I've had this idea in my head for a while. What if Rose had been trapped in the TARDIS in Journeys End? How would things have evolved from that?

Doctor Who belongs to the BBC. Like you didn't know that! Spoilers for Journeys End.

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The Doctor, Rose, Donna and Jack were in the TARDIS. Outside awaited the Doctor's longest enemy, and there was a sense of nervousness in the air.

"Are we gonna do this, yeah?" Donna asked. The Doctor nodded and sighed, as did Jack. But Rose was staring. Her head was banging, in the rhythm of a drum, or even a heart beat. She had heard it before. In her dreams, and everytime she jumped from one reality to another. The constant drumming, over and over again. The Doctor looked over at her, and he raised an eyebrow. Her eyes were moist and she looked out of it. Worried, he walked over and grabbed her shoulders, and gave her a smile.

"I'm sorry, Rose. There's nothing we can do," He told her.

"I understand, yeah, sorry," She muttered, wiping her eyes. He gave her another small smile and he strolled over to the door.

"Well then. Anyone else feeling Deja vu?" He joked. Jack grinned, and he raised his hand. "It's been good though, hasn't it? Everything we did. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. You were brilliant," He nodded at Donna. "And you were brilliant," He aimed this at Jack, who grinned proudly. "And you were brilliant," He told Rose, his voice barley a whisper. "And, of course, so was I!" He added cheekily, and Donna rolled her eyes.

"Come on then, Mr Ego," She patted him on the back as he turned to the door. Donna and Jack followed him, smiling a good luck smile to each other. After a deep breath to compose herself, Rose followed them too. The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS, as he gaze fell upon a huge Dalek empire.

"Daleks reign supreme! All hail Daleks!" They screamed, hovering over the Doctor, Donna and Jack. Rose was about to step out, but the heartbeat stared up again, this time, it was so powerful that she couldn't ignore it. She glanced back at the console and frowned. What was pulling her back in?

"Rose!" The Doctor called, his eyes still transfixed on the Dalek fleet, "It's no safer in there!" Rose gave herself a little shake, and was about to step out when the TARDIS doors slammed right in front of her. She looked up and banged on the door.

"Doctor! What's happened?" She cried, slamming her fists against the wood.

"It wasn't me! Hold on!" He called through the door, whipping out his sonic screwdriver. He whirred it against the door, but it was useless. "What have you done?" He asked the Red Dalek.

"Your sonic device will not work," The Dalek replied.

"What did you do? Get her out of there!" He ordered.

"This is not of Dalek origin." The Doctor frowned.

"Stop it, stop it right now! She's my friend, now let her out!" Rose continued to bang on the door, and tug on the lock.

"It's stuck!" She called through, and the Doctor glared angrily at the Supreme Dalek.

"I'm warning you. I've had too long without her, so LET HER GO!"

"This is Time Lord treachery!" The Dalek told him. The Doctor rolled his eyes.

"I haven't done anything!"

"Nevertheless, the TARDIS is a weapon. It will be destroyed!" Suddenly, the TARDIS fell through a trap door in the floor. The Doctor ran to the door and stared down, a look of horror on his face. Rose stumbled about the TARDIS, grabbing onto the rail by the door. She had no idea what was going on.

"DOCTOR!" She screamed, not knowing that he couldn't hear her.

"What are you doing?! Bring her back!" The Doctor demanded, as Jack and Donna glanced down the trap door. "Where the hell is it going?"

"The Crucible has a heart of Z-Neutrino Energy. The TARDIS will be deposited into the core," The Dalek answered.

"But...But you've taken the defences down...It'll be torn apart!" He exclaimed, his voice rising with anger. Back in the TARDIS, Rose screamed as the lights around the control smashed around her. She crawled her way up the small ramp, trying to get to the chair. At least she could hold onto that for dear life. There were small explosions going off everywhere around her, and she crouched down, shielding herself from them. A fire started up beside her, and she felt the tears flow freely down her cheeks.

"The female and the TARDIS shall perish together!" The Supreme Dalek droned, as an image flashed up on the wall. The Doctor watched it with dread, knowing he was helpless. He was about to loose his ship and the woman he loved. Rose stared to choke, as the smoke billowed around her. The Doctor turned to the Supreme Dalek.

"Please, I'm begging you! Put me on her place! Let me die, not her! Please!" He pleaded, turning back to watch the TARDIS get enveloped by he hot lava. "Just get her out of there!" Rose continued to choke, and she felt helpless. But she suddenly stopped panting. She caught sight of the Doctor's hand, glowing and inviting. She reached out and touched it. The orange, glowing regeneration energy engulfed her, and she began to shake violently. The jar smashed, and Rose fell to the floor. Back in the Crucible, Jack reached out for Donna's hand, and she clutched it, terrified. She had never seen the Doctor so upset, not even on her wedding day.

Rose sat up, a dazed look in her eye. The hand had come out of the jar, and the glass had been strewn on the floor. The hand began to twitch, and soon the energy began to grow into the shape of of a man. Once it had finished, the man sat up and the energy was shaken from it. Rose gasped as she saw the Doctor, stark naked, sitting in front of her.

"It's you!" She said, amazed.

"Oh yes." Rose glanced down, and quickly turned away.

"You're naked," She grinned, wishing she had looked 'accidentaly' for a little bit longer.

"Oh yes," Said the new Doctor.

Back in the crucible, the Supreme Dalek began to count down the seconds until the TARDIS destruction. Donna let go of Jack and walked over to the Doctor, holding his arm.

"...Nine, eight, seven, six..."

The new Doctor pushed a button on the console hastily and the TARDIS began to fade away. Rose stared at him, unable to speak. He noticed her and grinned cheerily.

"Rose! How are you doing?"

"You're still naked, you know," She pointed out, and the Doctor blushed.

"Back in a tic," He told her, clutching his crotch and running out of the room. Rose sighed, and she tucked her blond, knotty, bedraggled hair behind her ear, and picked herself up off the floor.

The Doctor watched as the TARDIS, and Rose, became dust. His ship had gone up in flames, and he had just stood there and watched it burn.He stared at the screen, willing the TARDIS to come back. Donna glanced up at him and felt tears come to her eyes. Jack reached for his gun and held it, just in case.

"How do you feel, Doctor? Do you feel anger? Despair? Sorrow?"

"Yeah," The Doctor replied, mumbling.

"Well, if emotions are so important, then surely we have enhanced you," The Supreme Dalek pointed out. Jack clutched his gun and got his finger into the catch, ready to pull the trigger. Nobody killed Rose Tyler without having him to answer too!

"Yeah? Feel this!" Jack cried, and he began to fire at the Dalek.

"EXTERMINATE!" The Dalek screamed, and he hit Jack with a blue death ray. Jack fell to the floor, seemingly lifeless. Donna dropped to her knees, clutching Jack's shoulders.

"Oh god!" She whispered.

"Donna..." The Doctor bent down, and placed a steady hand on her shoulder.

"They've killed 'im," She whimpered.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do."


"Yeah. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," The Doctor told her.

"Escort them to the vault; they are the play things of Davros now," The Supreme Dalek ordered, and the remaining two time travellers shuffled off. The Doctor took one last look at Jack, who was alive. He winked at the Doctor, who nodded discreetly and followed Donna out.

What do you think? I know, a lot of the dialogue has been copied, but in the next one, when they meet Davros, there will be a lot more of my dialogue! I can't wait for Donna to meet Davros, that'll been a fun scene to write!

Please read and review!
