Hey everybody! sorry I haven't updated in forever! I have problems going on in my life... one I wouldn't like to share (lying! If you really wanna know PM me and I'll try to get back to you, I love to type to people! XD)
I am truly sorry for my lack of updates. I'm using the school computer (yes, I am serious for once) so i need to be quick. I will be posting VERY, VERY few things on all my works. (not like I really Updated fast anyway) But I will try to update when I can. Sorry to say, The AXR/Digi story I was planning has gone down the drain due to my horrible life events (not really, i'm being dramatic) and so have the insomniac drabbles. AXR: So i need you will continue for as long as I can keep it going and I have another new possible story (what a surprise) But I will not post it until I am positive I will complete it. I am also open for request on Fanfictions, but trust me, I won't get them done quick. For everyone that looks at my SM, Digimon, and MMPPP stuff. That stuff is basically all dead.
In other news, what does everyone think about this "New Vestroia" thing going around? Anyone as pissed off as I am that the original Baku-Girls aren't in it? I'm not even talking about it as in AXR fangirl type thing. I mean "WTF!!! WHY CUT OUT THREE REALLY IMPORTANT CHARACTERS!!!!!" I mean... If it was just Dan it would make some sense (main character obviously would be in season 2).... but jeez..... throw in the other two make brawlers but not a single female one? give me a break.... Kinda makes yeah have the urge to riot or something.... They broke up half the team! I don't care if it's AU from the first season! makes no sense.... they better have a good explanation in the first episode if it IS in line with season one. Bright side, leaves room for fanfiction :D
Anyway, Sorry about everything guys! Please respond in some way! :D