Sorry for the delay in getting this up guys. Since I last posted a chapter I got a new computer and for a long time couldn't get files to upload onto . But it looks like I've got it figured out now so YAY! Thanks SO MUCH for all your comments. I REALLY APPRECIATE them and I'm SO PLEASED so many of you have enjoyed the story!

This is the last chapter of NEW BEGINNINGS but I will load the start of the next story GUIDING LIGHT and I'm also uploading the companion piece to this one which tells Vicki and Bruce's side of the story in Gotham: Hidden Identities so I hope you'll look out for them ;)


Wayne Manor – Night:

"In times of war, circumstances dictate action."

Bruce's words echoed in his head as Clark stood looking out the large windows. He was right. They were at war. But the battle lines had been drawn a long time ago. No matter what Clark had tried to do to stop it happening. The time for forgiveness and understanding was gone. There was no going back.

He exhaled heavily. The meeting had been one of the longest they'd ever had. And the reactions of some of the team had surprised him - Oliver in particular. It had been Oliver's brain-child after all; he'd put the original team of four together. Oliver had argued Clark had more than doubled their numbers by introducing those he termed the 'big hitters'of Diana, Bruce, John and J'Onn before signing up officially himself. The League had changed almost beyond recognition. It turned out voting Superman to head it up had been Oliver's idea. Apparently he'd been thinking about it for a long time. A lot longer than Clark had realized.

"The minute you stepped into the public eye it changed things Clark – for all of us," Oliver looked him straight in the eye as several of the others nodded; "None of the rest of us ever thought about doing that. We've worked in the shadows, under the radar – covert ops; that was our thing. We drew our circles. But you widened yours in a way none of us can…"

Clark remembered the conversation they'd had about circles. It was not long after he'd finished his training and ended his travels; before Superman first made an appearance in public. Seemed like a lifetime ago now. Oliver said men decided on the circle of ground they drew around themselves - all men did. They made a choice. Smaller circle for friends and family – those closest to them – like the one Clark had before he first met Oliver. Larger circle for more people in the way Clark had chosen when he took on Metropolis or when Bruce had done the same thing with Gotham – though Bruce still stayed in the shadows. By Oliver's reasoning, the second Superman went global his circle became all encompassing and that meant automatic leadership duties. The world now looked to Superman.

Though Clark had pointed out Lois' article had a lot to do with that…

Superman was the man the rest of the League felt should be their figurehead. They'd all voted. It was pretty much a done deal before Clark had a chance to talk to them about it. But he couldn't help missing Chloe's voice in the debate. She would have understood his fears of old better than the others, and why – even when he agreed to try it for a while – a part of him still worried about the responsibility he was taking on. If he messed up at any point the League's reputation and the public's trust in it would take a hit by default. It felt distinctly like a house of cards.

Already in the space of one meeting he'd agreed with the general consensus on the need for an off-world base. What would the world think about that if it was ever discovered? Luthor would probably see it as another sign of an incoming invasion – one that should be counter-acted with further defenses…

Clark sighed again.

"Should I be checking for silver rocks?"

Turning from the window he found Lois leaning against the doorframe across the room, "Hey."

"Hey," She smiled and nudged off her shoulder, closing the distance between them, "For the record – you have no idea what it took for me to stay away from that little pow-wow. Every cell in my body demanded I find a glass and listen at the door…"

"I heard the pacing."

"Yeah well with the floorboards in this place it was hardly gonna take much effort was it?" She hesitated a few steps from him where she could see his face clearer in the reflected moonlight from the windows, her head angling as she considered him; "Uh-oh. You have that look."

And she said she didn't know him? Clark smiled wryly. She knew him.

With a lift of her chin she joined him at the window, looking up at the night sky the same way he'd been doing and waiting for him to turn and do the same before she took a breath, "Every time I see you at a window looking at the sky now it makes me re-think the gazillion times I found you doing the same thing - especially in the barn. What are you thinking about when you look up like that?"

Clark shrugged, "Changes depending on the situation I guess."

"Not looking up there 'cos it's where you want to be?"

"In the sky or in the stars?"

"You tell me," She shot him a sideways glance; her eyes sparkling in the silvery light.

Clark thought about his answer for a moment, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans, "At the start I think I looked at the stars because I had so many questions about where I came from and why I was here…"

"People here have been pondering that since the beginning of time."

"My situation was a little different." He smiled when she smiled, "Knowing I landed in a meteor shower kinda took the stork out of the equation."

"Beats a gooseberry bush too…"


She nodded then looked back at the night sky before asking; "Found the answer to the 'why' on your own though, didn't you?"

"Took a while…" He pursed his lips and focused on a random diamond of leaded glass in the window, "When I was younger I didn't want to be different. I wanted to be like everyone else."

The smile came through in Lois' voice, "In Smallville I think you'll find being normal was being different. Rock and a hard place that one."

"Except for a long time I thought I was responsible for that too. No meteor shower, no meteor freaks…"

When he saw her look his way in his peripheral vision he turned his head, lifting his brows in question when she frowned at him. But Lois being Lois he didn't have long to wait before she told him what she was thinking. He loved that they could both do that now.

