Finally the sequel to my fic 'Destiny' (apart from some editing) is finished. To catch up read 'Destiny' or just the ending at /archive/15/destiny.html For a summary of Destiny and for the first part of Consequence go behind the cut.

lj-cut Summary of Destiny: Clark decides he and Lana are not meant to be together because she cannot accept that he is an alien. Lex and Chloe are engaged with a five month old child. Lex wants Lionel out of he and Chloe's life for good so he arranges for Lionel to die in a car "accident". Unfortunately in an evil twist of fate Chloe ends up in the car with Lionel and they both lose their lives. Clark is blissfully unaware of these events as he stands on the top of Big Ben in London awaiting his destiny. We also saw the introduction of Christian Bienek a childhood friend of Pete and Clarks who ends up back in Smallville – he also features in Consequence.

Summary of Consequence: Lois and Clark return to Smallville to visit Chloe's grave and to hide out while Lois is pregnant. When they go there they meet up with Lex and a series of events begin which show how one event or one person can really affect how someone's life turns out.

Pairings: Lois/Clark Pete/Lana Lex/Lana

Consequence is written with the first three seasons in mind however I have used some spoilers.

This story is rated "18" suitable for those aged 18 or over. Or in the US it would be classed as NC-17.

Disclaimer: the characters in this story from Smallville and Superman belong to the WB and DC Comics. No profit is being made from this story.

Note: Lois and Chloe's Irish heritage is something I made up and as far as I am aware Erica Durance does not have freckles.

Fifteen years later Clark, Lois, Pete, Lana and Lex are getting on with their lives.

Consequence Part One.

Lois Lane lay down on the bed her head resting against the headboard of the large double bed, her petite yet curvaceous frame dressed only in a silk dressing gown. She rubbed her rounded stomach and wished she had not eaten so much that evening and blamed the baby. She sat up a little and switched on the television which was in a wall in front of the bed. She smiled at the screen at the repeat of Superman's interview with Michael Parkinson a few years ago.

"Superman," the ageing Chat show host said. It had been his last ever television interview. "Now I assume that wasn't the name you were christened with as a boy".

Clark smiled at this.

"My biological parents on Krypton called me Kal-El".

"And yet you never use that name".

"People seem to like calling me Superman".

Lois pressed the up arrow on the remote, she had seen the interview so many times.

"Christian Bienek greatest hits".

She pressed the button on the remote again and selected a showing of Brief Encounter and looked to her right, she heard something at the window and her heart began racing.

"Clark," she cried as he appeared on the window sill and he opened the windows and stepped into the bedroom. "Is it you?"

Clark dropped a large carrier bag on the floor and Lois almost ran over to him as he walked towards her and they kissed passionately.

"I'll never leave you again," he whispered in her ear as he began kissing her neck. "I better get this thing off". In a swirl of red and blue the famous suit was folded neatly and put on a chair by the window along with his other clothes and his glasses placed on top.

"Da da," Clark said as he stood in front of Lois and she smiled as Clark had not realised the curtains had not been closed properly.

"Nice ass Superman," they heard someone in a house opposite cry and Clark turned and closed the curtains at quick speed.

"Jesus Christ Lois".

"That was just that crazy guy across the street, he's known you're Superman for ages".

"The crazy one's always seem to know".

"Maybe they're not really crazy," Lois said as Clark pushed her long wavy brunette hair away from her face and he kissed her full lips and she kissed him back pulling him on top of her as she lay on the bed. Clark was a foot taller than Lois and so she had to move further up the bed. That was one of the few things Lois had had in common with her cousin. They were both only 5'3" but whereas Chloe had inherited the Irish surname Lois had inherited a more Irish look with her dark hair, light eyes, pale skin and freckles. Clark had not even known Lois had freckles as she had always covered them up but when he had seen them he thought they were the most adorable thing he had ever seen and she never covered them up with make up again. Lois almost had an exotic look about her. Clark tried to kiss Lois but something was in the way.

"Lois," Clark said as he opened her dressing gown revealing her rounded stomach and breasts. "It's only been a week, I shouldn't be able to see that the baby has grown – should I?" He flopped by Lois's side and she could feel his erection digging into the top of her leg.

"Dr Kline has moved the due date forward another month".

"How do we explain that to Perry?" Clark asked as he kissed Lois's bottom and she giggled and gasped as his kisses moved slowly upwards towards her neck. She lay back as he kissed her full breasts and began sucking on her hard nipples. He cupped her breasts in his hands and began kissing her on the lips as she tried to reach for his cock. "You want this". Clark stroked her thigh as she peeled off the dressing gown and he began fingering her gently.

"It's been a week," Lois cried and Clark rolled her on her side and pushed his penis inside her grabbing hold of her breasts and Lois began touching herself. Clark moved his hand to Lois's clitoris taking the hint and began stroking it gently as they rocked back and forth. Clark moaned softly and Lois gasped as she could feel the rush overcoming her whole body. Clark moved his fingers fast and she shook violently as she came, feeling her orgasm around his cock Clark let go and came. As he moved away from her the bed was soaking as usual.

