Chapter Twenty-One "Entangled"
DISCLAIMER: The characters and story plot of the Harry Potter franchise do NOT belong to me, I am just one of the many privileged enough to write on J.K Rowling's marvellous novel series.
"Rennervate!" said Regulus, the red light left his wand and struck the unconscious Harry. Immediately the boy was brought from his stupor. "Get up."
Lifting his head, Harry was hit with a tremor of a headache. "Regulus?"
"Miss me did you?" Regulus asked, his tone coming off sarcastic. Perhaps it was nervousness of having Potter back again, either way he cleared his throat and tried again. "Do you require a hand getting up?"
"No, I'm fine," Harry grumbled, he pinched the bridge of his nose as he clambered from the floor to rest on his knees. Looking from left to right he scanned a small dank open cell before peering forward at the bars that enclosed him within the room. "What have your lot done with Ron, Fred and George?"
"The Weasley rats? I'm not sure, Goyle tended to them. Although I suppose they're being kept elsewhere down here." Regulus said, he lounged with his legs crossed atop what could be considered Harry's mattress, if that's what was actually beneath all the stains on it.
"And where is elsewhere?" asked Harry, getting to his feet he walked towards the bars of his cell. He attempted to poke he face through the intertwining pieces of iron.
"Elsewhere," Regulus answered again, he watched Harry closely. The boy didn't seem the least interested in him or why he was being kept in the cellar of the Dark Lord's domain. "I imagined you might have some questions of why you're being held here and not in your original quarters."
"Why would I question that," said Harry, he pulled his face from the bars of his cell and met Regulus' gaze. "I know the truth now, so if you think I'm going to play along like I'm that other Harry as before you're a whole lot crazier than I thought."
Regulus narrowed his eyes. "Excuse me?"
"Didn't you hear?" Harry asked incredulously, he pressed a finger to his temple. "I've got his face, but I'm not him, I don't know you. I've never known you before in my life until I came to this world. So unless you're here to help me and the Weasley's escape, you can sod off."
"What nonsense has that foolish Order been filling your head with," Regulus sneered, he got to his feet and drew his wand, he saw Harry quickly tense at the sight of it. "Forget what they've told you, Harry, remember what I showed you before?"
"How can I forget," said Harry, his mind drifting to the memory of watching himself cast the unforgivable killing curse upon Karkaroff. "The Harry you knew was despicable and didn't care about who he hurt, and he's dead, he's gone alright! He's gone!"
Lunging for Harry's neck, Regulus pinned the boy against the bars, his fingers closing his wind pipe. "Take it back."
Harry gasped for air and used both hands to try and pry Regulus' fingers from his throat.
"Take it back!" growled Regulus, his mind racing as his world seemed to be crumbling around him. If the boy hadn't managed to pull away his hand he may have actually choked him to death.
Collapsing to the ground, wheezing for air. Harry clasped his throat. He dared to look up and watch Regulus' staring down at him.
"Who are you?!" Regulus demanded, his nostrils flared and if looks could kill Harry probably would have keeled over right then and there.
"I'm Harry Potter," panted Harry, he used the iron bars of his cell door to help him get back to his feet.
Regulus looked confused as if he couldn't comprehend what it was the boy he'd thought of as his own meant. "But... I... I don't understand."
"Trust me, I get it..." Harry grumbled, he walked to the other side of the cell away from Regulus so he could lean against the cold bricks of the far wall. "It took me a long time to finally get a grasp on everything myself."
Regulus took a deep breath and suppressed his anger as best he could, the last thing he wanted was to hurt Harry and more than anything he wanted to understand the boy. "Grasp on what, what is going on Harry?"
Harry was hesitant to answer, but idly in the back of his mind he figured he didn't have much choice and Regulus might be his best option of escaping this place with the Weasley's, that was if he had any similarities to Sirius. "Like I said before, I came to this world, I'm not from it. When I did come I took the place of the Harry you knew, keeping in mind he was long gone before I got here."
Regulus' brows furrowed deeper into a look of frustration. "I suggest you try and explain things a little more clearer, Harry."