"Hang on," She looked at him with dawning incredulity, "You thought the first meteor shower was your fault? Weren't you a baby when you got here?"

"A baby when I was sent - two or three when I got here. It was a long trip."

"And how were you responsible for a meteor shower at that age?" She crossed her arms and lifted her chin in challenge the way only Lois could.

"It wasn't that-"

"I take it the meteor shower was left-over remnants of your planet?"

"Yes. It –"

"Uh-huh. So were you some kind of miniature destroyer of worlds harnessing all those meteors to rain terror on the earth?"

"No. The reason I was sent in the first place was-"

"To save you from dying with everyone else," She cocked a brow, "So the planet was going to blow up regardless, right?"

"Yes, but-"

"Not your fault then was it." She shrugged, "The meteor shower would have happened regardless of whether you were hitching a ride on it or not."

And in the space of less than five minutes she'd worked her way logically through the facts and come to a sensible conclusion it had taken him years to reach. Clark shook his head, "Yes, well I'm aware of that now. But when I was younger-"

"You did guilt better than anyone. I remember. I just didn't realize you took it to global proportions even then. Someone should have slapped you upside the head a lot earlier." She turned to look out the window again.

Clark exhaled a soft burst of laughter. She never ceased to amaze him.

"Were you ever afraid of heights?"

Huh? Oh right. She was switching topics again, "Yes."

"That had to make learning to fly interesting."

"Didn't encourage me to try it in a hurry."

She turned again, examining his eyes when he looked at her, "But you like it now, right?"

The answering smile was full blown and genuine, "What do you think?"

Her eyes warmed, "Knowing how I felt the first time you took me up there I can only imagine what a rush it is being able to do it on your own. That first time was…"


Clark heard her breath catch when he said the husky word, her lashes lowering to half mast before she breathed deep and answered with a low; "Yes."

It was the first real in-road they'd made to their time together as Lois and Superman without some of Lois' pain shadowing it. So Clark took a chance and decided to see if he could recapture some of the magic of that night, "Go get a sweater or a jacket or something."


"Just trust me." The question came out before he could decide if it was a step too far too soon, "Do you trust me, Lois?"

She hesitated for a brief enough moment to make him worry, then she nodded, "Yes."

Clark smiled, "Then go get a sweater."

Unknown Location – Middle America:

The rooms were different to the rest of the holding cells. Everything had been planned with meticulous attention to detail. He'd had time to plan it that way after all. His spell in incarceration had not been wasted. Unnecessary and unjust but not wasted. How he could be accused of crimes against humanity when the subjects he had dealt with had been far from human remained a great source of irritation to him. Especially when his work had been to safeguard humanity…

With his hands clasped behind his back he studied the occupant of the room. Still. Unmoving. The machines at the bedside and the medical assistant all in place…

Then he moved along the observation corridor and looked into the next room. How long he had waited. But now he had his prize.

Wayne Manor – Night:

Lois Lane. You are still pathetic.

She shook her head and forced herself to walk slowly down the stairs. But there was no way in hell she was getting her heart rate under control. Whatever Clark had planned she knew it involved flying. And no matter how she tried, the very thought of it still had the ability to make her pulse do stupid things. It wasn't easy to stay mad at him. Even if she'd gotten zilch information about the meeting that had left him looking like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders again…

Since he'd told her to meet him outside she made her way through the kitchen and onto the large gravel walkway at the back of the huge house, rounding a corner with quickening steps that faltered when she saw him standing in front of the stone wall with its ornate concrete balustrades.

Damn it. Dirty pool again.

The long cape shifted in the night breeze as he turned. And Lois swallowed hard as his chin lifted. Superman had always been able to do things to her heart rate. Clark Kent as Superman was a whole new ball-game. The combination of the two knocked her on her ear.

Each step closer to her made her gaze rise a degree, the calm expression on his face and the confident way he carried himself completely mesmerizing to her. How could she have been so completely blind to this side of him? This amazing man had been right underneath her nose. What if she'd never opened her eyes?

He stopped a foot away from her, "Can you still see me?"

Lois nodded. She could see him. She could see him in a way she'd never seen him before. And he was so much –more – than she was. It made her feel ridiculously small, and fragile, and weak in comparison; words that Lois Lane would have fought to her dying breath before using to describe herself.

He smiled one of the impossibly warm smiles she remembered Superman smiling, "Say something."

Now she was supposed to make conversation? About what – the weather?

Blinking, she took it as an invitation to study him in the suit, a small frown forming when she looked him over all the way to his red boots and back up, past the large 'S' on his chest, "You changed the suit."

Large hands lifted to smooth over his chest as he lifted his brows, an unsure expression she associated with Clark Kent making him look vulnerable in a manner completely at odds with his superhero persona; "You don't like it?"

"Why did you change it?"

He sighed and dropped his hands, "There was underwear on the outside Lois. Why do you think I changed it?"

Oh. Getting a little defensive were we? She angled her head, "Not that they were ever the main focus of my attention when you wore the suit but who put them there in the first place?"