Something Lois had noticed when she and Clark had first made love was that he seemed to produce a lot of semen compared to other men.

Four years previously..

Clark and Lois stood in her apartment reeling from the near death experience they had experienced a few days earlier. Lex had tried to kill them again but he was in prison now. She looked up at Clark's face and could not believe she had been so angry with him about the secret. It had been six months and they had waited long enough.

Clark turned to leave the apartment and Lois reached up to kiss him on the lips and he took hold of her face and kissed her back passionately. They both breathed heavily as Lois took hold of Clark's belt and began undoing it and his trousers.

"Lois are you sure?" he asked.

"I am not waiting any longer," she replied. "Clark I have punished both of us for long enough, I understand why you lied and I don't care anymore I just want to be with you – damn this button". Clark ripped his trousers and boxers down. "You're not wearing the suit – you always wear the suit".

"I was kinda hoping this would happen," Clark whispered in Lois's ear and he took down her jeans and silky French knickers. He lifted her up against the wall by her legs with one arm and felt her between her legs. He had touched her there before but now knowing he was going to have it, properly, seemed to make his erection grow harder. He took hold of Lois's thighs and looking downwards thrust his penis inside her.

"I thought you'd never done this before," Lois said breathing deeply as she felt him inside her. Most men usually had to fumble around at first.

"X-ray vision." He began moving his hips slowly.

"You're holding back," Lois said as she clung onto Clarks back – she had never made love standing up before.

"I don't want to hurt you". His voice was so quiet and sexy.

"Don't worry just fuck me," she replied and Lois kissed Clark passionately. He thrust harder inside her and Lois gasped with pleasure. They looked into each others eyes as Clark kept thrusting, Lois held on tightly to his back almost ripping his shirt and he came. Lois smiled, Clark wasn't so different to other men and she was relieved that he seemed to last the same amount of time as most guys during their first time. The shock of it meant Clark nearly dropped her but he took hold of her legs again and walked over to the sofa gently dropping Lois onto it.

"Gross," Lois cried and she jumped off of the sofa as the white stuff ran down the inside of her legs.

"I'll run a bath," Clark said smiling – quite pleased with himself.

"Maybe we should have used something".

"Lois I'm not human I'm not sure I could get a human pregnant".

Lois had known that but had hoped some how it wasn't true.

Still practicality had not spoiled the moment and as they sat in a soapy bath washing each other and made love again water splashing all over the place Lois had felt happier than she had done in a very long time.

"What are you smiling at?" Clark asked and Lois was jolted back to the present. Clark began stroking the bump and concentrated on the baby inside.

"I was just thinking".

"Oh yeh".

"Is the baby OK?"

"Yeh I think he's asleep".

"He?" Lois asked, excitedly.

"Just a general term Lois, it's just easier than saying he or she".

"But you must be able to see if it's a boy or a girl if we've only got two months to go".

"And you wanted a surprise Lois".

Lois put her dressing gown on, she was feeling a little chilly, and Clark put on some shorts and a t-shirt.

"You know Clark maybe we should tell Perry," Lois said as Clark picked up his carrier bag. "What did you get me?"

"I guess you're right," Clark said thoughtfully.

"I am?"

"How else do we explain that your nine month pregnancy has been cut down to seven? We can't keep saying the doctor got the due date wrong".

"We've fooled him before with worse excuses".

Clark handed Lois a soft toy of a camel.

"Aww," she said.

"I also took a bit of a detour around Europe," Clark said taking some items out of the bag. Belgian chocolates, Cadbury's Dairy Milk, Heinz baked beans – well they're for me". Clark took a small green babygrow with a duck on it out of the bag.

"And this for the baby"

"The duck is so cute but I thought we weren't going to buy anything for the baby yet".

"He's going to have to wear something".


"So I guess we'll have to figure out what to say to Perry".

"Yeh," Lois said. "But we'll have to make it quick – we're going to Smallville tomorrow".

"I almost forgot," Clark said. "Chloe - it's been 14 years".

"Clark," Perry cried smiling as he and Lois walked into his office at The Daily Planet that next morning. "You both look a bit worried, what's wrong? You weren't caught up in anything over there were you Clark? You weren't hurt?"

"Not likely," Clark said smiling nervously and he closed the office door and Lois proceeded to pull down the blinds.

"What's going on here?" Perry asked feeling slightly confused.

"We're sorry Chief it's just nobody must hear what we're about to tell you," Clark said as he checked the room for bugs and Lois checked the videophone.

"It's about the baby," Lois said. "And Clark"

"It's not his," Perry said and seeing Lois's angry face wondered why that had slipped out of his mouth.

"Perry," she said. "The fact is the baby is coming a little sooner than we originally thought".

