AN: Random attack from the plot bunny...

Disclaimer: I own nothing :(

"Lexy??" The teen in question tried to minimize the window she was using on the computer, but it was too late. Riley's head was poking through the doorway.

"What do you want?" she sighed.

"What are you doing?" he demanded

"Why do you always answer questions with questions?" Lexy retorted.

"Why do you have to be such a pain?" Riley looked at the minimized box. "Fan fiction?" he said incredulously. "You read fan fiction?"

"Write," Lexy corrected.

Riley wrestled with the mouse. A small tug of war over it ensued, which the young man eventually won. He brought up the window. "National Treasure?" he said sounding somewhat nervous. "You write fiction about us?"

Lexy shook her head. "More like fact…"

"Oh. My. God." Riley clicked on the first thing he saw. "YOU POSTED THAT??" he screamed upon seeing the story of him… editing Ben's proposal plans. He backed up. "And Ben and Abi's breakup??"

"Sort of…"


"What's going on?" asked Ben walking in, looking rather amused. But that soon ended when he read over Riley's shoulder.

"You documented my breakup and put it on a website."


"THAT WAS PRIVATE," Lexy noticed there was a lot of yelling going on today.

"This is fictional," Riley said, clicking on the chatroom story. "But you made me look like an idiot!"

"Fine! If you want stories written your way write them yourself!" she snapped. Riley's sister logged out and left the room.

"'Kay," murmured Riley, exchanging a mischievous glance with Ben. "Maybe I will…"

AN: Uh oh... Ben and Riley writing Fanfiction together? Anything of yours you want any of them to write, go ahead and tell me, otherwise I have to come up with -gulp- Ideas...