DISCLAIMER: Oh boy. Um let's see I don't own Beth, Jo, Laurie, Aunt March, Amy, Meg, or John. I do own Alrick (whose sole purpose was to be given to Amy. Aren't you glad I did that? If you aren't I'm going to point out that the alternative was boring Fred who was going to keep Amy the way she was, or Laurie which nooooooooooooobody wanted to get with Amy except Louisa May Alcott, who didn't even intend for that to happen herself until she developed a rebelliousness to kill the Laurie-Jo thing) I hope you guys enjoyed my revisement and hope that it left you with the same sense of closure and relief it has given me. Yayness for happy endings!!

Chapter 38


Living without Beth was hard, but life eventually had to go on. Jo's only solace on this matter was knowing that her dear Bethy would not have wanted those who cared for her to be sad and morn her death.

Laurie's prediction of "You'll be next, Jo" came true after all, and Jo and Laurie had the most beautiful wedding that could ever be seen. Although Laurie had wanted to show off a little, Jo had insisted on a simple wedding out in the yard, as Meg had. Laurie and Mr. Lawrence still manage to sneak in a few magnificent decorations, though, which only slightly annoyed Jo.

Jo wore a beautiful, modest gown, and wore her thick brown hair down to her shoulders, because she knew how much Laurie loved to see her with her hair down.

As she walked down the aisle, Laurie's eyes held the look of a man who had found the oasis in a desert. And when they took their vows, the look of total adoration shared between the two was so great, it caused all that had come to weep.

Marriage in turn was - as Laurie had warned - not easy. The new Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence faced their share of trials and arguments, but they both knew in their hearts that it was worth it, and they would face anything together.

Later, as Amy's family could not be there, Amy and Alrick eloped to Greece. Alrick soon finished college and got his degree in teaching.

Aunt March soon died, leaving Jo "Plumfield". From this Jo came up with a brilliant idea to form a school for boys. Laurie took up his grandfather's job to support the new school, but also continued to follow his dream in writing music on the side. When the school was officially created, Jo asked Amy and Alrick to come teach there - Amy for an arts teacher and Alrick a teacher for the general courses. John was eventually enlisted and the school thrived as one large family.

Jo finally wrote the story she had longed to write. A masterpiece inspired by the passing of her cherished sister, she named it "My Beth". Later it would be called by the name:

"Little Women"