Disclaimer: I don't own Peacemaker Kurogane and its characters. However, I do own Kumi Suzuki.

Chapter One

A blood-curling scream sounded throughout the whole Suzuki manor. Blood was spilled in every nook and cranny of the once beautiful home of the royal Suzuki Family. Dead and limp bodies littered on the smooth wooden floor- their faces distorted or mercilessly stabbed by what seemed like a sharp blade. Those who hid were soon found by the attackers. And once they were, they were killed in the most brutal fashion. The soldiers of the manor were killed whereas the female servants were immediately assaulted on the spot.

The Suzuki domain was under attack by the Choshu clan. It was a surprise attack, one that they were unable to avoid. They were completely taken by surprise, which explained why they were completely dominated and unable to retaliate.

In all this chaos, the lady of the manor and heiress were hiding in a secret room. Soldiers were guarding the front door of the room in hopes of protecting them. Sooner or later though, they knew they would be found. The outcome was predictable yet unpleasant. There was no time to escape.

"Kumi." The soft voice of the lady spoke. The lady of the manor appeared to be calm but her voice showed otherwise as it came out pained and shaky, most likely because of their current serious predicament. "My dear beloved Kumi, you must run now. I do not guarantee your safety if the rebels were to get their hands on you," she said. She gripped her daughter's hands.

"But, okaa-sama! I cannot leave you here! You must run with me!" Her daughter reasoned out. Tears were running down her cheeks as her maroon-like eyes shone in pain and desperation.

"If I were to go with you," the lady said. "Then there is an absolute chance that they will catch the both of us. I have to stay here as a decoy."

"No! No! This is not fair, okaa-sama! I'd rather stay here with you! I-"

"Kumi," came the firm voice of her mother. Kumi immediately silenced but failed to soften her sobs.

"You are the heiress of our family and thus carry our royal family name. You are the hope of a new kingdom..." her gaze softened as she caressed the cheek of her child. She stared fondly at her as she admired the outcome of the love between her husband and her. She stopped the tears that were threatening to come out by blinking them away.

"Do you now understand, my dear?" she asked rather softly.

Kumi stifled a sob but nodded silently. She hugged her mother one last time before heading towards the window of the room.

"I will live, okaa-sama," she said, shifting a bit to stare at her mother who stared back at her with a bitter smile.

"Goodbye, my dear," whispered her mother. "Your father and I loved you truly." And she closed her eyes and sat calmly. To Kumi's eyes, however, she appeared to be waiting for her death. Another sob threatened to come out but she stopped herself from letting out a cry as she turned and headed out.

"Sayonara, okaa-sama, otou-sama..." [1]

"Be happy, Kumi. Choose what you think is best for you..."

Loud and quick footsteps approached the room. The lady could hear fighting from outside. They had come for her now. Somehow, she was relieved that her daughter would be saved. She did not need to worry anymore, even if she were to die in the hands of the enemy. Just as long as her daughter was saved...

"Anata, this is the right thing, isn't it?" she whispered as she carefully caressed the limp head [2] that was resting on her lap. Tears tickled down her cheek and fell on his cold face.

"Kumi will be saved...you don't need to worry anymore..."

The door was suddenly slid open. She did not bother raising up her head as she gazed at her husband's now cold face.

"We will be together now..."


A head fell on the wooden floor in one swift motion. Blood had once again littered the place as its copper-like stench filled the room.

"Hn, the heiress isn't here," a man noted, his voice low and gruff. He turned to look at his companions, brows already furrowed in irritation. "Find her! Or I'll kill you myself!" He ordered angrily.

"H-hai!" They replied and left immediately.

"Suzu, go report to Yoshida-sama," he said to a young boy whose hair shone silver as the moonlight beamed on its surface. He heard a soft yes from him before he walked away. His gaze then fell on the lifeless body of the woman and the head that rested on her hands.

"They're nothing but worthless pigs," he said. "But they're not your target, are they?"

A voice giggled softly.

"Of course not," it answered. "I'm after the princess, after all."

Kumi hid behind a tree as she watched the rebels that littered almost everywhere. It was painful for her to hear the screams of her servants she had come to love. She wiped the tears that were on her eyes.

'I'm sorry,' she apologized inwardly, climbing the tree she was hiding behind. It took most of her strength to climb it (and her attire did not help her the very least). Nonetheless, she was able to. She ignored the wounds she was getting as she climbed the tree. The pain of her wounds was nothing compared to the deaths of her people.

She jumped towards the wall that served as a barrier between the outside world and the manor. Her foot slipped, making her fall. However, her hand firmly gripped on the wall and with a deep breath, pulled herself with it. She glanced at the other side of the wall then jumped, landing on the hard ground in a clumsy manner. The cold night air breezed around, making some strands of her hair whirl around. She immediately started running, slightly shivering when the blood on the grassy ground caught her attention - the blood from their trustful guards.

Why had this happened? Why were they attacking their household?

She did not have an answer to that, though. Her mind was all jumbled up to the point where she was unable to form one coherent thought. Her world came crumbling before her eyes. Why? What did she do to deserve this?

