and began over to their side of the room.

When she arrived, she bowed to them, and they exchanged hugs and kisses on the cheek. Gabriella smiled; she always felt truly happy when with her friends, Taylor, Sharpay and Kelsi. She was blessed to have such good friends - ones that didn't have her because of her family status.

Gabriella gestured to the hall. "It is all very grand. Pretty, much better than last year." She stated.

Taylor nodded in agreement. "Yes. Did you pick out the furnishings?"

Gabriella smiled, but shook her head in response.

Sharpay grasped Gabriella's hand. "Any young men you like the look of tonight?"

Gabriella rolled her eyes at her friend, before turning in the direction of the dancing crowd. She was glad no-one had asked her to dance yet, she was usually the first one on the dance floor. Thankfully for her, she'd taken a little bit longer to change, and the dancing had already begun. She scanned the dancers, looking at the men with a critical eye. She knew something was going to happen; she'd felt it from the moment she woke up. And it was only logical to think it would happen with another person - probably a guy. But somehow, she couldn't see one that would fit. There was one man, with long blonde hair, tied in a ponytail, who was very tall, and supposedly handsome, but she couldn't see it. And of course, there was her cousin Markus who usually danced with every woman in the room, but was supposed to be the one she should marry. Unfortunately, she couldn't stand the man. She continued her search of the room, only to find that there was none she really wanted to dance with.

She turned back to her friend, who was eagerly awaiting her answer. "No, Sharpay, I see none."

Sharpay's shoulders dropped. "There must be one! What about your cousin?"

She glanced back at the man she would be forced to marry in a matter of time (she didn't know how long but dreaded the day it came). She shook her head. "You know my feelings on him."

Sharpay looked crestfallen. And then her eyes lit up. "What about that man?"

Gabriella turned, to find her eyes fall on the man she'd been recently acquainted with this afternoon. Her breathing caught in her throat, and she felt her heart begin to beat in a very unusual rhythm. Her hand tightened around Sharpay's without her noticing, and only realised when Sharpay winced. She let her hand fall from hers, and her eyes remained on the handsome man. He caught her eye, and suddenly she couldn't breathe. She quickly turned her head, but feared the damage had already been done and he had seen her. She blushed furiously, and watched her friends expressions as the seconds passed.

Kelsi leant into Gabriella's ear. "He is coming."

Gabriella couldn't contain the smile that appeared on her rosy lips. "Really?"

Taylor nodded enthusiastically. "Yes."

A loud cough could be heard behind her, and her friends all looked down t the ground once the sound had been pronounced. Gabriella took in a deep breath, before turning and melting into his bright blue eyes.

He smiled at her, making her melt even more. "Ms Montez, may I have this dance?"

Gabriella smiled in a flirtatious manner. "You may."

She felt her hand slip into his, and the sparks that they both felt were unbearable. Their eyes connected as soon as they touched, and they both blushed at the sudden realisation that this was something special. With one look back at her friends as she was led to the dance floor, she smiled animatedly, and they threw her many encouraging looks. She then turned her attention back to Mr Bolton.

He smiled at her. "You look beautiful tonight, Ms Montez."

She blushed, and smiled back. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

He laughed, and almost musical laugh, and she was convinced she would never tire of hearing it. It was, she knew now, her new favourite sound, and she wanted to stay near him forever. The feelings of just their hands touching were more than enough to make her head spin and her heart beat faster. She was becoming wrapped up in his words and soft touch.

He led her to the dance floor, and many other couples, smiling and glowing with the movements of dancing, joined them in the line. In the corner of her eye she saw her parents, her mother looking on happily, while her father looked on suspiciously. She ignored his, almost angered glance, and turned her thoughts back to the man standing in front of her. She smiled at him, and noticed how he was taking every inch of her in. When he finally reached her eyes, he blushed, and mouthed a sorry in her direction for being caught. Usually, she would have been alarmed by the man taking an interest in her body, but for some reason it was different when Mr Bolton did so. She shrugged and mouthed that it was okay. Then the music started to play.

