A/N: Hey everyone. Sorry this update took so long. That obnoxious thing commonly referred to as real life kept getting in the way. Anyways, on with the story: Chapter Seven: Being Open Enough to See It

'Bones', Episode 4.03, The Man in the Outhouse:

Brennan: No, my relationships are temporary.

Booth: No, that's not true, Bones, you're wrong. Okay, there is someone for everyone, someone you're meant to spend the rest of your life with. All right, you just have to be open enough to see it. That's all.

Brennan opened her eyes to darkness.

She recognized that the bed beneath her was not her own, and that the man holding her was her partner…

Wait, she thought. The man holding me is my partner? When did this happen?

The previous evening…

"Bones, I think we need to talk about something…" It nearly broke his heart to stop kissing her.

"What?" She looked up at him. Her hands were wrapped around his neck while his were dangerously low on her back.

"I just… I want you to know; that what Cullen said, before, that wasn't really a direct order, it was more like… permission."

"Permission?" She asked, perplexed. She was wondering when she would be able to take his shirt off. "Permission is what you get when you ask to do something. Did you ask your boss if you could have sex with me?"

"No." He sighed. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm doing this because… I love you." He took a deep breath waiting for her response.

She looked him dead in the eye. "Based on your definition of love, I suppose I love you too." She smiled and kissed him. "Now, where were we?"

"Oh believe me, I think I remember." He raised an eyebrow, and kissed her back.

As time progressed, clothes were peeled off, and very slowly they made their way to his bedroom.

Brennan smiled at her memory of the previous evening. Her moment of bliss was interrupted by her cell phone. She was on the verge of climbing over Booth to get to his side of the bed, because it was in that general region she remembered her pants ending up, when he mumbled, "Bones, go back to sleep. I've got it."

"No, Booth, it's my phone. Not – "

"Booth?" He mumbled into the phone.

"… yours." Brennan finished.

"Booth? Why are you answering Brennan's phone?" Angela was surprised, to say the least.

"Ummm……" Booth looked at Brennan. She smiled at him because she thought he looked adorable when he was tired and confused. "Do you want to talk to her?"

"Uh… yeah. That's sort of why I called." Angela said.

"Alright here she is," Booth handed the phone to Brennan.

"Hey, Ange." Brennan greeted her friend.

"Hey, sweetie. I was just calling to share with you the joyous news that Hodgins and I got back together, but it seems you have some explaining to do. Specifically about why a certain very sleepy sounding FBI hunk is answering your phone at, let's see, seven – thirty in the morning?"

"Uh… well, um…" Brennan stuttered. Booth smiled as he listened to her try to figure out something to tell Angela. "Congratulations about you and Hodgins; I hope you two are happy."

"Sweetie, that does not answer or explain why Booth answered your phone."

"Well, it was on his side of the bed."


"I couldn't climb over him in time to answer it. Hence, he answered my phone."

"You couldn't climb over him in time? Oh my GOD, Bren we are SO having lunch today. And you are going to tell me EVERYTHING!"

"Angela, it is irrational and inappropriate for me to tell you absolutely everything."

"Bren, trust me. Whatever you may consider inappropriate will most likely make me a very happy person. You are sharing."

"Fine, but could you do me a favor?"

"Sure, Bren. What do you need?"

"Could you go and buy me some more of those 'outfits' you got me?"

"Are you serious?"

"Why would I be kidding?"

"You want me to buy you lingerie that you are going to share with Booth?"


"Can I buy the sexiest, most slut-esque thing in the entire store?"

"Yes, Angela."

"Can I buy an exorbitant amount of the sexiest, most slut-esque things in the entire store?"

"I suppose." Brennan sighed. Honestly, Angela was getting really excited about this.

The squeal that came out of the phone could have been enough of a signal of Angela's happiness. "Okay, Bren. You go back to your FBI hunk of a man and I will take care of everything. Don't you worry. And Bren?"

"Yes Angela?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm so proud of you. For being open enough to see that you and Booth truly belong together."

"Thank you, Angela."

"No problem, Sweetie. Now stop talking to me, and start talking to Booth." With that she hung up. Brennan sighed and rolled over. Booth was smiling at her.

And somehow she knew that this was how she was meant to spend the rest of her life.

Waking up to this man, smiling at her.

A/N 2: Alright, so this one's complete now. I'd like to thank everyone who has stayed with this story from the beginning as well as the people who are just picking it up - I write for you to read. So thanks for reading, and please review. I love to hear your thoughts! 'Till the next story! 3