OMG! I haven't updated in two years and yet I still have so many people reviewing and favoriting it! Thank you everyone who was patient with me but so much was going on that I wasn't thinking straight to update.

Now I'm back and am slowly going to update! I can't wait for all the reviews.


Chapter Twelve

Lisa turned around quickly and saw Trowa behind the tree. Her heart stopped in its track as she waited for his reply. In all the places, he had to be right there when she wasn't paying attention to her words. What would happen now? Did he hear her correctly? Maybe he didn't hear all of what she said. But what if he did hear correctly? The last thing she wanted to do was ruin her brother's relationship with one of his best friends. Her heart started to beat again when he moved towards her.

Her instinct told her to walk away before anything else could be said. Before she could get her second backward step, her foot decided to move on its own and "trip".

Everything seemed to happen so fast. When she felt her heart pounding and a gentle circular movement on her back, she opened her eyes and saw black for a moment before she moved her head back a little to see what she was in.

It was Trowa. She was being held by Trowa.

As her senses started to come back to her, she realized the movement on her back was Trowa settling her. Though her ear wasn't pressed against his chest anymore, she could hear his heartbeat start to slow down.

"Are you okay Lisa?" Unable to make a sound, she struggled with a head nod.

"Lisa, is there something you want to tell me?" He asked calmly, still holding her and rubbing her back. Again, she could only move her head – this time in a no movement.

After a couple more moments, he gently let her go and moved his hand to move her chin up to force her to look at him. "Lisa?"

"Forget anything you heard Trowa."

"I can't do that Lisa. You know that." In truth, Trowa doubted anyone would be able to do what she had asked of him.

"Trowa, please don't tell Duo. I couldn't…" her eyes started to tear up as she continued, "I couldn't bear it if you're friendship was ruined."

"I'm sure it takes two people to decide." She looked confused at that statement.

"Two people? All Duo would have to do is stop talking t-" Trowa's lips gently pressed against hers to silence her. Lisa went completely rigid. Slowly, he removed his lips from hers.


"I said it takes two people to decide."

Relena moved to sit next to Heero who was still holding Sin who had started to fall asleep in his father's arms. The puppies lay at Heero's feet snoozing away. Seeing Relena sit next to his father, Sin sluggishly moved toward her, indicating he wanted her. Unable to refuse, she gathered him in her arms and smiled when he laid his head on her shoulder. Heero smiled at the scene and watched as Niya came to the table with some plates filled with food.

"Thanks Niya." Relena said as she took a fork and offered a bite to Sin who shook his head no and tried to go back to sleep. Smiling, ate while holding onto the boy. Quatre and Wufei came to the table and sat with them. Moments later, Duo and Hilde returned with each holding a watermelon. Everyone was chatting and eating when Duo noticed his sister wasn't anywhere in his sights.

"Where's Lisa?" The girls looked at each other and then at Duo. Hilde was the first to respond.

"Probably taking a walk."

"And Trowa?"

"Probably with her making sure nothing happens. We know how protective you are over her." As Duo started to respond, Lisa and Trowa appeared. Everyone watched as Lisa sat next to her brother and stayed silent as Trowa wandered over to the Big Top. Instantly, Duo started to ask her questions and she only responded with one word answers. Lisa started to eat to let Duo know she was done talking.

Heero had Sin in his arms and was thanking Lisa for taking care of him that day and he knew that Sin was looking forward to spending more time with Lisa. Smiling, Lisa nodded and had let Heero know she was just as excited to watch him again. Walking away, Lisa waved goodbye to a semi-sleeping Sin and smiled.

Relena and Niya waved goodbye as well and followed Heero.

Turning around, Lisa was surprised to see her brother right behind her. She swore she thought she had seen him go off with Hilde. He had the look on his face indicating that he was going to have a talk with her. Smiling, she only waited for him to say the first word. As time slowly seemed to creep by, she looked at her watch and than back at Duo.

"Duo?" She asked hesitantly. Never had he NOT said the first word. After all, she was his younger sister and he had always felt the need to protect and speak to her. Lisa felt very uneasy and wondered if Duo knew what had happened between Trowa and her. Thoughts immediately started to explode in her head.

"What happens to their friendship? I've ruined their friendship! Wait? Hilde was with him so surely she would have told me if they had seen him kiss me! He kissed me! Duo is going to kill him! Should I deny it?"

"Lisa, you became awfully quiet after your walk. Did Trowa say something rude to you?" Lisa blinked at her brother and shook her head.

"Are you sure? Because I'll have a word with him if he was rude." She could smile at her sweet brother. All her life, her sweet Duo was there to protect her and fight her battles. The thought of one of those "battles" being Trowa, scared her. Only when she hugged him or gave him a kiss on the cheek, indicated to him that all was well – since he was the best brother, she did both to him.

