Mirror, Mirror
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
who's the fairest of them all?
I can't breathe.
fingers run rapidly over the keys and the computer beeps occasionally
in response. I pointedly ignore the figure that stands behind me,
though my body quivers ever so slightly. The speed of my typing
A hand brushes my back lightly. I jump. I am unable to move. My eyes shut; I focus on the darkness, just trying to gain control.
Oh my Queen, it seems to me, there is not fairer in the land than thee."Perfection," I whisper lightly, without even realizing that the words have escaped my mouth. We both chuckle, the notes of our laughter are so intertwined that I cannot tell mine from hers. My hands have stopped working, but I do not turn. My heart tugs insistently in her direction.
She runs her fingers soothingly through my hair. I repress a sigh and lean back into her touch. Control, I think. I steel my body. But even the part of me that urges control tries to break from its confinement.
I can't stop.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the cleverest of them all?Her tiny hand dances downwards and grabs a hold of my large one. She is trying to draw me away. I can feel the heat of her body directly behind mine. Her presence fills the room. I am choked by it.
She whispers in my ear, nonsense, beautiful nonsense. The power of her words drags me in, it is absolute. I am unable to stop myself from moaning with longing. I can almost imagine the world, held captive inside of my fist, to be crushed whenever I feel it necessary.
Though my hope has long fled, her melodic voice compels me to continue our plotting.
My dear Queen, right from birth, you were the cleverest on the earth.I toy with the idea of us as queens. My fingers itch with loathing as I consider those who would be under my control. Finally I could settle the score. My nails scratch my palms as if I was holding a live heart, fresh from the body of the one I hate most. I am filled with pleasure at the thought, I can hear them begging me for their lives, grovelling and crying. I would grant their request, at least for a while. If only so that when they die it is in absolute and total despair.
A tickle against my horribly rounded ear reminds me of her. She is getting impatient with me, she wants attention. Her needs are a perfect reflection of mine, so I am happy to give it. But I do not turn to face her; I just squeeze her hand a little harder.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most powerful of them all?Her body gives into her desires, and her talking moves from plans and the future and onto more pleasurable subjects. Her lips touch lightly against the back of my neck. I sigh with contentment. "Splendid," she says, "just amazing."
I blush at the compliment. Her hands move to my shoulders and massage them sensually. I groan and submit myself.
I am not in control, and it terrifies me. I feel my life rushing past me in a blur of ecstasy and false hope. She drags me behind her, and I do not resist, though I am convinced that it will come to no good. She appeals to the hunger in me. I should rule, I need my revenge.
And yet everything she does I can only imitate. Her youth fills me and moves me, but I find that I can no longer move myself.
Watch what you say and what you do, and soon, my Queen, it will be you.I try to immerse myself in her. I claw at her, trying to hold her close to me, it is disorienting. Every moment we spend together is like plunging my head into a pool of spring water. I am always shocked by her coldness; still, it is refreshingly perfect. Her being fills me until I cannot even draw breath.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the truly perfect of us all?Again she impels me towards her. I cannot hold on any longer, I am submerged in my yearning for her. I realize that my heart threatens to burst from my chest and my head is swimming. Resistance appears to be futile.
I am aware that this cannot last. We'll be wiped from existence. We will, essentially, die. I have always put my life before anything else.
If they try to take her back, I will die to stop them.
I clumsily swivel to face her and gasp.
I had forgotten how beautiful I was.
Fairness comes and cleverness goes. Power fades as your life slows. But perfection does not decay. My Queen, you're perfect in every way.I think I'm drowning in her. oO0Oo
Author's Note: This is, obviously, a pastOpal/presentOpal. I think that Opal is a true narcissist, and the only thing she loves is herself. Concrit is welcome. Reviewers get large slices of virtual cheesecake!
My inspirations for this were obviously Snow White and the tale of Narcissus.
The first two Mirror, mirror lines are from Snow White. So they belong to the Brothers Grimm, or Disney, or whoever owns Snow White. The others are my attempts at rhyming.
This is dedicated to Carino2, who beta'd it for me. :D Thanks a bunch! I now know what Word notes are. (And we were both thinking about this 'ship at the end of TTP, I just know it. :P)