"Again – you already said the doctor had miscalculated by a month, what kind of doctor is this – I think you should see someone else".

"It's Dr Kline," Clark said.

"But the only patient he sees is Superman, he's not a general practitioner".

"Well there's nothing general about this pregnancy," Lois remarked rubbing her belly as the baby kicked again.

"Maybe we should start from the beginning," Clark said. "You remember about 16 or was it 15 years ago when we met in Smallville, actually you better sit down".

Perry sat down behind his desk and looked up at Clark.

"Well son spit it out," he said.

"In Smallville, you thought I had special powers".

"Clark I would have thought the cows in the field could fly I was so drunk, what has this got to do with anything?"

"Well even though you were not sober shall we put it, it seems you're journalistic instincts were spot on as usual," Clark said, nervously. "Because you were right all along".


"I'm Superman," Clark said and Perry began laughing and seeing Lois's serious expression stopped laughing after a few seconds.

"You can't be serious". Clark threw his glasses down on the table and looked Perry right in the eye. "I need a drink".

"Not when you've gone 15 years without one," Lois said.

"OK so you look like him – prove it".

"How best to do this?" Clark asked looking at Lois.

"The spinney thing usually works," Lois replied and Clark spun round and in front of Perry White's eyes materialised as Superman.

"Well that's a good trick," he said. "But how do I know you didn't cook this up with Superman".

Clark sighed and spun back into his regular clothes again.

"What powers shall I show you?" he said getting quite agitated. He looked at the waste paper bin and it caught on fire and then just as quick blew the flame out with his breath. He levitated above the floor for a moment and looked over at Perry. "Your underwear is grey today".

"Well Alice needs to bleach them," Perry said and he stood up suddenly, shook his head in anger and raised his voice in that way that made Lois and Clark want to scuttle off like school children. "You mean to say that you made me think I was a stupid drunk for nearly 16 years when all along I was right. I was right". Perry smiled at this. "I nearly exposed you 15 years ago".

"Well I for one am glad you didn't," Clark said. "My childhood was made hell by people like you".

"I got you this job here didn't I?" Perry snapped and he sat back down in his chair and wiped the sweat off his face. "No I'm sorry Clark – you do realise if you have another job you're supposed to inform personnel. No that was a bad joke I'm sorry".

"You understand why Clark couldn't tell you before," Lois said.

"And well we're telling you now because Lois needs to go on maternity leave well today. We're going back to Smallville and Lois is going to stay there for the last two months of the pregnancy, well so am I but I can fly over to work. As far as everyone else will know Lois is sick from the pregnancy, we can say its high blood pressure and we'll still be in our house in Metropolis".

"No wonder you just got that book deal for 1 million, you create fiction just as naturally as the rest of us sweat on a hot day," Perry said and he shook his head again. "I can't say no can I? You're Superman".

"You shouldn't treat Clark any differently because of that," Lois said. "It's just that if anyone else were to know I'm carrying a child that is half Kryptonian well I couldn't imagine what would happen".

"It's not just the fact the baby is going to due two months earlier than normal but Lois has had some other interesting side effects – show him Lois".

"No it hurts," Lois replied a whiney tone in her face.

"It's only a little prick," Clark said and Lois shot him a look which made them both smile.

Lois took hold of Perry's letter opener and flinching scored the top of her finger with it. Perry watched in amazement as the small cut which drew blood immediately healed and disappeared.

"You're invulnerable like Super- Clark," he said.

"Well I still feel the pain but if I cut myself or bruise it disappears straight away – any zits I had on my face have disappeared too".

"It must be the Kryptonian blood from the baby," Perry said. "Wow the best story in the history in the world and well I can't tell anyone".

"We're sorry but we thought it was time you should know," Lois said.

"Well you two better get to Smallville. Send my regards to your parents Clark," Perry said shaking his head. Clark put his glasses back on. "Damn it Clark – who would ever think a pair of glasses would prove to be such a good disguise".

"People believe what they want to believe Chief," Clark said.

"Does Jimmy know about this?" Perry asked and Clark shook his head. "Well I'll see you in a few days Clark and Lois..", Perry and Lois hugged for a moment. "you take care of yourself honey".

"Bye Perry," Lois said as they left the office.

"Bye Chief," Clark said and he handed Perry a mini CD. "Our stories".

"Thanks Clark," Perry said as they walked out of the office.

Jimmy Olsen a handsome young man with red hair walked up to the three.

'Where are you going?' he signed to Clark in American Sign Language. "Smallville" Clark said and signed at the same time. "Just for a few days".

'Bye CK – Lois'.

'Bye Jimmy' she signed and Perry patted the young man on the shoulder.

"Come on son," he said, luckily Jimmy could lip read as Perry had never been able to get the hand of sign language. "It's time for your progress talk".

Jimmy looked at Lois and Clark pulling at his collar to indicate mock distress and Lois and Clark smiled as they made their way to the elevator. TBC /lj-cut