Introduction: This is a collection of shorts inspired by this image i22.photobucket. com/ albums/ b301/ steshin/ 1699687m.jpg (cut and paste to your browser without the spaces) with the theme, "Ours".

Story 1
Contributed by: nickelwit

When comfort meant an empty dumpster and a blanket of newspapers, she dreamed of princes whisking her away to luxurious castles. They would wine and dine in the glow of fireflies and dance forever under the stars.

When fame was a gilded cage, she dreamed of soft eyes and a strong heart that would see the depths of her joy and pain. Theirs would be arms that held her close but slip away at her command.

The lost little girl and the diva would still dream, but Sheryl would never have to anymore. No fantasy could hold up to morning kisses too impatient for mouthwash or the way his fingers brushed her knuckles when they reached for the remote. She knew what true love was, and she wouldn't have it any other way.