"Wasn't my idea," He frowned and pursed his mouth into a thin line so Lois knew she'd hit a touchy subject.

And he had to know she was going to ask, so, "Whose was it then?"

'Superman' folded his arms across the 'S' – the cape billowing behind him again, "It was supposedly 1930's circus strongman inspired. And since I wasn't paying for it I couldn't really say much once it was done…"

Lois put all the information together with his expression and had to stifle a chuckle of laughter, "You let Oliver loose on your disguise? That wasn't bright."

"It was let Oliver loose on the suit or rely on the glasses to hide my secret identity. I went with the suit."

"Mmm-hmm," She stuck the tip of her tongue against the inside of her cheek, "Didn't consider a mask?"

"Don't like them."

It was getting tougher to hide her amusement by the minute; as much at the topic of conversation as the expression on Clark's face as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. How could someone with his abilities who did the things he did be so guileless at the same time? The strongest man on the planet was looking at her like a child who'd just been told Santa wasn't real.

He even unfolded his arms and lifted his hands to his chest again, dropping his chin to look down at his body, "What's wrong with it?"

The part of her that was still crazy about a dork smiled indulgently, then assumed a more studious expression when he looked up and scowled at her. She waved a hand in a circle in front of her body, "Turn round then."

Clark crossed his jaw with impatience, and then did as he was told; silently protesting about it the way only Clark could while she examined him.

Well… was still doing it for her… she cleared her throat when he faced forwards and jerked his brows at her. Words, she could find words. The suit. Not him in the suit. That's what they were talking about. She could do this,

"The basics are the same. You just added a few panels, did away with the underwear on the outside and changed the material some, right?"

"Right," He nodded and looked down at it again, "The material is an upgrade."

"Gonna have every fashion magazine on the planet scrutinizing it you know that, don't you? There'll be polls and everything. Should Superman have changed his suit?" Lois bit down on her lower lip, "There may be a backlash. I'll bet you get invites to make-over shows…"

"Thanks." He smirked.

A soft burst of laughter left her lips before she shrugged, "It works for me Smallville. But then I was always more fascinated by the man underneath the suit than the outfit itself."

When she waggled her brows meaningfully the corners of his mouth tugged upwards and he shook his head, "I'm glad we're having so much fun with this."

"So this is what I put a sweater on for? We couldn't have had the fashion show inside in front of a big warm fire in the nice draughty mansion?"

Standing slightly to one side he reached out an arm and turned his hand over, "You know why you put a sweater on…"

Lois slid her hand into his then leaned on it as she slipped her sneakers off her feet. And the gleeful look on her face must have said it all, because Clark smiled down at her.

"What?" She arched a brow at him as she stepped closer.

"That's two things I have now."

The brow arched higher.

"To get on your good side…"

Setting her feet onto his, she rested her hands on his shoulders and looked up into the dark pools of his eyes, "Flying isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card either."


"No." She lifted her chin, "Though it does earn you brownie points."

Clark nodded firmly, "I'll take what I can get."

"Good plan."

When he smiled another of his warm Superman-like smiles at her she found herself smiling back, the familiar light-headed sensation she felt as an indication they had left the ground not preparing her for the moment she looked down and realized how far up they were.

She gasped, one of her feet slipping off his forcing her to grab hold of him tighter than before; her arms hooking around his neck. Clark wrapped his arms tighter around her waist in return as they rose higher – through wisps of moonlit clouds until they could see the lights of Gotham in the distance and there was a blanket of stars above their heads.

Lois looked up at him. He smiled again. Then they stopped, hovering high in the air where it was totally silent and still as Lois looked around her in awe. It was… magical - just like the first time - except somehow it was even more special. Because this time she knew she was with Clark…

His deep voice rumbled above her head, "What do you hear?"

"Nothing," She shook her head as she looked up at him again, "It's quiet."

"I hear everything. Every second of every day I can hear everyone – sometimes all at once. I hear laughter, people calling out to one another, people shouting in anger and crying out to be saved. I hear the last one most of all. You should hear it from space when I can hear the whole planet all at once…"

Lois stared at him, wide eyed with awe as another long list of questions formed in her head. But in the end her low reply was; "How can you bear it? That many voices all at once."

It would never be quiet for him. How did he find peace? The thought made her ache for him.

"I've learned to filter through it over the years. At first it was deafening. But there's a kind of…" He looked down at the ground below, "reassurance to it. Reminds me I'm not alone. And why I do what I do."

"You told me you do it because you can…"

The words had been whispered but unsurprisingly he caught them, turning his head to look down at her, "Yes. But what I do is based on powers everyone has inside; the ability to endure, to carry on, to make the best of what we have - and you don't have to be 'Superman' to do that. There are plenty of people in the world who do great things without superpowers."

Lois thought of the number of times Superman had tried to convince her of the good in people. And it wasn't that she hadn't listened before or that she hadn't wanted to believe or that he hadn't given her hope - it was just that, somehow, when it was Clark Kent saying them as Superman they touched a deeper chord inside her. She remembered telling him once that he had as big a heart as Superman, she just hadn't realized how close to the mark she was when she said it. Superman with Clark Kent's heart was even more amazing than she'd thought he was before.