She suddenly fell with a loud oof. Wincing at the pain, she pushed herself from the ground and attempted to stand up. As she did, she let out a pained cry when an immense pain came from her right foot.

"Who's there?"

Her eyes widened when she heard that voice. Judging by that strange accent, it was one of the Choshu rebels.

She whipped her head to that direction and let out a horrified gasp when she saw two Choshu rebels running to her direction. She immediately started running, ignoring the pain on her right foot.

If she got caught now, she'd be killed! Not only would her mother's sacrifice be gone to waste but her people's lives as well. The name of her kingdom was in her hands. She must not give up now!

"It's the heiress! Don't let her escape!"

Kumi didn't dare to look back, afraid of what she may see. She knew they were armed with swords while she had none to protect herself. Her only option was to run. However, as she heard the footsteps of the Choshu rebels approach her closer and closer, she panicked.

'Someone...help me!' she thought pleadingly, tears glistening on her eyes.

The moon reflected on a riverbank that was beside her. Why hadn't she noticed it before? She looked at it for a second then looked at the evil Choshu samurais approaching her. She jumped on the water, not having any second thoughts. Right then on, the rain suddenly poured down violently, causing the once absent waves to appear. The waves were too strong and fast for her liking. But that was the very least of her worries. Right now, she needed to escape...escape from cruelty...

"She's escaping!" she heard someone yell but ignored it.

She let the current take her to anywhere. Until slowly - ever slowly - unconsciousness embraced her. All she remembered was the manor she grew up in on fire, the rain failing to take it out. As she closed her eyes, the agonized screams of her people echoed in her head and images of the mutilated bodies and the revolting sight of blood appeared in her mind.

She wanted to perish right on that spot.

"Saa, Okita-san, isn't it your turn to patrol tonight?" Saitou asked, yet, he already knew the answer to his question. The man with him stood up and stretched lazily.

"Indeed it is. Ah, I might as well go before Hijikata-san orders seppuku on me," he said with a silly grin on his face.

"You should," he nonchalantly said with his usual expressionless face.

Souji's smile had suddenly faded and turned serious when he crossed the door that led out of the Shinsengumi headquarters. He gathered his unit and went out into the wild anarchy of Kyoto's night alleyways. The night was quiet and peaceful. Though, it was common knowledge that this tranquility wasn't always peaceful, as one may call it. They knew - of course - that in this darkness always hid the most dangerous threats to society. That was why the Shinsengumi, a special police force, was formed in order to eliminate these threats and also to ensure that the safety and well being of Kyoto was kept.

"Okita-san," called one of his men that was trailing behind him.

He shifted slightly to get a look at him and asked, "What is it?"

The man pointed towards a certain direction and had a worried look on his face.

"...I think I see something - or someone - floating in the river..." he informed almost as a whisper.

Souji looked at the direction only to have his eyes widened. There, in the cold river, floated a young woman. She was unconscious, that he knew.

"Inform Saitou-san immediately and take him to this place," he ordered, not bothering to look at his subordinates as he immediately swam towards the unknown young woman's body. He ignored the coolness of the water as he himself got wet. He hoped that she was still alive, but he doubted against it. How could he not? The water was too cold for any human being to withstand. Taking a hold of the young woman, he pulled her towards his arms.

'Good,' he thought. She was still warm, if not the slightest. He then swam back ashore while his subordinate helped him carry the unconscious young woman.

"She's not breathing, Okita-san," his subordinate informed after they had laid her down the ground. "And her pulse is faint..."

"What do you mean?" he asked, kneeling beside the young woman. He, too, felt for a heartbeat. Like what his subordinate told him, it was faint.

"...I have no choice," he said, more to himself. His subordinate looked at him questioningly but said nothing. He watched his superior lean on the young woman and opened her mouth. Resting his mouth on hers, he blew air on her and started pressing on her chest in a rhythm matter. He continued this process until the young woman finally coughed. Said young woman opened her eyes slowly.

"She's fine now," Souji said. "Let's take her to safet-"

Souji was promptly interrupted as the young woman had suddenly embraced him. She started crying, her body shaking in notion.

"Okaa-sama...! Otou-sama...!" she sobbed, tightening her grip on him. Souji did not know what to do. It took him a moment to finally react. He hugged her back in hopes of comforting her.

"Gomen nasai...gomen nasai..." she whispered like a chant before unconsciousness consumed her once again. When he was sure that she was fine now, he carried her bridal style and stood up. Right on cue, his other subordinate came into view as well as Saitou. He gave him a smile before heading back to the headquarters.


[1]- "I'm sorry, mother, father." [2]- Yes, she's holding his head. I don't know why, but I felt like writing a bit...gory... If I made it more detailed and extreme, I'm afraid that I would have to change the rating. xD

Now, aren't you guys glad that I rewrote this chapter? I wasn't particularly happy with the way I wrote before. My grammar was so bad and I didn't even bother editing it. /laughs So yes, Chapter two was re-written as well. I suggest that you re-read it seeing as a lot of things were changed.

Please review. I'm particularly not motivated to finish this story seeing as I only have a few reviewers. So please do. I'd really appreciate it. C:
