Disclaimer: I don't own Honey and Clover, and I don't own the songs which I'm gonna use here :).

Just another gloomy day at the Hanamoto office, Takemoto and the rest are disturbing the place as usual.

"Hey guys! How about we do some karaoke? I'm so bored to death huhuhuhu," Morita said as he sniffed around Yamada's bag,

"Hey Yamada! What you got here?" he asked as he continued to sniff more like a dog,

"Stop it Morita! It's just some left over snacks!" she replied, snatching her bag away from Morita,

"Can I have them? Pretty, pretty please!" he asked like a baby as he made cute puppy eyes, twinkling,

"Alright already, you can have them," Yamada replied as she handed him the snacks,

Morita continued munching on the food, while Mayama and Takemoto were fighting over Hagu's canvas, which they wanted to ask from her so they could sell it for a hundred thousand yen, which made both of their eyes sparkle like a star.

"Guys stop it already! You're ruining it!" Hagu squeaked as her tears began to drop,

And before it can, the door suddenly opened.

"Aww, you guys shouldn't make a little girl cry," Nomiya, who suddenly popped out of nowhere, said to the almost-crying Hagu,

"Oh, hi there Nomiya," said Hagu as she blew her nose,

Yamada and Mayama were about to say something when Morita interrupted,

"Hey Nomiya, wanna come with us to the karaoke bar?" he asked with a full mouth,

"Sure, I've got nothing else to do in the office anyway," he replied,

"Yosh! It's decided! Leeeet's gooo!" Morita exclaimed as he rushed out the door together with Hagu and Takemoto who looked like plastic cellophanes being dragged by Morita,

The place wasn't that far from the school, so they just walked. Nomiya noticed Yamada looking at Mayama, which almost made her trip, but Nomiya was quick, and grabbed her arm,

"Thanks..." she said, as she fixed her hair which was all messy because of the wind,

"Spacing out?" Nomiya suddenly said,

"What? No... It's nothing..." she reasoned out as she avoided his stare,

"We can go back to the school if you're not feeling well Yamada," Nomiya suggested,

"No, I'm perfectly fine Nomiya, don't worry," she replied lifting her face up and smiled at him, Mayama heard their conversation and couldn't help but join in,

"You sure you're okay there Yamada?" Mayama asked,

"Ye-yes... I'm okay Mayama..." she replied shyly.

The group reached the karaoke bar and chose a room. When they entered, Morita suddenly started dancing up front,

"Soooo! Who's gonna be the first to sing? Hmm... Lemme think! Uhmm... Okay! Lady's and Gent's! Please welcome Nomiya!" Morita shouted,

"Oh no, I'm not good at singing, and I have a slight cough, see," Nomiya reasoned out, trying to make an obvious excuse, because he wasn't good at lying,

"Aww! Come on don't be such a baby! Don't be shy to sing in front of Yamada, right Yamada?" Morita said as he waved at Yamada who was chuckling,

"Oh alright!" Nomiya agreed, smiling,

"Okay! Here's the remote, choose your song!" Morita said,

He got the song book and scanned the pages, as he rolled his eyes, a song title caught his eyes, and he decided to choose it.


He heaved a sigh that everyone heard from the mic, and chuckled a bit. He was really reluctant of whether he should sing or not, but decided to just get on with the song, even if it meant hitting one person directly in the heart.

The song started with a lonely piano solo. And as the sound of the drums entered, it made her feel just so nostalgic.

He broke your heart
He took your soul

"He took my heart... He took my soul..." Yamada repeated those words in her head, remembering every word of it, because, it was such a perfect description, for them.

"I'm sorry... Yamada..." Mayama too, thought to himself as he looked at her,

You're hurt inside
'Cause there's a hole

"Yeah... There's this really big hole in my heart right now... I wonder if it'll ever heal someday..." said Yamada, whose thoughts of hurt and love continued to linger in her mind,
You need some time

"I hope this song will make you realize, that there's still a chance that I can... Comfort you..."

To be alone
Then you will find
What you've always known

Yamada glanced at Mayama, who glanced back at her too. They both turned their heads and continued to listen to the song. Yamada was trying her very best, to stop the tears from showing.

I'm the one who really loves you, baby
I've been knockin' at your door

"I've never felt so much emotion in someone's singing until now," Takemoto whispered to Hagu, who was between him and Morita,

"Yeah, it feels so true..." Hagu agreed as he carefully watched Nomiya's eyes, who were all on Yamada, and Yamada, who's eyes were on Mayama.

As long as I'm livin'
I'll be waitin'
As long as I'm breathin'
I'll be there
whenever you call me
I'll be waitin'
Whenever you need me
I'll be there

Nomiya's eyes were teasing her. He was saying something to her, indirectly.

"You were using me that time huh, Yamada?" Nomiya's eyes said to her, like it had some sort of connection with Yamada.

I've seen you cry
Into the night

She looked at him, and remembered the night when they were in Odaiba, when she cried in front of him, where she wasn't invisible to him anymore, that day when she couldn't pretend any longer, he was there, to hear every word of it.