She could fall in love all over again. So why was she still holding back?

Then he looked around them and said something that would make up her mind, "I used to come up here a lot by myself and just... drift. Not part of the stars, not part of the Earth. Not knowing where I fit in... I never did, not really…"

He looked deep into her eyes, "Not until I fell in love with you…"

Well that was that then. No way in hell could she fight against something so strong it robbed her of her ability to think about anything but the man in front of her, holding her safely in his arms, hundreds and hundreds of feet above the earth. She stared up at him and in that moment he was all there was to her.

The image of him drifting alone, not feeling like he belonged, tore her soul to shreds. He wasn't alone. Didn't he know that?

Moving one arm from around his neck she placed her palm against his cheek and forced her vocal chords to work, "You're not alone. You have people who care about you. Not just the millions who look up to Superman – people who know you as you."

She saw his thick lashes lowering, "I know."

He thought she was rejecting him, didn't he? Lois shook her head and ducked down to look up into his eyes, "I'm not done."

Clark lifted his chin.

So Lois took a deep breath, "You said once I said it you would never let me take it back."

"I did say that," The arms around her waist tightened briefly.

"I wouldn't want to take it back Clark - no matter what happened." She took another deep breath and tried to make him understand; "But it might not be enough. You have to know that. It's a better place to start than I've ever had in a relationship – any relationship…" She rolled her eyes, "Ever. But it still might not be enough. No matter how much we want it to be…"


"No – listen - you wanted me to talk things through, and I am. We are. And we'll have to if we're gonna try this…" She dropped her gaze to the column of his neck when it got too difficult to look into his eyes, "We'll let ourselves get distracted. We already work too much and fight about stupid things and all this time we've both been hiding from each other and I'm sick and tired of how much energy that takes. But more than that – we can't keep doing it - the only reason to hide is because we're scared…"

"Of what?"

She lifted her gaze to tangle with his.

"Of the fact that we're partners ... and best friends ... and this," She pulled him into a slow, soft kiss and Clark lifted a hand to lace his fingers through her hair as he reciprocated.

Lois had to force herself to break from the kiss before it got heated the way it so often did. Not like they could do much about it where they were anyway so…

"Smallville," She said breathlessly against his lips. "If you're going to run from this or back off to try and protect me or anything equally as lame then tell me now. Because if this is going to work we both -"

"I'm not going to run, Lois," Clark assured her in a husky but even tone filled with a combination of emotion and determination, "I'm ready to take the next step, if you are."

"It won't be easy."

"I know."

"For either of us."

"I know."

With the fingers of one hand toying with the hair at the nape of his neck and the other caressing his cheek; Lois shifted her feet off his. He was the only thing stopping her from falling, the way he had so many times as both Clark and Superman. It was a demonstration of trust on Lois' part, one she backed up by handing him her heart,

"I love you Clark. I do. I always will. Even if we can't make this work…"

The smile he gave her was the brightest she'd ever seen. And considering Clark Kent held the patent on hundred watt smiles that was saying something, "I love you too Lois. We'll make it work. You wait and see. So long as we're together that's all that matters."

They both knew there was no guarantee they would make their crazy lives work, but with Clark, Lois believed there was more of a chance than she'd ever had with anyone. So she didn't say anything else, she simply leaned in and continued the kiss she'd interrupted.

He was right. They were together. And that was what mattered most.

Unknown Location – Middle America:

Entering the room, he cast a watchful eye over its occupant before wandering around. Any harm that came to him would be short lived thanks to the security he had in place but it didn't matter. In fact, if harm was inflicted on him it would save some time. The thought made him smile.

He sat down on a deeply upholstered armchair and leaned back, "I trust the accommodation is to your liking. It's what you've been used to for some time now I believe."

"Go to hell."

"Such a lack of gratitude…" He shook his head.

"You can dress the cage as nice as you want but it doesn't make it any less a cage."

He leaned forwards, "True. But if you wish to gain your freedom you should consider your options. It's not like I'm the first member of the Luthor family to negotiate with you – is it?"

She raised an elegant brow at him, "Oh I learned my lessons well in the past. Your father couldn't turn me, your underlings couldn't turn me… and if you recall… you couldn't turn me. So if you can get whatever it is you want without my co-operation then I suggest you consider taking that route sooner rather than later. Before I cause you similar problems to the ones I caused last time. I should however warn you it might not be as simple as you might like to think it is."

Lex breathed deep, the scent of her expensive perfume a balm to his soul. How long he had waited, "Without challenges a man may never reach his true potential."

"I think you've sunk as low as there's potential for anyone to go, don't you?"

Pushing to his feet, he circled her chair and set a hand on the back of it, "I must say you've proved more elusive than I had foreseen. I congratulate you for that. And for your valiant effort at trying to escape capture with the help of your… ally…"

It took a moment, but then she asked the question – the straightening of her spine the only indication he had touched a nerve, "What did you do to him?"

Leaning over the chair to breathe her scent more deeply, he kept his voice purposefully low, "It took considerable effort to try and heal him, didn't it? When he was so mortally wounded…"

"Is he dead?"

"Soon all of them will join him."

When he heard her soft intake of breath he leaned back and continued smiling as he moved over to the large fireplace that had been carefully created to match the one at Wayne Manor. Poetic he felt. Allowing her to live in a room that was the perfect recreation of the one her cousin had described – right down to the Renoir and the coat of arms on the bookcase. He wondered if Bruce Wayne was in the original room, wondering what had happened to his house guest. Another to add to his list; Wayne obviously knew the caped crusader who had attempted to come to Chloe's rescue - or at the very least how to contact him - and if he knew how to contact one of them…

"The so called 'Superman' is the one that interests me most. He would like us to think he has morals, he has ethics; that he's unrelentingly good." Clasping his hands behind his back he studied her profile with hooded eyes, "But he can't be everywhere at once. As long as he stays in Metropolis, innocent people will die. I wonder if he's prepared to accept that responsibility. If I were him, I'd think about that. Wouldn't you?"

Chloe clearly felt utterly sickened, although she tried to maintain calm. But she had to know it was true. People would die in the battle. And Lex had no compunction about endangering innocent people if it saved the planet from the invaders, however…

"You are here to help ensure those the casualties are minimal. Something I suspect may interest you."

"I'm not going to help you repair your soldiers, Lex."

"You don't have to. Your DNA will do that. But it's not just your healing abilities I'm interested in."

It was enough to get her attention; large blue eyes focusing on him from beneath a frown, "Meaning?"

Inhaling deeply he lifted his chin and considered his reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall; the only thing that was out of place in the re-created room. He wondered if she'd noticed yet - little matter - she would know what it was soon enough, "I've been fascinated by the meteor infected for some considerable time…"

"Fascinated would be one way of putting it. Obsessed would be closer to the mark."

"During the research I have conducted it has been interesting how many of the infected are unaware of the full extent of their abilities. Over the years it has been possible to help many of them reach their true potential. I wonder have you reached your true potential," He looked down at her again, "Or have you lacked the courage to explore it?"

Somewhat disappointingly she chose to remain silent.

"Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all," He informed her, "Alexander The Great's words."

He focused on the mirror again; as if he could see through it to the room beyond, "Your conduct, however, may influence the fate of one you love…"

When her long lashes flickered upwards, he saw a hint of the question she didn't want to ask written in her eyes. So he calmly lifted his hand and pressed the control in his hand; light illuminating the mirror, transforming it into a window and revealing the other room to her.

Immediately she was drawn to her feet, her footsteps faltering briefly then taking her swiftly to the glass where she laid her fine boned hands against the surface and exhaled the words, "What have you done to her?"

"She's sleeping," Lex stepped across to stand by her side, "Whether or not she wakes is in your hands."

Turning ninety degrees he looked down at her, "Surely you didn't think I would release her?"

"You replaced her."

"There has been much progress made in the cloning process over the years. She looks peaceful, doesn't she? So much more beautiful when unable to open her mouth," He continued to examine her profile; the sleek curtain of golden hair against her alabaster skin, the flicker of long lashes, the slight tremble of her lower lip betraying her emotions, "You are two sides of the one coin; so much in common and yet so very different. Fascinating isn't it? The bond you share. She risked her life for you last time. What, I wonder, will you volunteer in return for hers?"

The control she exerted was admirable, her voice devoid of the emotion he knew she held inside, "What do you want Luthor?"

Lowering his voice and stepping closer he leaned his head closer to hers, "We're going to explore your potential."

"You already know what I can do."

Lifting his gaze, he searched the air, "I've put a great deal of thought into what you can do and how you do it. You fear the unknown – as many of the infected do - you more than most after your years of investigating those who killed and maimed indiscriminately."

"Get to the point."

"Tell me. Do you think the infected were intended to cause chaos before the invasion - to infiltrate society like a disease?" He lowered his gaze to her hair again, "Or a mere side-effect? Maybe…"

She stiffened when he leaned closer, "Maybe they were sent to us by a higher power. So when these ability enhanced invaders came we could fight on a more even playing field."

Shaking her head she laughed softly, "You're insane."

When he grasped her upper arm and sharply yanked her round to face him, she reached her hands to his chest and pushed. But it wasn't the spark of anger in her eyes that made him smile with satisfaction – it was the flash of heat he felt against his skin.

"Excellent." He let go of her arm, "You've already answered one question. The way you tried to defend your caped protector indicated you had the ability to harness energy for more than healing. You've learnt to protect yourself."

She took a sharp breath and stepped back, her face paler than before, "If you're thinking of using it as another weapon then I hate to disappoint you. Every time I use my ability it leaves me drained. It's not an endless supply of energy. And using it to protect myself is something I have no control over."

"We'll be working on that."

The statement made her narrow her eyes, "Why?"

"You'll need it during our experiments."

"What experiments?"

Lex glanced briefly at the woman lying on the bed in the next room, "If you want to help your cousin you'll co-operate."

"What experiments?"

The defensive folding of her arms told him she understood the gravity of her situation, "The energy you use must come from somewhere."

"I don't know where it comes from," She frowned.

"That, my dear Chloe is what we're going to discover," He smiled calmly; "Together."

When he turned off the light to the other room and moved away from the mirror he saw her throw a brief anguished glance at it before raising her voice, "To do what? What exactly is it you want?"

Stopping at the door, he turned to face her, "Once we know how you gather energy I have a series of tests for you to complete. Then we will see if you can utilize the process to gather energy from others…"

He took a step closer, "Think of it as the laying on of hands - reversed. If I'm right then not only will you be able to draw energy from others in the same way you give it to heal – you'll also be able to siphon abilities from them. Their strength will become your strength. Then, with your DNA, I'll create a special unit - one that can draw super-powered abilities from the invaders with a simple touch…"

"You're not turning me into some kind of leech Lex!" It was the first time she'd let her mask slip; her eyes flashing with anger, "I won't do it!"

Lex remained calm, "You say that as if you have a choice."

"Lois obviously wouldn't capitulate or she wouldn't be lying in that bed. You're right. We do have a bond. I know her. She would never take part in your sick experiments for me! She would never willingly endanger anyone's life or –"

Taking a step backwards, Lex opened the door and waved a beckoning hand to someone standing in the hall, "Then we shall see how many lives you are willing to endanger. If you are prepared to sacrifice your cousin, then she will be the first in a long chain of sacrifices…"

Her expression changed as the figure in black entered the room, "No."

Lex smiled coldly, "Go deep G-19…"

The boy stepped closer.

Wayne Manor – Night:

The door to Chloe's room was ajar, the soft glow of a lamp illuminating her still form. So Lois stepped into the room and walked to her bedside. Automatically she lifted a hand, gently brushing the long blonde hair from her cheek before glancing at the vase of daisies on the side-table. They were always there. If not fresh every day then every other at the least; Alfred, Lois suspected. No way was it –

"They're her favorite flower."

The deep voice made her jump, Lois spinning on her heel as Bruce leaned forward in the armchair in one corner of the room – his face shadowed.

"I didn't realize you were in here." That was what happened when she didn't have a super-powered Clark around to check for her. But since a bridge had collapsed somewhere Clark was off doing his thing, so…

"I thought you'd gone out to do whatever it is you do when you disappear."

"Either Alfred or Nurse Walker are with her when I'm called away. She's never alone."

Yes, Lois knew that. It had been something she'd discovered on her own and discussed with Clark when he'd tentatively broached the subject of one of them going back to work at the Planet. Something they both knew was going to have to be faced at some point.
But one that still left Lois torn. She wanted to be there when her cousin opened her eyes. And she would open them. Lois refused to believe anything else. Chloe just needed time; that was all.

"The doctor was here again today."

"I know."

"He said there was no change. There's no medical reason for her not to wake up – her body is functioning normally."

"Yes. It is."

It was the first time she'd had any kind of a conversation with Bruce on her own. Not that he was any more forthcoming in a group than he was alone. And there was still something about him that just plain rubbed Lois the wrong way – a fact Clark found amusing unless she was very much mistaken. Eventually he'd asked her did it have something to do with the fact Bruce was taking care of Chloe when she felt it was her place to do it. Lois had denied it, but she knew there was a grain of truth in there. But even if she could have moved her cuz to a hospital closer to Metropolis there was still the matter of medical expenses, the constant attention of people who cared for her and her safety should Luthor decide he was going to try for a few more strands of her DNA. Weighing up the pros and cons led Lois to accept it would be selfish to move her. And, as much as she still didn't 'get it' – Bruce Wayne had to care about Chloe, in his own particular way. Why go to all the trouble he had if he didn't?

"I need to know something."

Bruce's face remained unreadable, so Lois took it as an invitation to continue, "Are you taking care of her because you feel guilty or because you actually give a damn."

He looked her straight in the eye; "It has to be one or the other, does it?"

Lois shrugged, "Combination of the two would make sense…"

"And yet I suspect would be the lesser answer in your mind," He glanced briefly at Chloe then back at Lois, "Has there been cause to doubt her care Miss Lane or is this more of a personal opinion on who is over-seeing that care?"

"PotAto, potatO," She smirked.

"If you would prefer she was hidden away in a private clinic somewhere, that can be arranged."

It wasn't that Lois doubted Bruce Wayne had the ability to make it the best clinic money could buy, or that the people her cousin was entrusted to wouldn't follow his instructions to the letter but, "I'd prefer she wakes up surrounded by people who care about her because they know her. Not because they're paid to care."

"Then you want her moved closer to Metropolis."

"I think you'll find Clark can get me here faster than I could take a cab to Metropolis General. I have frequent flier miles." She folded her arms.

Bruce rested his arms on the rolled sides of the armchair and tented his fingers, "There was bound to be a time when you would be torn between waiting or wanting to do something more pro-active - you are similar to your cousin from that perspective. I don't doubt for a second were your situations reversed she would be doing everything possible to track down Luthor and continue with her work. She would feel she owed it to you."