"Your Harry was sucked soulless by a Dementor in Azkaban, in my world Voldemort took my soul from my body and intentionally or not sent it here where it for some reason took over your Harry's vacant body. Are you following me?" Harry said, he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his trousers and leaned his head back against the wall.
"I'm following," Regulus mumbled, he turned to look at Harry as if studying him, he looked at the boy in unfamiliarity, like he had never seen the boy before in his life. "You're a blood traitor in your world, aren't you."
"I don't know anything about being a blood traitor, I do know a thing or two about right or wrong though," Harry responded, he tilted his head down and locked eyes with Regulus Black. "What Voldemort and your friends are trying to do is wrong, and whatever Voldemort is planning on doing to me and the Weasley\s is just as wrong. I need your help Regulus, I know you don't know me and you could probably care less but don't you want to do one thing right in your life?"
"My help? And go against our Lord?" Regulus retorted with a huff. "You must have me mistaken with some other reckless idiot if you think I'm daft enough to oppose the Dark Lord."
"Sirius stands up for what is right at any cost, which is why he's surrounded by people who care and love him. Who cares about you, who loves you?" Harry stated, pushing off the wall he took a few slow steps towards the man dressed in Death Eater robes.
Regulus' lips pulled back in a sneer as he brought a hand up with a pointed finger at Harry. "Watch how you speak to me, boy. I'm not someone you can simply manipulate. We're done here."
"That's it?" Harry asked as he watched Regulus swirl his wand over the lock of the cell door and step out into the corridor. "You're just going to walk away?"
"Yes, we're quite finished. This will be the last time we speak," Regulus said, using his wand he locked the cell door behind him and started to walk away. "Farewell, Potter."
Slamming his chest up against the cell door with hands wrapped around the iron bars of the cell door, Harry called after Sirius' brother. "Send word to your brother, Regulus! There's still time!"
The corridor fell silent except for the soft shuffle of movement in what Harry assumed was the cell beside him. "Is someone there?"
There was a long pause before a familiar voice replied. "Aye, there is."
"Ron, is that you?" asked Harry hopefully.
"I'd normally say whose asking, but seeing as I overheard your conversation I'm going to assume I'm talking to Harry Potter." replied Ron, he sat with his back resting against the wall that divided himself from the person in the cell next to him.
"... Harry Potter of sorts," Harry corrected, he had to admit Ron's flat tone gave off the impression he was handling it better than expected when considering his name in this world usually evoked the emotion of fear. "You have a clue as to where they took the twins do you?"
"I've no bloody idea where they took them." Ron said bitterly. "Can I ask you something, Potter?"
"Feel free." answered Harry curiously.
"What's the odds we make it out of here alive?" Ron asked, he closed his eyes and thought of his worried family back at the Burrow.
"You know, since I've got here to this world I'd like to say I've been in worse situations. So odds are decent." Harry said, his fingers drummed on the cross beam of the cell bars. "Just out of curiosity, you wouldn't happen to have any plans on getting out of here, do you?"
Ron gave a snort. "I hope you're joking."
"Not at all, I didn't really plan for what happened next after I got to London... Speaking of which, why did you and the twins come after me anyway?"
Ron laughed. "We thought you were Neville Longbottom, should have known it wasn't once you took off on that broom. Last time I saw him on a broom he crashed through a window on the Sixth floor of Hogwarts."
Harry smiled at the mental image. "You're right, you should have known better."
"Oi, come on now. No need to kick a bloke when he's down, it's not exactly like we knew we'd end up duelling a bunch of Death Eaters in the middle of London." Ron joked, the small bit of humour between the two teens died down as his words brought both of them back to the present reality.
"If it means anything to you, I'm sorry for getting you and your brothers all tangled up in this," Harry whispered, he took a deep breath and let his eyelids fall close. "You know as strange as this is, talking with you... It's actually the first time it's made me really think of home."
"Home?" said Ron', he tilted his head and peered to the corner of his cell as if picturing the other prisoner in the room next to him.
"My world," Harry mumbled, his thoughts drifting to the hushed conversations, laughs, and emotional drama he had shared with the Hermione and Ron of his world over the years. "You and Hermione were my two closest friends there. I miss them both."