Duo smiled and gave her a quick hug. "I love you Lisa."

"Hey Duo! You promised we'd see the new movie!" Hilde smiled. Seeing him being sweet and protective around Lisa was the best quality she could ask in a boyfriend. She laughed when Duo ran up to her and swung her in his arms. "Well, hi handsome."

"Hi beautiful." Duo smiled before kissing her.

As Lisa looked at her brother and fiancée, she felt a hint of sadness come over her. Of course her brother would allow her to date but the person she wanted to date with Trowa. Now she had choice – at least that was how she interpreted Trowa's words to her. Trowa was right, it took two people.

"Come on Lisa, you can join us." Hilde offered. That was one of the qualities she loved about Hilde, she was always offering Lisa to join them with whatever they were doing. It didn't matter if they were going on dates or wedding planning that was meant for the two of them. Her brother couldn't have picked a better fiancée to be with and she was so happy for them.

"I can walk home. It's not far from here." When the two of them only looked at her and were about to offer, Lisa spoke up again, "I want to look at Claus again. If anything happens, I have the circus to ask for a ride home. You two go on ahead, I'll be fine."

Finally agreeing, the two lovebirds left. Speaking of Claus, Lisa went toward the tiger cage and smiled at the mother and her three cubs. The mother was purring as her cubs were feeding and only looked at Lisa. Duo and Trowa had been friends for many years so the animals knew Lisa very well. Bending down, she sat on her knees and watched the little family – the cubs going from eating to sleeping and the mother just keeping them close and protected.

"Is that what you want one day?"

One flaw of Trowa was how he was able to sneak up on people without someone realizing he was right there. However, due to him knowing Duo for years, meant that Lisa could tell when he was near. His question confused her. It wasn't something a person, much less a man, ask that question. What was she supposed to say? Did he know and wanted her to confirm it? Shrugging seemed to be the answer that seemed natural at the time. Inside, her body yearned for a child but she kept pushing that natural desire away because she wanted to open a nursery to help struggling parents and have a chance to learn to become a parent by taking care of children of all ages. Did she want children? But with who? Her body told her, her other was nearby. Ignoring her body, Lisa stood up and smiled at the tiger family.

"Thank you for all your help today. I know Sin thinks of you as a god right now. So hopefully you won't mind if we visit the circus more." When she turned to face him, she realized he was literally inches – no centimeters – from her. All of a sudden, she felt her body feel very heavy, as if it were made of stone and not flesh and bones.

"Come anytime you want. We need to talk about earlier."

"No we don't Trowa." Instead of listening to her, he moved closer to her and brought his hand under her chin – a sign that indicated he wanted her to listen and not talk. "Now what are we going to do about this. I don't have the ability to ignore what you said – whether it was on accident or not. I also told you that it takes two people to decide. It means, you and I need to decide what we plan on doing with your choice of words."

She quivered but tried her hardest to not shake in front of him – though her body argued and shook. His next line made her body freeze and her eyes search for what he was trying to do. "W-w-w-what?"

"You heard me. I said we should go on a date."

"Duo! He would kill you!" Her thoughts instantly went to worrying about how his brother and his friendship would be affected if they acted to date. She was the worse sister in the world by wanting to date her brother's friend.

"We'll disguise it as an outing. You meet me somewhere and we'll go from there. Work for you?"

Lisa wanted to blame her body for nodding but she knew that was a lie. She agreed to the arrangement.

"Good. Than I guess we had better start planning where."

Sin was snatched from his father's arms from his aunt as she smiled. "You two go have some fun. I'll watch this little boy."

Heero offered his hand to Relena. "Would you like some coffee or tea?"

She put her hand in his. "Tea could be great." In the kitchen, she helped Heero make the tea and enjoyed talking to him about everyday things – not a thing about her job though. It was a nice feeling to be able to become a normal person. Heero walked her out to the backyard porch swing and sat with her. The pups than came up and sat on their feet.

"I really enjoy this. I've been having so much fun. Today was so much fun. I don't remember having this much fun. Thank you." Exhaustion was starting to hit her and she laid her head on his shoulder. Heero didn't seem to mind and let her. As he noticed her hand becoming more lack, he took her tea and put it on the small table next to the swing.

"She's asleep I see." Niya came out with a blanket and a couple of pillows. She offered the pillows to Heero who put one behind him and one behind Relena's head as she still lay on Heero's shoulder. The blanket was put on them as Niya smiled at the two. "You two really are cute Heero. Should consider it."

Heero watched as Niya went back into the house, shutting the door as she entered. His eyes than went onto Relena who slept peacefully next to Heero. His sister's words rang true in his head as he thought about it. Could the future be what he wanted? Instead of dwelling on it, he lay his head atop of Relena's and fell asleep.