Summary: Naruto and Gaara, two traveling bounty hunters who were raised by Hidan and Kakuzu, suddenly gets a visit from Kami. They will have to find four allies to help fight an unknown enemy. Immortal!Perverted!Super!Naruto Greedy!Brutal!Super!Gaara Will be a couple of crossover. Pairings undecided.
First of all, don't pressure me to update. I'll update whenever I finish a chapter. There's so much shit going on in my life right now, I don't think I'm gonna be able to write as well anymore. So please, no pressure.
Naruto and Gaara were just casually walking through an old forest.
Naruto was a nineteen year old blond with slitted, blue eyes and three whisker marks on each cheek, wearing a pair of combat boots and black leather pants with bandages around his arms up to his shoulders. He had a three bladed scythe strapped to his back with thick, black leather strap going diagonally across his upper body (Think a black version of Kisame's strap).
Gaara was also a nineteen year old with the same hairstyle as Naruto, only his hair was red. He had teal eyes with black rings around them, a clear sign of insomnia. He was wearing black ninja sandals, black hakama pants and a white tank top with a large gourd strapped to his back.
Naruto looked up into the sky.
"It's almost time for me to pray." he said making Gaara sigh.
"You just prayed fifteen minutes ago!" he growled. "And how can you tell? You never pray at the same time every day. You just look up at the sky and say that it's time for you to pray."
"I can feel when it's time for me to pray." Naruto said, crossing his arms.
"Then why do you look up at the sky?"
"Because it makes me look cooler."
Gaara was just about to encase Naruto in his sand when a light suddenly surrounded them.
"What the fu-" Naruto started but was interrupted by a womans voice from behind them.
"Please try to refrain from swearing in my presence."
Turning around, they saw a woman who looked to be in her mid twenties with long, blond hair that reached down to he knees wearing a plain, white kimono.
"Who the he-" Naruto started, but stopped when he received a glare from the woman. Oddly enough, and much to Gaara's surprise, Naruto got a different tone in his voice and became much more polite. "I'm sorry, but who are you?"
Gaara just stood there, wide eyed. Naruto just apologized!
"I go by many names, but you know me as Kami." the woman said with a smile making the two go wide eyed. Gaara's eyes, which already were wide, started to look like saucers.
"Kami?!" Naruto asked, staring at the goddess incredulously. "What do you want with us? We don't even pray to you!"
"I know that." Kami said with a nod. "But I'm not just here on my behalf. I'm here on the behalf of every god. By the way, Jashin is very proud of you, being so devoted to him." she said making Naruto beam with pride.
"Yes. We all think it's very unusual. Usually, the last follower of a religion change it when he realizes he or she is the only one left in it. I wish you would show me such devotion..." Kami said and sighed. "But that's not why I'm here. The two of you have been chosen."
"Chosen?" Gaara asked with a raised, nonexistent, eyebrow. "Chosen for what?"
"For a quest." Kami said with another sigh. "We have chosen six champions, all with different abilities, two from each world. You are to go find your four teammates. I will contact you when you've found them." she said and was about to disappear when Naruto called out to her.
"Woah, woah, woah! Wait a minute, lady! How the he... How are we supposed to find these people? Especially if they're from different worlds then us?"
"I will transport you to one of the worlds. After you've found the first two, I will transport you to the other world and once you've found the last two, I will tell you what your quest is. Good luck." Kami said and faded away together with Naruto and Gaara.
So, what do you think? Love it? Hate it? Please tell me.