Ianto stepped out of Jack's office with a rather satisfied grin slapped across his face. He pocketed the £50 note he'd won in a wager against Jack and was more than happy about getting one over his boss and lover. Jack was many things, amazing things, but when it came to 'things' like his coat, a certain stopwatch or a mug of coffee Ianto had the man wrapped round his fingers. Very satisfying indeed.

Ianto wandered across the Hub in the direction of the coffee machine deciding that predictably Jack would be sulking right about now and be in need of an extra special Ianto brew to sooth his frazzled nerves and ease the strain on his depleted wallet.

Both Gwen and Tosh took note of the pleased expression on the Welshman's face and decided (wisely) that they perhaps did not want to know what he was looking so happy about. Ianto paused and addressed them with a positively adorable look on his face and Tosh actually blushed.

"Can I get you lovely ladies anything?"

They both beamed at him not needing to respond with words and Ianto inclined his head in acknowledgement.

"Jesus…Fuck…Shit. Bloody Hell!!"

Ianto, Gwen and Tosh all turned to look in the direction of Jack's office as the man himself looking positively terrified came charging out of the room.

Ianto ran towards him instantly worried. Gwen and Tosh were on their feet and Owen made an appearance from the autopsy bay.

"Jack? What is it?"

Jack hedged himself around behind Ianto and pointed at his office.


Ianto froze and turned to look at Jack his eyebrows practically in his hairline.


Jack was pointing now. "There is a big fucking rat in my office. I hate rats, Ianto get rid of it."

By now the other three had joined them, Owen with a pistol in his hand.

"Ooooh let me at it I hate rats as well." He made to move forward but Ianto firmly planted a hand against the medic's chest.

"Not with that you don't, I'll be dislodging bullets from the room for a month."

Owen huffed, then his face lit up.

"What about the hockey stick? We could play 'bash the rat'?"

Ianto rolled his eyes.

"Owen! That would take a week and be very messy." He returned his attention to Jack who was still looking agitated. He smiled calmly and discreetly grasped Jack's hand.

"Go and sit down. I'll deal with it. All of you go away. I'll catch it." Ianto shooed them off and went into Jack's office closing the door behind him. Jack and the others turned away and as they did so a sly grin spread over Jack's face.

"How long do you think it will be before he realises I was lying?" He whispered to Owen.

Owen cracked a wicked little cackle. "You didn't?"

Jack nodded and pulled out Ianto's stopwatch from his pocket. "Bets please!"