As much as the statement told her he knew her cousin better than she had given him credit for, Lois felt her defense mechanism kick in, "I don't need a lecture. I need guarantees."

"I can guarantee the best possible care, regardless of expense. I can guarantee she will never be left unattended." He looked at her with hooded eyes, "It would appear, thanks to Clark, there is a guaranteed open door policy with regards to your visits…"

Lois got to the point; "And does that open door policy extend to Luthor?"

In the dim light it was difficult to decipher the change in his demeanor, but the immediate tension in the room would have told her she'd hit a raw nerve if his icy tone didn't do the trick; "I can also guarantee he will receive a fitting welcome should he attempt to try again. Details of which I'm sure you'll understand my reluctance to explain any further."


Leaning back into the darkness where he seemed most comfortable, Bruce allowed the unspoken words to hang heavily between them until he surprised her by adding a low; "I'm aware you would not have endangered Vicki's life willingly Miss Lane. Therefore the less you know the better for all concerned. It's the same reason why none of the League would allow her to be taken. If he could extract information from you without your knowledge and cause so much harm when you knew so little-"

"Then extracting everything she knows would make it seem like Christmas had come early in Luthor's special little world."


Lois nodded, turning to look down at Chloe again. Leaving her was going to be one of the hardest things she had ever done. But she couldn't sit still and wait. Not anymore. Bruce was right; Chloe wouldn't do it either if their places were reversed. Her cuz would understand. This time out she could do more by leaving her in Bruce Wayne's care. She just wished she could talk to her about it and make her understand. And that Chloe could tell her what it was she saw in Mr. Enigmatic…

The voice at her shoulder made her jump again. Damn it the man could do stealth-mode better than a Navy Seal! It gave her the creeps.

"The most difficult choices are quite often the right ones."

"Fond of fortune cookies I take it."

When she glanced sideways she saw his dark eyes focused on Chloe, "If there is any change in her condition I'll let you know."

"I was thinking more along the lines of daily updates," She turned her head and examined his profile, "Though don't think I'm not tempted by every hour on the hour."

When he looked at her from the corner of his eye she smiled sweetly.

Daily Planet Offices – Morning:

Using the back of his hand to push his glasses into place, Clark looked up at the ornate art-deco above the doorway. Then he checked his watch. Three…two…one…

"Is that coffee?"

He held out the cup, "Morning Lois."

"Hmmm," She took one of the covered cups he held, early morning sunlight dancing in her hair; "Sucking up to me for any particular reason, Smallville?"

"Still can't be nice to you, can I?"

Angling her head she studied him with narrowed eyes, "If I made this too easy for you, you'd get suspicious."

Clark smiled, then lifted his brows in question, "You sure you're ready for this?"

"I'm always ready for coffee."

"Not what I meant."

Shifting her gaze to the doorway as people pushed their way through the swinging doors, she took a sip of her coffee and shrugged, "I need to be doing something. Sitting around doing nothing will put me in the kind of mood that'll make you suffer."

Clark pushed his free hand into the pocket of his dark suit trousers as Lois took another sip of coffee and looked up at him again, "So how was your first night back in Metropolis?"

He knew what she was asking, the fact she looked around them as she asked it making him smile, "Quiet. You had an early night."

It brought her gaze back to his, "Spying on me?"

"Checking you were okay…"

Her eyes narrowed, "And how long have you been doing that?"

He answered honestly; "A long time."

After a brief second of consideration she took a deep breath and lifted her chin, "Right. Here's the deal. Just because we're-"


"Trying this," She scowled in warning and then ruined the effect by rolling her eyes, "Doesn't mean anything else changes. No editing my copy."

"Except for typos - naturally…"

"Don't get cute with me Kent."

"Gotta hang on to the cute now the mystery is gone."

Lois shook her head and poked him in the chest, "No getting in the way of me doing my job."

"Don't suppose there's any chance of you getting into less trouble, is there?"

"That," Another poke, "Is exactly," And another, "What I'm talking about."

Swiftly removing the hand from his pocket he captured her hand against his chest and held it there; lowering his head to look deep into her eyes, "Just promise me you won't take even bigger chances now you know what I can do."

The change in their relationship was marked by the fact she didn't try to tug her hand free. Instead she turned it in his and threaded their fingers together; taking a step closer and lifting her chin again to look at him from beneath long lashes as she lowered her voice to a whisper, "Now what's the point in having a super-powered boyfriend if I can't take advantage of-"

Clark silenced her with a kiss, smiling against her lips when she leaned into him.

When he lifted his head a couple of inches she picked up where she'd left off, "- the fact you'll swoop in and-"

He kissed her again.

"-rescue me every time I-"

He kissed her again.

After a long moment Lois mumbled against his mouth, "Can't do this to shut me up in the office either by the way."

"Not in the office yet," He mumbled back.

"Morning C.K, morning Lois!"

They pulled apart to watch as Jimmy pushed backwards through the rotating door; a huge knowing grin plastered across his face, "Good to have you back."

Lois rolled her eyes, "Terrific."

When she tried to free her hand Clark held on and waited for her to lift her brows in warning, ""Add 'we're not hiding' to your list too."