Ron scrunched his face as he searched for a reply to say to the boy held in the cell next to him. "Hold out, maybe you might see them again?"
With a slow nod, Harry looked up to the ceiling of his cell. "I can only hope."
What lighthearted communication that was held between the two boys was cut short by the sound of heavy falling foot pounding in the distance on their way towards them from down the corridor.
"If they take us both stay as close as you can, if you see any opening to escape take it." Harry whispered quickly, he took a step back from his cell door and turned to meet whoever was approaching.
Coming into view with a maniacal look on her face stood Bellatrix Lestrange, flanked on either side of her stood two masked Death Eaters.
"My, my, my... The Dark Lord's prized possession behind bars, about time the filthy half-blood was treated like the animal he is." Bellatrix hissed, she tilted her head to the side and approached the cell door. "Come here, Potter. The Dark Lord's requested you."
Harry stepped forward with hands held out to the side. "Let's get this over with then."
Drawing her wand, Bellatrix swiped it near to the cell door lock. With a soft 'click' the door opened just as the two masked Death Eaters barged into the cell and seized a tight grip on both of Harry's arms.
"He tries anything, break both his itsy bitsy limbs." Bellatrix ordered with a crazed grin that stretched across her face.
Hauling him out of the cell, Harry was able to spare a look at Ron's cell and the boy who stood pressed up against the bars.
'Good luck' mouthed Ron just as the dark haired teen was pulled from sight, the sound of thundering foot steps receded until he was left alone to himself.
Harry swallowed hard as he was led down the corridor, he looked straight ahead at the swishing robes of Bellatrix Lestrange. Keep focused he thought, look for exits. Regrettably the escorted walk to Voldemort's gloomy meeting chamber came all to quick with very little openings for any chance of escape.
Upon entering the dimly lit room, Harry was more than just a little taken back by the sheer amount of amassed Death Eaters, all of whom had their heads cocked in his direction and peering through the narrow eye holes of their masks at him.
At the front of the chamber Harry saw Voldemort lounging in his throne like chair, his pet snake Nagini coiled at his feet. The two brutes who were clenched to his arms suddenly forced Harry down on his knees in front of the pale faced villain.
"Welcome home, Harry," Voldemort greeted, his voice calm and collected. "You may release him now, the boy won't be going anywhere soon."
Harry looked up as the two Death Eaters let loose their hold on his arms and took a step back, to his side stood a still sneering Bellatrix Lestrange.
"You've been very elusive, Harry, very elusive. One would think that you were actually trying to avoid returning to our fold," Voldemort said, he leaned forward in his chair and locked eyes with Harry who didn't look away from the snake like eyes. "Is there something you wish to tell me Harry, something you would like to reveal?"
Harry shook his head. "I have nothing to say to you."
"Oh, but you have much to say," Voldemort insisted. His thin lips peeled back into an unnatural looking smile. "Did you know I had the pleasure of your fathers close friend, the werewolf Lupin kneeling exactly where you are now just a couple of days ago?"
Gritting his teeth, Harry's eyes thinned into slits of anger. "Don't you dare say his name!"
"And why is that? The wolf and I got along... Tremendously, did you know he told me everything? And I do mean, everything." Voldemort said nonchalantly, the smile on his face only stretched further in enjoyment at the sight of Harry's anger.
"He wouldn't have," Harry snapped back, he made to move to get up a firm hand on his shoulder forced him back down to his knees. Shaking the hand off, he continued to glare forward at his nemesis. "It was you who killed him wasn't it."
"I rather did Dumbledore and his Order a favour by getting rid of Lupin, the man didn't keep one thing to himself once I had him here, every little secret he was ever told he shared with me. A man like that isn't an asset to have, more of a liability." Voldemort replied, he stood from his throne and took a step towards Harry.
"I don't believe you, you're speaking rubbish. Lupin was loyal!" Harry growled.
Voldemort's smile faded back into a thin line as he slowly drew his wand from the confines of his black robes. "Loyalty? I can be very persuasive when someone has something I wish to know, and you young Harry have much I wish to know in that head of yours."