It was slow, and romantic, with little twists of flavour in between. Once the introduction had been played, all couples moved together, in the same actions in perfect rhythm. They moved as one, Troy and Gabriella, and when their hands touched they felt the electricity. It was too much to be able to not notice. Troy dragged her body as close as was permitted; her father was throwing him warning glances and he didn't want to be chucked out of the ball. He didn't want to miss this opportunity. He smiled at her warmly, and she returned the gesture within milliseconds. The attraction was obvious.

Unfortunately, the song had to end, and by the time the final note had played their faces were almost touching. He wasn't breathing; he just couldn't - this effect had never been given to him by any other girl. She was so incredibly beautiful, and he knew that her personality would be nothing like the one that her family's name had given her. She seemed a really sweet person, a person he wanted to get to know so much more. There was no doubt where his feelings lay.

They broke apart, slightly panting from the exercise. Other couples began to shuffle way from the dancing area, practically leaving only them on the dance floor. He knew people were staring; he knew her father was staring, but at this moment in time, when he was so close to her, he couldn't care less. The longing to be near her was too strong to withstand. But he knew he would have to leave her, because if he was there for too long suspicions would rise, and that wouldn't do. He stepped backwards, noting the display of obvious disappointment crossing her perfect face. He shot his eyes in her fathers direction, and she looked down, quite upset. He never wanted to be the source of having that expression on her face ever again.

He tried a smile. "Can I have the next dance?"

He saw happiness spread all over her face. "Yes, of course."

He looked down at her hand, debating what to do next. Looking up at her again, and noticing a little glint in her expressive eyes, he grasped down and took her petite hand in his larger one. Bringing it up to his lips, he brushed them across the sensitive skin of her knuckles. Goose bumps ran up her arms and neck, with shivers of delight dancing over her spine. She smiled shyly, loving the contact of his lips on her skin. Before too many people could notice, he dropped her hand, bowed and turned, and she watched his body retreat from the dance floor.

You were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles,

And my Daddy said stay away from Juliet,

I was crying on the staircase,

Begging you please don't go…

The ball continued for several hours, with laughter and happiness spreading throughout the room. Where ever Troy looked he saw smiles on people's faces, but there was only one face he really wanted to see. He knew his eyes were following her; it was getting too close to spying, but her couldn't seem to drag his eyes away from her pretty face. He would watch while she interacted with other people there, and smile when she smiled; laughed when she laughed; or looked away when she did too. Whether she was looking for him, he wasn't sure, but he hoped she was.

There was something so intriguing about Gabriella Montez, the 'it' girl of Albuquerque's thriving society. No matter how much she wanted to stay out of the spotlight, it seemed she was always there, waiting in the wings for the rumours to wrap around her, and she to try and free herself. He'd known about her for years, after moving to this city with his family a few years prior. She was the local celebrity, all around town were conversations about her. You couldn't walk down the street without her name being mentioned. But he knew her life wasn't as simple as it was made out to be. People believed she was able to do whatever she wanted, and never had any troubles. It was almost as if they didn't see her as a person. She wanted to be seen that way; you could tell in her tired eyes the hope of one day being… normal. He smiled as he thought of one day maybe being able to break her out of her shell. Taking her away to somewhere she could be herself. Ah, that is what he wanted.

But his smile quickly melted as he saw a man all of the town knew as Markus Montez, her father's brother's son. She was to be with him in the years of her life to come, and he could tell that was not something she wanted. He watched as he made her way up to her, come up behind her and lightly, but sensually kiss her cheek. She turned around in surprise, and her face fell before she recovered into her normal, fake smile. Her eyes didn't light up like they did when she was happy, he noted. Their conversation only went on for a couple of minutes, and they were watched by her father very closely, a joyful, smug smirk resting on his thin lips. Anger boiled in Troy's veins as he saw that face, knowing that he thought he was doing right by his daughter. He didn't know what she really wanted. Eventually, and thankfully for Troy, Gabriella excused herself, and he found her stepping around the dance floor in his direction, much to the dismay of her father. She ignored his stutters, and walked towards him anyway.

