This small drabble is my first offering to Wolf's Rain. Not even I know when this happened, or even what's going on. I would appreciate it if you reviewed and told me what I did right or wrong.

Wolf's Rain does not belong to me.

The moonlight surrounded them. Four wolves, flashes of white, grey, tawny, and roan, ran through the cold white light. In the moon's glow, everything was outlined in silver. Each hair on the wolves' pelts, each claw on their paws, and every petal on the flowers that surrounded the path on which the wolves' ran were thrown into glowing relief.

Not even the ghostly ruins that dotted the landscape, reminders of wars and deaths long passed, could take away from the ethereal beauty of the scene.

At the head of the small pack was a young maiden, her blind eyes focused on an unseen horizon, her short hair sweeping behind her, a soft smile on her lips.

If you listened closely, past the sound of paws against grass, past the wolves' mournful song, and the gentle voice of the maiden mingling with those of the wolves, you could hear the wind's forlorn whisper.

"Run to Paradise… Run to Paradise… to Paradise…"