You know the phrase "don't cry over spilled milk?" Yeah, I usually agree with it too, because it's something insignificant, so why bother, right? I mean, when life gives you lemons make lemon aid. Just clean it up and get on with life, ne? Well, not quite. I spilled my milk, and I swear to god I was about to sob. You know why? Because I spilled my milk on a certain some one, a certain hot some one, who happens to obtain the last name of Uchiha. So in actuality the phrase should be "try your hardest not to cry over spilled milk on an Uchiha, other wise you will be mortally embarrassed and won't ever be able to see the light of day again." That's what it should be. But, c'est la vie, Sakura. You can't win, so why bother? And you dearest reader, would you like to know how this catastrophe befell me?

Lunch time:

Ino's favorite period in school. I'll give her props for it though, this is when she works her hardest, and when I say works her hardest I mean, gossips like no other and flirts her ass off like there's no tomorrow. That's the only work she'll ever do, when it benefits her. I'm sorry if I'm coming off like a bitch right now, because, don't get me wrong, I f-ing love Ino. She's my bitch as one would say, (and not in the literal term, you perverts, I mean she's my best friend, my bffl, my bestie, my would be lesbian lover. Ha, you get my point.) But she has her quirks.

So, anyway, its lunch time and I'm walking with Hinata, my other really good friend, and we're looking for Ino so we can go eat. Ino however decided to ditch us for Sai, some creepy gaywhad (no offence) who happens to be her boy toy of the moment (I give it a week tops before she gets tired of him). So here I am, all 5 foot 4 of me, my green eyes narrowed threateningly (I hope) and my pink hair swaying slightly in my murderous shivers that my body is emmiting, and there's Ino, with her face latched onto Sai's like they've been super glued together.

Hinata's behind me trembling, poor thing, because it looks like I'm about to decapitate Ino.

That lasted all of 2 minutes when I realized that Ino was not longer afraid of me. (Damn her)

So Hinata and I took off towards the lunch line to get something to eat, even if I didn't have much of an appetite anymore. I went through the line quickly and bought my strawberry milk and a bento, hurrying Hinata along and then Karin come up beside me. She looked at my lunch and said:

"Strawberry milk? What are you, five?"






Should I have even dignified that with a response? I think not! But, apparently I wasn't thinking.

"What are we in, third grade? Karin, once you think up decent insults that are worth my time, then please come back and grace me with your presence."

Ohhh, that felt good. Karin crossed her arms over her chest and gave me one of her glares.

"Bitch, at least my forehead is normal." She said with an evil smirk.

She did not just make fun of my FOREHEAD,


So, thinking that I would just punch her out and be done with it I balled my right fist up (with the tray still in my left hand mind you, forgot about that tray, huh?) and I snuck in a right jab at her face. Hit her square in the cheek I did, I did. Well, she isn't one to give up so easily either, (just another one of her AMAZING qualities) so she aims a punch right at my nose.

In an attempt to dodge her I did a matrix like move, which involved bending my back and twisting my legs to the side, which landed me on an innocent bystander, a.k.a. Naruto. Then there was the issue of my tray. It seemed like all time stopped when I fell. Everyone's head slowly turned, their eyes pealed and anticipating as the tray made its climatic fall from my hands….right…into….the…..lap…of….Sasuke….Uchiha. SHIT.

Which brings us back to our present situation from where this story started.

So here I was, onto of Naruto who was grinning like an idiot, with Sasuke, the hot, popular, scary emo kid, in front of me. Today he was wearing our usual school uniform accented with my strawberry milk. Oh, and a mind shreading glare. No, seriously, It looked like he was going to fricking rip my head off. It was one of those glares that made you think that the glare giver was staring into your very soul.

"Ah, Uchiha-san! Gomen!" I whispered, quickly standing up, and blushing as my eyes went downcast and began to fill with tears.

"Hn, annoying," he mumbled as a vein popped out of his forehead.

"Haha, way to go forehead!" Ino sneered at me from across the room. Did I mention how amazing Ino was? She pulled herself away from Sai to shout encouraging words to me, really, how did I find such amazing friends? Well, while everyone else was mercilessly feeding off of my embarrassment like wild vampires to blood, Hinata scurried over to me and pulled me through the crowd towards the girl's room.

"S-sakura-chan, are you a-alright?" Hinata asked me timidly.

I nodded my head and wiped my hands with the back of my hand.

"Hehe, I'll be okay. I mean, I'm not in love with him or anything, it was just kind of embarrassing."

I know you must be rolling your eyes at this statement followed by a 'pshyeahh right,' or "Okay," wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Well I say bleh to all of you, 'cause it's true. I think he's hot and all, but I'm not like infatuated with him or anything. Okay that was a partial lie. I like him, but not in a fangirl-ish stalker, be the father of my babies, way. I take pride in my self for just harboring a minor crush that doesn't completely wack out my thought process. Well apparently Hinata was having the same thoughts as you people because she gave me 'the look'.

"Eh, don't give me that look! Fine I like him, but really, I'm fine. It's over and done with."

"O-Okay…just let me know if you need anything-" RING "that's the class bell, I have to go," and so she left me with a meek smile.

"I'm fine, I'm..fine."

1 tear fell.

"He probably forgot about it already…"

2 tears fell.

"Who am I kidding…"

I was devastated, crushed, broken, slightly melodramatic, and kind of pathetic. I mean, seriously.

Who cries over spilled milk?

Apparently the answer to that is Sakura Haruno.

Hope you like the story! And sorry it's so short. I'll make the next one twice as long, but I will only continue it if i get comments! So please R&R!!