He pretended to turn, and bowed as she approached. "Ms Montez, what a pleasure."

She smiled, her eyes lighting up this time. It made him smile, too. "Well, I do believe you owe me this dance, Mr Bolton, as it is the last dance of the night."

He quickly glanced at the large, looming clock sitting on the wall above his head. Then he turned back to the beauty in front of him, a satisfied smile on his face. "Gosh, it has gone so fast."

"Thankfully, it has." She whispered, but he caught her words.

He bent nearer, and whispered in her ear delicately. "I get the impression you are not a big fan of balls, Ms Montez. I must say I agree."

A shiver coursed down her spine at the fact he was standing so close. She could feel his hot breath on her neck, making her blush, and she wanted him to press his lips onto her skin. If that happened, though, she would pay the price: she thought she would faint!

She smiled shyly back at him. "Really?"

He took her hand in his, put in gently on his arm, with his fingers lingering on her skin for a moment. Then he escorted her to the dance floor where the music was beginning. He shook off the glares he was being given by her angered father. It appeared he had taken the dance Markus had wanted. It really didn't bother Troy; all he wanted was time with Gabriella.

The introduction was played, and then they came together, dancing very close. He answered her short question. "Yes, I do. I find them terrible things, which I must confess I want to skip. But I can't as my father tells me I must go. And find a suitable wife, it seems."

Gabriella looked down, heat growing in her cheeks. "And have you found what you have been looking for, Mr Bolton?"

He knew exactly what she was asking. "Why, I believe I have."

When the dance ended, he had to extract himself from her quickly, as not to be caught kissing her. He wanted too so badly, but he couldn't, not matter how much he wanted too. With the dance over, and goodbyes partially said, people began to leave the stately home in search for their welcomed beds. People began to go home in dribbles, with the most tired, or drunk, going first. Troy hung back, talking quietly to Gabriella, and delighting in making her smile. All too soon it was ended.

By her father.

Her father, John Montez, was a large man, and very intimidating. He had been very pleased, happy and welcoming when he had arrived this afternoon, but that had been before his had caught whiff of what was going on between him and his prize daughter. He knew he had to tell Troy to go away, and that she was meant for another soon, before things got too out of hand. He decided know was best.

He coughed loudly, behind Troy's back. Troy turned around quickly, startled. "Mr Bolton, may I have a word."

Troy turned fully to face him.

"In private."

John watched as Troy turned to his daughter, gave her a sad, apologetic look, and began to walk in the other direction, to another corner of the room. John quickly caught up with him, needing to talk.

John stood tall, and Troy did the same. "I think we need to exchange a few words, Mr Bolton."

Troy looked perplexed. "Of course. But why?"

John looked briefly at her daughter, who was talking to her mother animatedly. If he'd listened to the conversation he would have heard how much of a happy and fun time she had had with Troy, and how she'd never been so happy in her life before. But he didn't listen. He just turned his head back to Troy, leaving Gabriella's mother to listen regretfully at Gabriella - with her mother knowing exactly what was going on at the other end of the room.

Troy looked weary, as John began again. "It has come to my attention, Mr Bolton, that you have been… socialising with my daughter. I have observed you two throughout tonight, and I may be right, or wrong, but I think you may want to advance on the… friendship, you have obtained."

Troy's eyes widened. Was he really this observant? "Well, your daughter his a very intelligent and loving girl--"

John interrupted him harshly. "--You are not to have any relations with my daughter. She is almost engaged to another, and therefore needs you not to be involved. I now order you to have no further relationship with my daughter. If you do, there will be consequences--"

"--but Sir--"

John glared. "--No buts. That is final. Now please leave."