She pointed her cup at the doors as Jimmy disappeared, "After that? Are you kidding me? They'll know from the basement up before lunch."

"Good," He wasn't going to pretend he wasn't pleased about it. He wanted everyone to know - even though he knew it was early days and there was still too much going on for him to shout it from the rooftops. But knowing she loved him? It made him feel stronger than he'd ever felt before.

Lois rolled her eyes again, "I swear if you say something lame about this being the first day of the rest of our lives I'm prepared to sacrifice this perfectly good cup of coffee to leave a stain-"

Clark lifted his cup, "How about drinking to a new beginning?"

When she stared at him he waggled the cup, "C'mon Lane. It's this or I'm gonna grin at you like an idiot in the middle of interviews."

"You really want to take me on in that game? Cos I should warn you – I have skills."

"Do you now."

"Uh-huh," She caught her lower lip between her teeth and hit him with the kind of openly flirtatious and heated look he couldn't remember ever being used on him before. Then she stepped into him, rolling her shoulders and looking slowly upwards from his neck to his mouth – lingering there for a moment – before meeting his gaze and telling him in a voice steeped with innuendo, "Because if you want to play… we'll play…"

Clark lowered his head as she angled her mouth under his.

"But in certain areas… you're still…" She lifted her chin; her breath washing over his skin, "Way out. Of your league…"

And with that she tapped her coffee cup off his hard enough to shake some of the contents loose through the small hole in the lid. It made him scramble to stop if from spilling on his sleeve. And while he did she got her hand free and stepped back, "To new beginnings…"

Turning at the doors the way Jimmy had, she smiled, angled her head and then winked at him before disappearing inside.

Clark chuckled, shaking his head at her antics before he looked around him. It felt like a new beginning to him. There was still a long way to go, in many ways, but he'd learnt a lot since he'd come to Metropolis. There had been the kind of mistakes he was determined never to make again. He still carried guilt, especially when it came to what had happened to Chloe. He had a whole new level of determination when it came to Luthor – one that came dangerously close to the kind of anger he'd exhibited when Lois had been taken from him - and that would need control if he was to win the battle ahead…

But he had hope that he hadn't had before, thanks to Lois. He wasn't alone in the way he had feared he would be. And Clark had to believe they would make it work. The alternative didn't bear thinking about. Not when she loved him and he loved her and there weren't any secrets standing between them.

"Earth to Clark…" He picked up her low voice in the myriad of city sounds, "I know you're busy standing in the middle of the sidewalk pondering life, the universe and at least fifty other things that'll make me roll my eyes…"

Clark chuckled again as he stepped towards the revolving door; her voice still sounding in his ears, "But here in the real world… or more precisely in a miraculously empty elevator we could have been taking advantage of right now if one of us had used his supposedly superior brain…"

Through the doors and across the lobby, he pushed the button for the elevator and looked around him before lowering his glasses to look through the wall. She was indeed standing in an empty elevator – leaning casually against the wall – turning her cup in her hands and smiling.

"The other one of us – who had better not be talking to herself right now – is just wondering if you're thinking of doing any work today," She pursed her lips in thought; "Are you off doing your thing? Yes Lois – 'cos obviously he can answer that question…"

Clark laughed out loud, and then glanced sideways at the curious faces of the Daily Planet workers who had joined him, "Good Morning."

"If you can hear me, I'll give you ten minutes. Then I'll come up with a much better excuse to explain your absence than you ever did. On second thoughts… maybe I'll make it something really embarrassing; like a rash. No – not a rash – after that little public display of affection in the street Jimmy will assume I have a rash too, and then I'll have to kick his ass…"

The elevator doors slid open and Clark was jostled into it with the crowd.

"Two more floors…" She checked her watch when he looked upwards, "Eight minutes Smallville…"

Her foot began to tap, her voice lowering, "If you are – you know – then be careful."

Clark was jostled again as someone behind him tried to get out at their floor, the movement forcing him to adjust his glasses again.

"And don't worry. I've got your back."

She made him wonder how he'd ever done what he did without her.

"But you owe me one." There was a smile in her voice, "I'm starting a score sheet."

Clark heard the 'ping' of her elevator reaching their floor. Minutes later, and just under the limit she'd given him before she came up with an explanation for his absence, his elevator did the same thing. Once he'd stepped through the doors he took a moment to look around him at the busy bullpen. Lois was at her desk, downing the last of her coffee as she tossed the majority of her mail into a trash can.

Then Perry's voice yelled from his door; "Lane! Kent! Mayor's Office! They're making an announcement about the rebuilding over at Suicide Slums – get on it!"

Across the crowded floor, Lois' gaze found his. She smiled. Her eyes sparkled. So Clark smiled back as he reached his hand back and pressed the button to recall the elevator; silently wishing for another empty one as she grabbed her jacket and purse and jogged across the floor and up the stairs to where she belonged.

At his side.

She tossed her purse at him before pushing her arms into the sleeve of her jacket, "Still around, huh?"



(This story continues in METROPOLIS: Guiding Light.)