I feel your pain
Can I make it right?
I realize

"Yamada... You're such a sweet girl... You don't deserve to feel something so painful like this..."

There's no end in sight
Yet still I wait
For you to see the light

"I hope you'll realize soon..."

I'm the one who really loves you, baby
I can't take it anymore

"Why does this have to hurt this much?" Yamada thought to herself. Looking at Mayama, she noticed he was just looking at his cell, like his world was revolving in it again, just like before,

"It must be Rika again..." she thought,

"Darn that Mayama! Can't he at least listen to the song and forget about her? Just once?" Yamada continued, gently wiping her eyes

And as long as I'm livin'
I'll be waitin'
As long as I'm breathin'
I'll be there
Whenever you call me
I'll be waitin'
Whenever you need me
I'll be there

"You know Yamada, you're the first girl, I've ever known, to be so... Innocent in loving someone. You never gave up even if he too, never gave up on her. Even if the both of you had that same situation, you still had that hope in you, that maybe, the way he feels about you, would eventually become a feeling, of more than being friends. That's what made me fall for you, despite your rough actions towards guys, you're really soft on the inside, too soft that you get hurt easily..."

You are the only one I've ever known
That makes me feel this way, couldn't on my own
I wanna be with you until we're old
You've got the love you need right in front of you, please come home

"She's had that crush on him for five years now, truly unbelievable," Morita said to Takemoto,

"Yeah, and she never gave up that hope, even if Rika's still around..." he replied, looking at a pale Yamada who was still dazed,

Everyone looked at Nomiya, who's face was telling he wanted to end the song already. He couldn't take it anymore. It was way too painful to sing the chorus again, way too painful... But he wanted to make her realize, even if he had to do it a million times, that he'll always be waiting for her, no matter how long it'll be.

As long as I'm livin'
I'll be waitin'
As long as I'm breathin'
I'll be there
Whenever you call me
I'll be waitin'
Whenever you need me
I'll be there

"Please let this song end already... It's already cutting a really deep part of my heart. Why God? Why does love have to be so painful like this?" Yamada thought to herself, grabbing on to her handkerchief,

As long as I'm livin'
I'll be waitin'
As long as I'm breathin'
I'll be there
Whenever you call me
I'll be waitin'
Whenever you need me
I'll be there

"How could he read my mind... so easily?" Yamada asked herself, jolting from the pain she was feeling in her heart.

The song ended. The room was filled with silence. Wanting to break that silence, Morita was about to clap, when Nomiya looked at him,

"So, I guess that's it," he just said, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, as he got hold of it, he scrolled his eyes at the screen,

"It's from the office," he said to everyone, clutching his phone as he walked away towards the door,

Morita decided to continue entertaining everyone to break the nostalgia which already inhabited each one of them. Yamada decided to go out as well, she could hear him talking to someone with a really serious tone,

"Okay, I'll be there in fifteen minutes," Nomiya said to whoever it was on the line,

"Leaving so soon?" Yamada asked, startling Nomiya who almost dropped his phone,

"Yeah, Miwako said there was-," his words were cut short when Yamada put her finger on his lips,

"I know, that you want to leave already," she said to him, trying to hold back her tears.

Nomiya suddenly hugged her, as if he wouldn't see her anymore, she felt the warmth of his body. The feeling of his embrace was different from what she felt with Mayama, anyhow, she didn't like that feeling. It was different. Was she falling in love with him too? No! She shouldn't. But, was she being selfish? No, she wasn't... She just doesn't want to hurt Nomiya, like what how she rejected her close friends who proposed to her all at the same time.

"You were pretending that someone was calling you huh?" Yamada asked, her finger touching the glass as she pointed out Morita,

"I saw you ask Morita fake a call for you before we arrived here,"

"Guess I'm busted then," he said, letting out a little laugh,

"Nomiya... I'm sorry..." she said, avoiding his eyes who were looking directly at her,

"I understand Yamada, very well, but, I'll wait, even if it takes a long, long time. I'll wait," he said with such faithful words,

Yamada couldn't answer him back, instead, she just looked up at him and smiled, such a weak smile.

"Well I guess I'll be going now,"

"Okay... please be careful on your way then," Yamada said,

"I will, thanks," he assured as he waved goodbye,

And before he totally left the place, he called her name again,

"Yamada!" he shouted,

"Yeah?" she said in a low tone,

"Hang in there, okay?" he said, finally waving his hands as he exited,

She knew what he meant and just smiled weakly. She returned to the room, only to find Morita singing a stupid song which really entertained everybody because he was clowning around and making faces, and it was the song which he sang when he was badly injured and had to be in a wheel chair. Hagu couldn't bear the sight of such stupidity that she laughed to her heart's content, but Mayama, who also laughed, but only a bit, was still busy with his phone. Before she sat back, she picked up the remote, and scanned the song book, until she finally found just the right song.

Please wait for the next chapter, gonna find some time to write it. Thanks for reading! And please R&R! Your review will be a really BIG help! :) Oh and by the way, if you wanna know what song Nomiya sang in this chapter, it's "I'll Be Waiting" by Lenny Kravitz.