For a few moments, Troy's mind reeled. He had not been given time to explain his feelings for his daughter, let alone tell him about her wants and needs. He had been shoved away, without explanation, and it seemed that he was definitely unwanted. The harshness and loudness of Mr Montez's statement had been enough to have the woman on the other side of the room look up curiously. Gabriella's mother looked up, her face painted with sorrow; it was obvious that she knew what had gone on. Gabriella herself looked perplexed, then she must have guessed what had happened, because her eyes suddenly saddened, and Troy's heart ached.

Dejectedly, Troy turned away, not wanting to think of the missed opportunities with Gabriella. He walked through the doors and into the night.

Gabriella ran to her father as she saw Troy walk away from her, and through the entrance doors. One tear leaked from her eye. "Tell me it isn't true." She whispered, completely choked.

Her father looked up to his wife, and saw that she was looking at him hard. He shrugged his shoulders, and she walked away, up the grand staricase in search of their bedroom. He turned back to his, now crying, daughter. "I had too. He wasn't good for you."

Gabriella's eyes bulged, and her anger seethed. "Father, how do you know he wasn't right? You don't know anything about how I feel."

John laughed, trying to rid himself of the guilt he was now suffering, seeing his child cry in front of him, because of him. "Of course I do, I'm your father. Markus, now he's a lovely boy--"

"I DON'T LIKE MARKUS!' Gabriella screamed, then she tried to contain her anger, by talking through her teeth. 'I never have, and never will. For once I felt a connection, Father, just this once. I've never felt that with anyone before, not even with your Markus.' Tears fell heavily now, and it broke her fathers heart. She poked his chest. 'You've ruined it all."

And with that, Gabriella ran up the stairs, rushing away from the world that was rapidly closing in on her. When she entered her bedroom, she slammed the door shut and locked it, wishing she could clock herself away from the world forever. She'd gladly do that, if she could have Troy at her side. Everything she'd said downstairs had been true; for once she'd actually felt something, and hadn't lied for the sake of her parents. Now everything was over, and there was nothing she could do.

Then she heard a noise on the window.

Then again.

It sounded like someone was trying to reach her, like pebbles on the window pane. Curious, but slightly scared, she climbed from her place on her bed to the window, opening the curtain just an inch.

Take me somewhere we can be alone,

I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run,

You'll be the Prince, and I'll be the Princess,

It's a love story,

Baby Just Say Yes

When she looked out of the window, and the moonlight refrained from blinding her, she saw him. The moonlight danced across his face, lighting up his eyes even more. He looked immaculate, perfect in any way. She threw open the window, as quietly as she could for she was too excited, and leant out so she could hear him.

"Gabriella!" He shouted in hushed tones.

She looked down at his figure, wanting to cry again just because he was here. In her garden, with the fact that her father was doors away in the house. She smiled; she knew he was the kind of man who'd do anything for her.

"I'm here."

She saw him smile through the darkness. "Come with me."

She looked quizzical. "Where ever to?"

"A place we can finally be alone."

Now that, sounded very appealing.

She smiled widely, and before she knew what she was doing, she'd thrown a blanket down to him, and she as climbing from her window, hoping to break her fall on the grass.

Troy's worried voice came up to her. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Gabriella couldn't wait long enough to worry.

She closed her eyes, taking in her last few seconds before she hit ground, and let go of the vines she'd been holding onto. She was quietly surprised. The ground seemed so soft and… bouncy. Once she opened her eyes, she saw she was being held by Troy. Blushing, she brought herself away from his embrace.

Together, they held hands and ran into the night.

A/N; WOW! That was long! I really enjoyed writing it, though. It was originally going to be a oneshot, but I got so caught up in the writing, that it would be too long. So I stopped here, and will continue if you like what you've already read. I realise I haven't done much in the way of Troyella, but this is to make up for that. I'm sorry, but my computer broke, and I just haven't had enough time. Hopefully this is sufficent.

I'd love it if you would review, telling me anything you liked, or anything you might want to see in the next bit. The second part will be out next week sometime, it just depends.

Also, check out Taylor Swift's music video for this song. The song is 'Love Story', if you didn't know. It's amazingly done, and real inspiration for this. The lyrics are from that song.


Yeah, please REVIEW!