Hello!! This is my first non-yaoi story I'm writing for. I'm very excited about it and hopfully you will like it too!! If you would like to check out what else I have written, go to my BIO page.


Please review and enjoy!

"Heero!" A voice rung out. A man, with unruly brown hair and purssian blue eyes was, shaving his face only to look out of the bathroom door to see a young woman chasing a young boy around. Not a day in the twenty-one years had he known her, had she looked any different. Her long brown hair in its ponytail started to become lose in some areas but her emerald eyes still sparkled as they had when she had first opened them all those years ago.

Niya. God knew he'd be screwed to hell if his baby sister didn't help him take care of his son.

Currently, she was doing her morning chore of chasing his sun, …… Even though she "yelling" at him to stop, she enjoyed it just as much as he did. God knew she had more energy than anyone could account for. His five year old seemed to tire quickly but loved to see his aunt go after him when he wasn't in trouble. I mean, honestly what kind of kid wants an adult to come after him or her when in trouble?

When he saw his son come closer to him, he put his razor down and grabbed him when he tried to run by. Sukisho only laughed harder. Heero turned him to face him, only to have Sukisho run his hands over Heero's face that still had shaving cream on it. Niya walked up to Heero and plucked Sukisho out of his father's hand and grabbed the wash cloth to wipe his hands.

"Sin, go get ready for school while I talk to you dad."

"Dad's in trouble!" Sin wiggled from his aunt's arm and ran for his room laughing.

"Sin….tell me again why you gave him that nickname Niya?"

Facing her brother, she grinned their grin. Their grin was on that their friends and family feared if given it. It was one of complete power and knowledge that had many wonder how it could ever be seen to others. Only one flaw in it though.

It didn't work on each other.

"I'll tell you how. You did something that made that beautiful child. He's a hellion on legs and thank you for bringing him to me. Besides that, look at who his father is." She threw the washcloth at him.

"Whatever. Thanks again for helping out. I know you have an important meeting."

Her grin vanished. It was replaced by a face of worry. Doubt. Fear. Love.

"Heero," she cupped his cheek, "I love that little boy. You are my big brother. Heero Yuy the best of the best. You gave up your life to make sure I was raised correctly."


"No Heero. You had a chance to do something worth while and you stayed for me. Besides, I get to live here free. I get food, a family, and a wonderful job nearby."

"Yeah being a Ski-Girl for Jonny Boy. That isn't a job."

"It helps pay for everything! Including Sin's school education at that private school."

"You should not have to be his mother for him."

"You shouldn't have had to be my father and mother. Something will come along."

Heero looked at her. He was her senior by 8 years and yet she seemed to amaze him when she gave up everything for him and his son. Nodding his head, he turned his attention back to his face and saw half of the shaving cream gone. Sin was the perfect name for his son at most times. Despite the nickname though, he was a well behaved son. Just like his sister, Sukisho had a habit of understanding "Rules are Rules" and that you needed to mind your adults. However, that nickname seemed to stay with him in his house. Outside with society and the school, Sukisho was Sukisho. That was one thing Heero Yuy did not need or what. To have society take his son away from him or his sister.

Today was an important day.

Today decided if Heero Yuy, the Best of the Best, was going to hit the job he had been aiming for.

The job was being a top security bodyguard for Relena Darlian.

My friend helped me come up for Heero's son's name. I liked it and it stuck to me.