"I don't know anything about the Order," Harry replied, assuming it was information on Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix in which Voldemort was looking for. "But I will tell you what I know on one condition."
Coming to a stand still just a few feet from Harry, Voldemort looked oddly interested in what the boy's proposition could be. "And what condition is that?"
"You let the Weasley's go, let them free and I'll cooperate." Harry offered.
"Ah, the Weasley's children... Purebloods aren't they," Voldemort mused to himself, before directing his wand at Harry. "I must decline your request, they can be used quite effectively as leverage against those who oppose me. No, I must say I am looking forward to spending time just you and I."
"You and I?" Harry repeated, Voldemort was close now and his anger was still boiling over, his eyes fixated on the Dark Lord's wand.
"You, I and this other world you're from," Voldemort clarified, he crouched down so his face was inches from Harry's. "Don't look to disappointed, this doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun before we start exploring your memories."
The Dark Lord may have been caught off guard if Harry hadn't been staring at his wand for the last several minutes, so when he lunged forward for it, Voldemort had already gotten to his feet and taken several steps back.
Laying flat on his stomach with his hands outstretched in front of him, Harry's eyes went up to look at the tip of Voldemort's wand pointing down at him.
"CRUCIO!" Voldemort spat, it connected instantly and had Harry writhing and screaming in excruciating pain.
Near the back of the chamber stood a tormented Regulus Black, he observed Harry being tortured and he told himself he should feel nothing, that he didn't care for this boy, yet still he felt an urge to rush forward and start hexing the Dark Lord in Harry's defence.
Cursing Harry under his breath, Regulus looked down to his feet. He had to admit, there had been several times over the course of this year that he personally questioned the Dark Lord's ambitions and his own purpose among the Death Eaters. True he wasn't as devoted to the cause as he had been in his younger days, he had been more driven by a need to protect and find Harry than he had been with purifying the wizarding world of mudbloods and muggles.
Perhaps his whole life he had been doing things wrong like the boy had said, maybe he was even wrong to have helped indulge his Harry in the dark arts and carrying out the Dark Lords orders. He had a chance now to do right in his life, this Harry still had a chance to live his life right, an opportunity that he and the Harry he had considered as a son didn't have.
Chin raising, Regulus looked past the shoulders of the other Death Eaters as Harry squirmed on the cold, stone floor of the chamber, red veins forming around the whites of the boys eyes. Looking up at the snake like face of the boys tormentor, he knew then something had to be done.
After all, his Harry was gone now and there was fat chance of him ever returning Regulus knew then and there that meant there was nothing left for him in this world. Turning away, he quietly slipped unnoticed out of the chamber and headed straight for Harry's sleeping quarters. Regulus moved in haste, if the boy was to live he needed to act quick before Voldemort extracted all the information he desired and did away with the boy completely.
Bouncing off the walls as he turned the sharp corners of the Dark Lord's domain, his legs were carrying him faster than his breaths could keep up with. Skidding to a stop outside Harry's quarters, his chest feeling as if it were about to explode as he panted heavy breaths
Removing the security wards off the door with a swipe and twist of his wand, Regulus stepped inside and headed straight for the antique desk in the corner of the room. Rummaging around until he found a spare piece of parchment, ink, and quill, he messily scrawled a note.
When he had finished, Regulus folded the note in crisp fashion and stuffed it in a near by envelope before dashing out of Harry's quarters, he needed an owl he needed to get this letter to his brother.
A/N: New chapter for all, as well this story should be wrapped up soon. Thank you to all who reviewed, it's much appreciated. As well to address those who point out Harry's weakness in this story, I can only say this is a story written directly after the 3rd task of the Goblet of Fire, in which Harry was no genius and only succeeded thanks to Barty Crouch Jr. impersonating Alastor Moody that carried Harry through the whole competition. Harry to me at this point is not some prodigy of all knowing magic, I write this in my assumption with how I perceive Harry at this point of time. As well harry having no intellect into universe displacement would put him into a very distrusting state of mind when faced with people whom seem to be talking nonsense. Or this is how I view my own story at least :) Hopefully this may be useful to any reviewers addressing these issues. As well I hope to have the next chapter up soon, thank you all for reading!