Me: This is a little drabble that was inspired by a comment over on y!gallery by nescafe. So this is dedicated to them. Just something quick I whipped up.
Cloud stood at one of the windows of a room above Seventh Heaven, just out of view of the group out in front. Tifa was taking forever to get in the damn car and take Marlene and Denzel to whatever theme park they had guilted her into taking them to. Cloud had made sure to be nowhere near them when they got the idea into their heads that they wanted to go, Tifa wasn't as good at hiding. Finally the group climbed into the car and drove off, a small smile gracing the blonde's lips as they disappeared.
Walking with what for Cloud was a cheerful disposition, for most people it was barely happy, the blond made his way into Tifa's bedroom. A quick survey of the brunette's closet revealed what Cloud was looking for. A rather maniacal grin crossed the usually somber face as he pulled out the garment before spinning to hold it up in front of the mirror. Ten minutes later found Cloud Strife, savior of the world, defeater of Sephiroth, angsting hero, in a long baby blue evening gown, twirling in front of a mirror.
Grinning at his reflection, Cloud spun around a few more times to watch the garment float up around him. With a distinct bounce in his step, the blond made his way over to his own room and picked up the ipod sitting on his bed. As he scrolled through his playlists, Cloud's expression could only be described as gleeful, something that looked completely alien on the usually somber blond. He actually skipped his way out of his room and down to the closed bar, grinning widely when he found the playlist he was looking for, Cloud's Brooding Soundtrack. Placing the device into the player behind the bar, the blond hit play.
Cloud jumped over the bar effortlessly as Barbie Girl began to blare through the ipod player's speakers. What happened next defied reason and most description. Cloud, usually the image of grace and dignity, began a horrible dance that involved sliding across the floor on his socked feet, twirling around so the dress spun around him, and pelvic thrusts that are not appropriate for small children to see. His insane mockery of a dance ended abruptly when the next song, Carmelle Dansen, began to play. Immediately the blond began his cat ear, hip shake dance that accompanied the song.
Spinning around again, Cloud froze. There in the doorway stood Reno, a video camera clutched in his hand. "That is priceless yo," the redhead chuckled.
"Reno," the blond said slowly, "What are you doing here?"
"Oh I came to see you Chocobo head," Reno smiled, "And did I ever."
"Let's cut to the chase," Cloud said bluntly, a deadly glint in his eyes that was severely diminished by the dress, "What will it take to get you to hand that tape over?"
"You, me, and a school girl's outfit at my place tonight."
"…I can do that," Cloud smiled slightly.
Me: Little drabble and I may…expand on the ending later.