This idea came to me sometime after I read Carrot's Spirit Within and Insertion.

I don't own most (if not all) of the characters that appear within this fic, and I'll be the first to admit that this will be a type of self-insertion… though one that hasn't been seen before.

Presenting a new fanfiction!

Lurker of the Multiverse!


In a small house within a large city, a teenager sat besides a pile of manga, some open while others closed. He was currently reading an episode of Ramna performing the hiryuu shouten-ha against Herb. Then he turned to his left and read how Cosmos explained what happened to Sailor Eternal Moon to the Amazon Quartets. Right in front, the manga Evangelion was facing the ceiling, one where everyone knew quite well. He rubbed his black hair in frustration yelling, "WHY DOESN'T THOSE KIND OF THINGS HAPPEN TO SOMEONE LIKE ME!"

"Oh… but it does…" a voice said from nowhere.

"Umm… Un… Ah… Oh dear." He stuttered, having read enough fanfiction to know that when something like this happens, you're screwed for life.

The voice chuckled. "Don't worry… we aren't really that bad."

The author just glared into the air.

"Well… you're right. We are. But this time is special! I'm here to grant your greatest dream!" the voice answered rather defensively.

"…" His silence continued.

"… OK! Ok! Here's the catch. 1) You're not allowed to stay on this universe and that is final. We can't have you become bored, now can we? 2) In any world that there isn't any Goddess class characters slash… well, Gods or Goddesses, you can only interact through a willing host until he/she/it dies or you both agree to leave each other. 3) In any worlds that there ARE Gods or Goddesses, your powers are restricted to a Class One, Limited. That pretty much means you can do anything that isn't Earth Shattering. 4) Once you bounce out of a world, you'll automatically be bounced to another at random. I'll even throw in the tip that you're not limited to 'mainline' worlds."

"I'm hearing a but…" he said.

"Well, ya. There are always exceptions to the rules, and I'll leave those for your pleasure." Adyen growled slightly, but allowed the voice to continue. "Oh, one more thing. The Head Honcho in the world you're on, Kami in any A.M.G. timeline, or even L-sama in any Slayers timeline, just to name a few of the more famous anime worlds that you should know, are going to be annoyed at you. Well, annoyed may be an understatement and you'll understand when you get there, but they won't do anything against you directly. We got a contract going with them."

"Hmm… doesn't sound too bad…" he said, rubbing his chin.

"Of course, if you're in any world where you revert to yourself, you're subjected to your own weaknesses… and you of all people should know that you always make weaknesses in yourself… Anyways, you'll 'become' who you always dreamed to be once you leave this world, so I think I'll send you on your way…"

"Hold it!" he yelled, spreading his arms.

"Yes?" the voice asked.

"This isn't going to be some sort of fanfiction written by myself, would it?"

"Probably there's a you somewhere writing this as we speak, so as Jared Saotome once said, 'Never do anything you wouldn't want to have on camera, my beloved friend!"

With that sparks of light and darkness condensed around Adyen, blowing his manga around his room. His last thoughts before he blacked out were, "Do I even have the CHANCE of that not happening?"

Authors Notes: Ah… and that concludes this little prolog… Anyone want to take a guess at what story is going first? I can promise that this WILL be a mess... :D